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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Well, are you Valentin or aren't you?
  2. But that would make three neutrals in this game. Dazz and Eenuh, as well. Dunno if that's likely.
  3. Yeah, there's something dodgy going on there. Yakubu could easily be 38...there's no way he's only 4 years older than me. Babayaro must be older than 32 as well! I might be getting my memories all mixed up, though. I did hear about River Plate earlier. That's pretty shocking stuff. It's unthinkable (almost, I guess) in this country.
  4. Hahahaha. No way. He was about 34 when he joined Arsenal. And...when he joined Portsmouth. Edit: HAHA. You reckon that's bad? According to Wiki, Yakubu is only 28! No way.
  5. I don't. On an Arsenal and Chelsea related note: I was watching some youtube vids yesterday. Watched the one where Kanu destroyed Chelsea with a hat-trick. What a game. That last goal was amazing.
  6. Dyson was inactive and replaced by Rummy. Dohnut explained that already in his Day phase post.
  7. Ooo, you bitch.
  8. Vieiraaaaaa - woaaaah Vieiraaaaaa - woooooah He gave Giggsy The Ball 'N Arsenal Won Fuck All!
  9. De Gea having medical at United. Cmaaaan. This would be an awesome signing. Although, poor Anders Lindegaard.
  10. Gah, Diageooooo. I feel guilty for protecting Yvonne now. Although, you are the more important player, imo. (because of role/power) So...it made sense to protect you. What do you have on Rummy?
  11. Phew, no lynchbomb. Another mafia down! Awesome.
  12. Uhh...I'm getting a bit nervous about putting the final vote in, especially as you said that. He does seem a bit fearless. Its off-putting.
  13. Just wondering, where did you get that info from?
  14. I've just come online, read up all this info. No idea what Sprout's last post is about. Yvonne, spill the beans. Are we going with the idea that Trevelyan is neutral, then? As unlikely as it sounds.
  15. I'm having a laughably bad week. I went into work yesterday and picked up my timetable for next year. Basically, due to the type of school I'm in, some of the lessons are taught by other teachers. Such as PE, Spanish and D&T. As a result of this, I'm not totally full time, but am currently on 0.775 of a full time contract. I received my timetable yesterday morning. It's utter shit. Despite asking for more responsibilities and more hours (seeing as I enjoy the job), my timetable has been reduced. I'm now on 0.72. Doesn't sound like much, but it's quite a cut. A 5% paycut. Which is fucking crap considering that I'm not taking home much money at all in the first place. There's a sliding payscale, which means I should be on more money next year. So, I move up to the next level off that scale, but then move down in terms of hours. It means I'm on about the same money as I am now. Which may not seem bad, but considering other people in the school are earning waaaay more than me....seems massively unfair. Another teacher who started the same time as me has had her timetable increased... Including some sessions where she's actually teaching my class! Dunno wtf is going on. It's been a mess. I'm seeing my mentor about it tomorrow. It's complete crap. What's even more shit is the fact that if I was working in a state school, I would be earning roughly about 5 or so grand more than I am currently at the moment. I love this job, but I've also asked myself on a regular basis whether I did the right thing by taking it.
  16. Because it would confuse the town? Possibly. I'm not ruling anything out. If Alec can be neutral (like you say), he can sure as hell be part of anything... I think you're mafia trying to pass yourself off as neutral.
  17. That's the part I don't buy... Also, what does it reveal when looking at who voted for you and Dazz (if you're neutral?) That people voted for two neutrals?
  18. You're stumbling over your own words there. Trevelyan is evil as hell in Goldeneye. I mean...the guy's a bastard. This idea that you're now neutral could be because you've had your identity revealed.
  19. So, you are Trevelyan? Hmm. When did MadDog visit you?
  20. Well, I was looking for videos of Alec's "fake death" scene in Goldeneye. But, the other information people have posted was even more relevant. I forgot about that part.
  21. Ohhhh. I totally and utterly forgot that part. In that case, fuck my other theory. Vote: Ine
  22. Nothing to do with me. But, I'm just a bit iffy about this watch and Trevelyan. Trying to find some youtube footage so I can see that scene again.
  23. Tbh, I'm not sure I have my information right. I'm going to have to read up on some information online. She seems suspicious, but I'll take it off for now. I feel bad voting for her.
  24. I have a theory, but don't particularly want to share it as it may have implications for some of the other characters.
  25. Withdraw vote I think we've made a mistake.
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