I'm having a laughably bad week.
I went into work yesterday and picked up my timetable for next year. Basically, due to the type of school I'm in, some of the lessons are taught by other teachers. Such as PE, Spanish and D&T. As a result of this, I'm not totally full time, but am currently on 0.775 of a full time contract.
I received my timetable yesterday morning. It's utter shit. Despite asking for more responsibilities and more hours (seeing as I enjoy the job), my timetable has been reduced. I'm now on 0.72.
Doesn't sound like much, but it's quite a cut. A 5% paycut. Which is fucking crap considering that I'm not taking home much money at all in the first place.
There's a sliding payscale, which means I should be on more money next year. So, I move up to the next level off that scale, but then move down in terms of hours. It means I'm on about the same money as I am now. Which may not seem bad, but considering other people in the school are earning waaaay more than me....seems massively unfair. Another teacher who started the same time as me has had her timetable increased... Including some sessions where she's actually teaching my class!
Dunno wtf is going on. It's been a mess. I'm seeing my mentor about it tomorrow. It's complete crap. What's even more shit is the fact that if I was working in a state school, I would be earning roughly about 5 or so grand more than I am currently at the moment.
I love this job, but I've also asked myself on a regular basis whether I did the right thing by taking it.