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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. I got Bullet For My Valentines new album "The Poison" and it kicks ass. And er.. thats it. I wonder how many seconds of yours and my lives I've just wasted.
  2. Im getting the collectors edition so I can get the Tiger. I have to wait a week longer and pay a little more but I dont care 'cause I loved my Tiger in the 1st one. He looked after my villages while I destroyed enemy villages. Best set up. To anyone who never played the 1st and is getting this one dont choose the ape. He sucks. EDIT: The collectors edition is coming out on the same day as regular version now. £34.99 on play.com EDIT 2: regular used to say regulat :no:
  3. No I didnt notice that but to redeem myself has anyone noticed that the leader of the bikers in the original Dawn makes an appearance in Land as a zombie? Hes dressed more or less the same and cuts someone with a machete like in Dawn.
  4. Hooray! Someone else has seen the Night remake! Most people I know only know about the original because I talk about it and they are completely lost when the remake comes up. The camera bit in the credits to the Dawn remake is pretty kool and I like the way "The Sickness" by Disturbed kicks in just at the right moment. As for blue zombies...Yeah dodgy I agree but its still a great film. Has anybody else seen Day of the Dead? Wednesday night on BBC 1 or 2.
  5. Zombies started to learn stuff in Day of the Dead albeit only who was called Bub. I really cant wait until the uncut version comes out on DVD because its gonna be a whole lot sicker.
  6. I have seen it and bloody hell its bloody hell! George A Romero does it again. It was a 15 and the gore was unbeliveable! There were grown men shitting themselves and wincing at the delightful gore. There was also the famous intestine rip. Have to see it again. 10/10, 100%, whatever. See. This. Film.
  7. It is on the inside of the sleeve of the self titled album after the lyrics for "Mind". The album was released in 1999 so good luck to anyone who wants to find that magazine.
  8. "Beat it Upright" by KoЯn. If you want groovy freaky sex theres nothing better. Its what the songs about for fucks sake. I definantly never thought I would have sex to Marilyn Manson but she put it on. I think it was called kaboom or something like that. Meh I got what I wanted.
  9. Looking back at it I see now. :no: Im stupid sometimes....
  10. Any KoЯn album. Most of you probably hate them, but i swear I would be dead without them. Anyone who says that they only do shouty songs is ignorant as they clearly havent listened to alot of the music. For me: Life saving music.
  11. Actually the first metal gear games were on the NES and so were the Final Fantasy games.
  12. Wow all that "leet" stuff has to be the epitome of pointless. I honestly thought it would be hard to find something as useless as religion but there it is. I fart in your general direction!(111!!!!11!!!!, etc)
  13. The Sony revolution one is the best. And the duke nukem one reminded me of a classic game. I may dig out my N64 to play it again.
  14. Couldnt have put it better myself. And what the hell is 1337? I see it all over the internet and have no clue. Also is "pwnd" a way of saying owned?
  15. I used to work in Mcdonalds and I can say its one of the worst jobs ever. I got a third degree burn all up my right fore arm because nobody said the floor was wet. I had to work dumbass hours like 4pm - 3am regularly and all the managers were arseholes! Im glad I left without telling them. Bastards. I also was pretty fit until i worked there, 5 days a weeks of eating that crap does a number on your stamina. Its like being really fat with out looking it. havent returned of eaten at any mcdonalds since.
  16. It has absolutely nothing to do with beastie boys. And the capital K? I like it, got a problem? I couldnt give two shits. Cheets. That an intentional misspelling of cheats or something else?
  17. RATM kick ass. someone should go back in time and take those bands to now because all these emo and indie bands are really pissing me off. As for Hank Scorpio "Homer if you wanna kill somebody on your way out you'd be doin me a big favour" or something like that. Great episode great name.
  18. The last two are the best. Past Jesus...If thats actually what happened does that mean this guy is more powerful than future Jesus? Is US2 run by as big a dumbass as USA? who knows?
  19. zatoichi is a kick ass japanese movie about a blind travelling warrior. It has the guy who played Kitano in Battle Royale in it. And its a wicked name. 10/10
  20. Im MunKy and I got that name because KoRn is my favourite band and thats the guitarists nickname. Loose connection but i dont care.
  21. I wasnt annoyed by Microsoft entering the console business because theyve had games on PC for ages. When Sony dived in i was annoyed because they had no right to be there. They had nothing to to with gaming or even non video games. Countdown to Microsoft bidding to buy Nintendo again starts now.....
  22. MunKy


    I just might check them out but as far as KoRns vocals go if you listen to all the albums there is almost every vocal style. Musically there has also been alot of change through the albums while they more or less stick to the original sound on most songs.(Issues and Untouchables are completely different to the rest) My only criticism of them is that the drumming could be better.
  23. Has anybody thought that the Nunchuk could fit into the shell? that would make it cheaper.
  24. Isnt Shiny the company that makes halo games? Hes probably being payed by M$ to bad mouth if it is. (For the record i think Halo is average at best and in no way deserves the awards it got). The majority of feed back is positive and this is whats needed. As for the ps/ps2 pad being the best, WHAT!? after 5 minutes on that pad my hands ache. Its so unnatural to hold and the left stick only makes it worse. Talking about the sticks they are the worst of all consoles that ever had sticks. N64 had the best followed by GC and then xbox. Bah good news overall.
  25. I have very strong views on life and religion but i will keep them short. First of all, Life isnt enjoyable. I dont know if it ever has been for past generations or for humanities first incarnations but I know that right now it isnt and probably wont be for our decendants. Life is a bitch slap, take it and punch back because knowing that youve managed to do something with a tonne of crap on your back is awesome. Second, I believe that society is and always will be the most flawed of human conceptions. We have a society but nobody belongs anymore. The people that appear to are husks of human beings and lost themselves when trying to "fit in".(I'll leave it at that because explaining the whole thing with other "groups" would take too long. If you want to know more you can ask). Thirdly, Religion is the cause of the greatest evils and spawned modern hate culture. How many times have evil people been let off because "they did it for religion"? The crusades, Al queda, george bush(with other reasons too), the list goes on as you look back through history. Religion has also made people ignorant. I respect those with religious views but not people who follow blindly without questioning obvious mistruths. This goes with all religions. I have the most contempt for the catholic religion. What started as "explanations for the unknown" or genuine spiritual belief has turned into a franchise. Also while I think about it, Religion made the capitalist culture aswell. You cannot change any of these things but you dont have to accept them either. Unfortunately we cannot change our position as slaves to hierachy but you can ignore their morals and ethics. You are A Person, not defined by what place you have in their grouping system. Do what YOU want in life and not what has been predefined. Sorry if I have made you or anybody more negative but this is my view and wont change and neither should yours unless you want it to. Apologies for length and vagueness in areas also but it could have been a hell of a lot longer if I went into more detail.
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