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Everything posted by Burny

  1. You could as well call it a LAN party and play on real PCs instead.
  2. I'm going to play stupid and ask: What exactly prevents you from doing so?
  3. I can't see anything that has to do with Nintendo's hardware's processing power being called "superfast" by recent standards in the next couple of years. :p After all, they could just take hardware comparable to the PS360, stick in a graphics card with an average amount of steam and have a decent Full-HD machine, that could be sold profitably. If anybody's not taking Epic's expectations for the next generation's consoles hardware too seriously, it's Nintendo. And if anyone doesn't want to take the steam off their own brand-new handheld, by announcing a new home console in the middle of this year, I'd say it's probably Nintendo, too.
  4. I'd intuitively probably try to turn the device, too. But in the context of 3D photographs it's just not realistic. The images were taken from a static viewpoint and that's it. For 3D graphics rendered in realtime, it should theoretically be possible to add depth through dynamic perspective changes, based on the viewers location. This would require some kind of headtracking however. And in case of the display technology of the 3DS, it would not work due to the limited viewing angle.
  5. Doesn't Tetris (WiiWare) only support 6 players online and 4 locally? You already mentioned Bomberman, which supports 8, if you have 4 spare Gamecube pads. Only other one I know is DriiftMania (WiiWare), which also supports 8 players locally. It's a bit like Micromachines, but there are no weapons. Might be very fun for short bits, but you probably won't play it the whole evening. Players share a WiiMote+Nunchuck Combo. One player uses the D-Pad on the Mote and the other uses the Analog stick on the Nunchuck. It seems you've got plenty consoles to spare. Why don't you ask someone to bring a second monitor?
  6. Yes and no. Yes, as in that our perception of depth doesn't just come from the two different static images our eyes see, but also from the way our perspective on things change when we move around. No, in that there is no way to capture anything else than two separate static images with two camera lenses from a static viewpoint. After all, digitally "taking images" means having sensors, that measure the color of light in separate points of a matrix and writing these informations into files. If light cannot "fall" directly into the cam's lenses after breaking on an object (because something is blocking it from doing so), there is no way to capture it. That would be like taking photos around a corner... (Actually there might be ways, but that's not the realm of digital cameras)
  7. Burny

    Portal 2

    Because he thought the old news you posted were actually new news.
  8. That OoT always was a cartoony game, which never used a subdued color palette in order to look realistic. The color palette was just plainly "normal" for environments and very colorful for characters. The grass was green, the mud was brown, the sky was blue, stones where gray and at night it was dark: You could go the other way round: Some fools thinking they know what Diablo III has to look like demonstrate very well what a "subdued color palette" is. Look at the new bomb shop. It's fully modeled and rendered in 3D, but the camera angle is fixed. I'd imagine they're going to do the same with the castle town and other interior areas.
  9. Which seems to suggest flying will play as big a part in Link's travels as sailing in WW and using the train in Spirit Tracks. If Nintendo didn't want to reveal the sailing aspect of Wind Waker in the first couple of trailers they could have easily shown action from only the dungeons or the larger land masses in the game, which could be what's happened here with Skyward Sword. Don't post stuff like that! I don't want to get my hopes up!
  10. You must've played it on a black/white television, then. :p
  11. That could all be no more than hints at the separation between skyworld and the ground. And it's not like we've seen Link flying, he just jumped and fell. As I said: I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm with you, Grazza and the others on the graphics there. But I believe the video makes it look much worse than it is. For one, it's universally so washed out, that you might believe there is a permanent "fog" filter on the image. And: The images in this article are not washed out at all. So mostly blame the camera this was filmed with. One more thing: In terms of what game uses the more bland color palette, this doesn't hold a candle against Twilight princess!
  12. Why waste all your good stuff in the first year? I'll be at a complete loss, if we won't see a GBA VC within the 3DS' lifetime. It's not like Nintendo are in a hurry though.
  13. You're very right! What became of: "Ocarina of time has such a subdued color palette" though? Also: Nintendo are bastards! Those images have almost the resolution the NGP will produce. :p
  14. Again, heavy focus on gameplay. I think it looks good. If they get flying in at all, they might make it a surprise. I'm not getting my hopes up though. Actual flying requires a space to fly in. As Zelda's gameworlds consist of smaller areas and I doubt they'll change that on the Wii, it's not that easy to make it useful. At best, I'd hope for an abstracted mechanic. Kind of like Wind Waker's sailing, just in the clouds. Though I'd be happy enough, if they leave it out altogether. It's not that there are no other interesting mechanics left they could do. More daydreaming. Who'd have thought... Btw. 1:1 motion controls are a myth. Or a marketing lie, if you want. It's nothing more than more accurate gesture control.
  15. Some lucky japanese people doing fun stuff with the AR cards: That's strategical card placement.
  16. What are the chances the developer was inspired by this video?
  17. If you suffer a circulatory collapse after three days with very little movement, hardly any food or drinks and are maybe not the most robust person in the first place, this can well be fatal. If you eat and drink regularly and move around a every now and then, you should be fine.
  18. Linebeck from phantom hourglass? Or did I miss him?
  19. Midweek Madness on Steam is starting again. Half Life 2 Episode 2 for 1,74€.
  20. How about someone changed the name of the thread to actually match the game's name? It's "Steel Diver" (not Driver). This has been confirmed to be a launch game in the US, btw. I don't know about this game. It's partly intriguing and partly "meh". Ship models (especially non-submarines) look like slightly touched up models you might see in a DS game. It's as far from an actual submarine simulation, as Mario Kart is from a Kart simulator. Yet, there are parts of the underwater levels, which look completely bland. On the other hand, the physics look cool, if not realistic. The controls seem to be extremely indirect and with having to dodge rocks, mines etc. this might be rather challenging. The water physics in the storm look good, too. But the trailer doesn't explain, how the periscope mode is integrated into the gameplay in the first place. For all it shows, the game might force you into it at some points and have you shoot a certain number of things before you continue with the level. Overall, it looks like a side scrolling shmup with submarines and arcade-like underwater physics, that has "first person" moments thrown in for good measure. Certainly unique and it might be a lot of fun, but I don't know who the target audience is.
  21. Seems like a store manager let someone have an extended go at the 3DS and the build in games. See here, here and here. Power Modes: Street Pass Quest: Cats in armor that fight ghosts. That's what Nintendogs + Cats really needs! Street Pass Puzzle:
  22. @dr4hkon You'll do yourself more of a favor with a wireless router, if you haven't got one already. Nintendo's USB dongle is (was) overpriced, can be a pain in the a** to set up if it doesn't work straight away and was more or less a necessary evil, as all but some DSi-enhanced DS games don't support WPA(2) encoding, which should be used with any modern wireless router.
  23. Would be sooooo much more adorable than the last hundred times. :p
  24. You might have noticed that the Wii, while shamefully underpowered, has slightly more steam than the N64 and even the gamecube. And what is it, that couldn't be done on the Wii? Large open worlds aren't exactly within comfortable reach for devs on the Wii. What else? Making buildings physically correctly destructible. Armies of enemies, all with ragdoll physics. Having the building you're in collapse while furniture, debris and enemies fly around physically correctly is another one. Shame, Zelda really needs all that. :p
  25. Not every cartoon uses only primary colors and OoT has everything but a subdued color palette. Fields, cities, the lake, characters, everything is highly colorful. It only gets dark where it needs to. That's in and around some temples, the destroyed hyrule city and at night. Majora's Mask was overall even more colorful, despite the darker theme of the game. Yes, but while in OoT it has normal lightning and colors, the TP tour just was brown, either due to the lightning and textures or because they deliberately employ a heavy filter. This character cast is full of complete oddballs and most of them are highly cartoony, too. It's not necessary to have only chibi characters without texture details to make a cartoon. The texture work is more detailed and the general proportions are not as "offensively" cartoony in TP, but the overall body proportions are in many cases completely out of place. Whats with (generally still overlarge) eyes in the lower third of the face? What's with legs half as long as arms? What's with the shape of the skulls? And yes, I'm talking the "humans". It's "gritty" cartoon, but nonetheless cartoon. Um, yes? Looking at the trailer and looking at TP, the graphics are exactly what was shown two years earlier. Only the world was a completely different one from the one of the trailer. If the trailer suggested the graphics would be better, than props to whoever put it together. And when people say that, I say that Nintendo could do the most visually advanced Zelda on that hardware and it still might be completely boring. On the other hand they could make the best Zelda ever with their current hardware if they get it right. Neither how clever their puzzles are, nor how well they build up the atmosphere will be changed by raw hardware power beyond what they already have. What's wrong with that? Yes, that's why I love them. They just don't make any sense whatsoever.
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