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Everything posted by Burny

  1. Sorry, but I do think you've made it a lot worse. :p Logo is now a bit puny in relation to the box size, middle of the image looks cluttered with the logo and Link, general emptiness on the left side of the box makes the whole composition imbalanced towards the right side in my eyes. I love the artwork, but I don't think it's the most fortunate choice for the box. It looks like it was never made with a small squarish box in mind. Not that it matters over here. Once our USK has had its way with it, half the box will be used to tell us, that the game's supposed to be by children of at least 12. -_-
  2. Frankly, they could wrap the cathedral in pink textures and would still keep most of the original's atmosphere as long as this remained intact (go to 2:35): Audio The atmosphere created by the use of sound effects and music is one of the most powerful things about the game, I believe. Even to a point, where I'd say that well orchestrated music could do more damage to the game than any visual changes (which really don't :p).
  3. Never mind the environment! Where the heck is Link? Nah, you don't get that warm light or the distinct shadows for trees and houses on cloudy days. If anything, I'd say it's approaching dusk on a sunny day, because the lightning is similar to this:
  4. That's a funny thing. I'm absolutely unsure, if that "serene gray atmosphere" is a product of the original developers intention at all. It seems much more likely to me, that they were required to have a cathedral and the court. So they modeled it, rendered it under absolutely generic "daylight" and were done. If you ask me, it's one more of those cases where fans are interpreting all kind of things into something the developers themselves never gave more thought to, than "Shit, we're late. Finish that rendering of the scene until tomorrow!". The dramatization here is just painful. What's all the: "Oh my god, they've used yellowish warm lightning and the water has a distinct greenish tint. How dare they!", good for anyway? It's not like it makes even the slightest functional difference or someone new to the game will even notice it. It's quiet disrespectful towards the developers and artists, too. It's their interpretation and it's approved by Nintendo. Why shouldn't they change such small things? And tastes are different. I love all the screenshots of the new game so far.
  5. I'm not into shmups at all but this caught my eye due to the visual quality. You're playing a microscopic ship which hunts down viruses and the likes in some kind of organism. It's developed by Shin'en (Jett Rocket + Fast racing on WiiWare) for the 3DS, published by Majesco and aimed for an autumn release. Anyway, there is a handful of screenshots in this thread (sorry, don't want to link them directly as they're watermarked). I believe they look rather splendid and really show off what's possible with normal mapping on the 3DS. There is also an interview with someone from the developer (albeit in German). They would like to develop for the 3DS' download service again. Edit: Majesco's site says this:
  6. There is certainly something like good black humor. This is just tasteless though.
  7. Spoiler: There's tons of sex and nudity. As the books are rather long, it's just spread more thinly.
  8. Nothing against the 3DS, but the browser will run on a 400x240 pixel screen. I'd say that prevents it from being a "serious affair" no matter what. Still, having 3D galleries on specially designed websites is a cool application.
  9. Once? Or are you able to find it again, if you accidentally "killed" it the first time?
  10. The ultimate fan service for a remake of OoT would be to include Majora's Mask in the package. For a game they can sell on its own that'd just be a stupid thing to do.
  11. Generic characters are generic. Edit New Trailer
  12. I have no idea, because black is my first Pokemon since Red. That means I also don't know how Soul-Silver or Heart-Gold compare content-wise (in terms of available Pokemon) to Platinum. But: Soul-Silver and Heart-Gold have been 20€ on amazon here for weeks now. So, if you want a cheap recent Pokemon with the older monsters...
  13. Never watched any of the shows... He seems to have a great voice, but with a quick Youtube search I can only find examples of funny stuff he voices: Audio So, he's the emperor something in an epic RPG? If he's going to say stuff that's supposed to be serious, like: "We are under attack! Man the defenses!" in that exclamation tone it's going to be hilarious. How good, that the Japanese voice acting is intact. They can be as over-dramatic as they like, I won't understand them anyway. :p
  14. Who is Peter Dickson? Because this just appeared on Twitter:
  15. If you like the worse framerate, lightning, models and textures, then yes. Or if you want to have the most authentic classic experience, than also yes. Although in that case you'll it'll get more authentic if you hunt down a N64 with a Rumblepack, as darksnowman said.
  16. Which means they have to work a bit if they want to obtain a similar dominant market status as they have enjoyed with the DS and that they were maybe a bit overconfident. What is "sad" about that? It's not that 800k+ units of an expensive entertainment machine in a timespan with a natural and a following nuclear disaster means it has tanked. When the PSP outsells it around Christmas, then they are in trouble. :p
  17. Putting a slightly brushed up port of OoT on a handheld in 3D can never be a waste of time! :p I'm not much a fan of this myself, though. Neither of the 40€ price tag these games are likely to have. I'm still hoping they'll also be available in the "classic games in 3D" section of the eShop (what's it good for otherwise? 3D-ified Gameboy games? Bullshit!) for a less steep price, but it's Nintendo...
  18. What do you think they're doing? Twiddling their thumbs all day? We know now, that at least the OoT remake is outsourced, which means it's likely the same case here. So their top teams aren't occupied with doing remakes of N64 games. The Galaxy team is developing a 3D Super Mario for the 3DS, they have a new Paper Mario in the pipeline, they're doing the new obligatory Mario Kart and the same Animal Crossing (over and over again). We have no information on what Retro Studios are doing (they said, they weren't going to make a DKR trilogy), having finished Xenoblade, Monolith should be working on something, too and that's only what I can think of off top of my head. It's just all going to take time.
  19. How? Do you think someone will carry you there?
  20. Oh, good! It's only going to take three years instead of four. If Nintendo moves away from the "handheld-handheld" Zeldas and starts to blow up the handheld games of the series to the dimensions of the home console versions (which should definitely be possible), these are the kind of development times I would expect. That's a big if, though. It'll be exciting to see how they plan to differentiate both branches of the series in the future.
  21. Frankly, any one of those stickers would ruin a box art. The USK one is the only one however, which is mandatory on any game. It's funny, because the "100% uncut" sticker on the RE:M box art serves a similar purpose as the award stickers. They all try to lure in people who have no idea.
  22. Any PS3 Platinum boxart is ruined. That subtle "Keine Jugendfreigabe" label is the older version of the German USK labels btw.. That huge ugly thing on the Mercenaries boxart is the current version. The conclusion: Any boxart will be ruined in Germany.
  23. It's the German box-art (if it's official anyway). You might have noticed the subtle "USK 18" mark. Yes, games get cut in order to be released over here. Some games get labeled "uncut" in order to lure in unsuspecting teens (or grown up idiots). Sometimes they are actually uncut, other times there was never anything worth of cutting in the first place (e.g. with Goldeneye Wii or Conduit). It's uncommon to put it on the box - usually games get just listed as "uncut" by online retailers - but it's essentially the same thing.
  24. As much pain, as copying it into the right folder. I'm running it with 1.4_01 just fine.
  25. @Ganepark32 Tried the Eldpack? It's basically the same resolution as the original textures (I consider higher res textures ugly ), but it's definitely a lot nicer:
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