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Everything posted by Burny

  1. Um, world domination awaits. What are you waiting for? It's a looong, but very fun way. It's slightly longer for Cube. Many carefree adults will be forced to work on the way. Although, I'd probably just restart in your place. I find myself lost more often than not when I come back to a game after months. And you've both practically just started. Seriously, give the game some priority. Say, a resolution like: "I won't touch Skyward Sword until I've seen LKS' end credits! (NOT on youtube :p )"
  2. It's a sentiment I can wholeheartedly agree with. Thing is, achievements are a psychological hook for some people. I have one friend in particular, who might not to even finish singleplayer games if they don't have achievements (PSN trophies, that is). Not that he actually brags about them in any way, but the way I understand him, it's what keeps him playing. We were talking about Uncharted 2. I find it ridiculous that publishers and devs spend millions over two or even more years, trying to create ever more engaging games and that some people almost care more about the "you finished the game on hard" meta-medal, than enjoying the way that got them there. From what I understand, Nintendo might not copy achievements in the future - not that there aren't more important things they should concentrate their online efforts on. But the flamewars will be glorious when multiplatform games won't have "chievos" on the WiiU.
  3. At least you don't have to shout the name of each spell every time: Not that there's much dignity left to lose when you're doing dramatic poses in front of the TV. :p
  4. We don't know how many "many fans" actually are. And it's by no means the strangest thing we've seen lately concerning things "many fans" want. This includes a game that's already translated for the western (EU) market btw. and which didn't require some dubious "paid-prototype" promises.
  5. @Debug_Mode: And what would stop them from announcing the transfer to the Vita right now? What drives them to push on with their far more niche 3D-sound adventure for the 3DS, the Phoenix/Layton crossover and the possibly far more expensive Resident Evil? Why is this the second Mega Man project to be canceled this year (while Mega Man Universe was a XBLA/PSN game)? Why did they even push that far with a project which was never greenlit - even before the success of the 3DS or lack thereof became apparent - which can't have been a pleasant experience for the team? And that was also before the idea to sell a prototype in order to gauge fan interest was revealed. The actual idea sounds pretty much like a desperate last measure in that light. And why does that press statement sound absolutely definite - unlike vague stuff we usually get and would expect if they were shifting it to the Vita right now? Sure, if the 3DS was the hottest gadget in the world right now, they might be more willing to invest in the project, but that doesn't explain why they have possibly more expensive as well as more niche stuff in development. Nor why this isn't the only canceled Mega Man project this year. Oh yeah, RE Revelations isn't the only 3DS game Capcom has in development although it might be the only one coming to the West right now.
  6. ...or the project. If it was just about the platform, they would've transferred it to the Vita. Going by was shown of the game, they hadn't gone far past the prototype stage. Any concept work done at this point could've been reused and the programming work that was lost, wouldn't have cost them an arm and a leg in this early stage. It hasn't had a good and unique game with enough mass appeal to carry the system. Nor are any big-hitting games with proper development time put into them ready. It's extremely expensive for a handheld. Third parties - safe for Capcom's RE Evil Revelations - are taking once again a wait-and-see approach. For most of them it rather seems to be a wait-until-Nintendo-has-pulled-the-platform-out-of-the-mud,-then-let-some-third-class-teams-develop-some-low-profile-project-and-complain-that-it-doesn't-sell-approach. Not that I can fault them for it, but it seems a bit like the typical procedure for a Nintendo platform.
  7. It's not like it's doing the Wii any more good at this point. People who wanted it likely have it, as it has been available cheaply for quiet some time now. Now the people without Wiis or distaste for the Wii's graphics capabilities can experience it. And it's all for the better that Eurocom's excellent efforts can reach another audience.
  8. In other words: Exactly like the original. Although I'm not sure if there were any instances where you couldn't go back in the original. But those parts usually serve as checkpoints here, which have benefits of their own. But yeah, I definitely felt cheated by the transition to the runway sequence. I just wanted to have a peak outside the door of the tower before going upstairs where the last objective would have been. But the moment you open the door, the runway sequence starts and there is no way to go back. -.-
  9. It has a dam, it has a facility, it has a Siberia level etc, but they are all different in layout, play out differently from the original and aren't necessarily in the same order. Beside that it mostly plays like a modern shooter (auto healing, aiming down iron sights) and it does the stealth aspects the original Goldeneye had quiet well. It has multiple, partly miss-able objectives and the difficulty available for subsequent levels depends on how much of them you fulfilled. The hard-boiled players can chose the 007-classic difficulty, which has limited health, no healing and bullet proof vests in special spots of the levels. It's much more a "what if Goldeneye was a 2010 movie/game"-remake with nods to the original, than what you have with Perfect Dark on the 360. I hope that they'll also support Move on the PS3.
  10. Oh com on! Are you fooling yourself into thinking that an Assassin's Creed game for the 3DS would have been developed by a top team with a notable budget at Ubisoft? It's more likely they'd have done the same as with earlier games of the series: handed it to some of their second or third class mobile gaming teams. And Saints Row Drive By? That was supposed to be in development for XBLA/PSN as well as 3DS and we never saw a single image of either version. That's already pretty telling. The "fuck tonne" of interest in Mega Man Legends 3 didn't exactly result in mail campaigns from fans wanting the project to be green lit. That would incidentally be the only game of the three we ever saw (poor) footage of. Assassin's Creed and Saints Row are both franchises that would be better of on the Vita. For a comfortable 1:1 transition of the game's formulas, the 3DS is far too weak. And with all the fan input the Mega Man Legends devs were asking for, Capcom could probably estimate pretty well how much fan interest was (or rather wasn't) there. As for the third party confidence in the 3DS: I don't expect any major western teams to do projects for the system. They've got their middleware, they've got their game concepts and any platform they would consider investing in will have to support both. They 3DS doesn't support either. The usual suspects (yearly football games etc.) will be there, but about every western high profile developer is occupied with development for home consoles and PCs. As with the DS, the 3DS will have to be supported by Japanese devs.
  11. Are there any big games left to be canceled? Saints Row was canceled, but that game kind of never was seriously in development in the first place, the Assassin's Creed Game won't happen (probably for the better, going by previous portable games of the series) and now Mega Man Legends 3, which was already in limbo and didn't look exactly hot so far, got canceled. Out of the big announced 3rd party games that leaves Metal Gear Solid 3D and Resident Evil Revelations. If those were be canceled, I'd say there is reason to worry, but they seem to be pretty far along.
  12. As people in the spoiler-free topic are once more trying to apply "real world logic" to the evolution of Zelda races and its timeline ( ), I remembered this weird penguin creature from the trailer. Did anyone else catch this? It's a bush. Megaton! The first few times I watched the trailer I overlooked this. The open "tail" is only visible for two frames ... You'd almost think they wanted to hide it.
  13. Yay! ^^ Also: People complain about everything:
  14. A hymn to the coal ^^
  15. There is a use for both, but for some things, I really think downloading and saving the trailers makes sense - as long as they're not horribly compressed low-res videos. You can show off and watch a saved trailer at any time.
  16. Actually, working head tracking for GT5 would be immense. No need to track your limbs, and upper body though when slouched on the couch.
  17. I'm a Casualcore Gamer. Chose a definition of your liking for that. See, everyone can make up definitions and categorizations! And in the end, they're worth shit, as long as everyone has fun. Edit: Speaking of this, apparently we're all by definition not real gamers because we play with Nintendo toys - says some angry gamer girl.
  18. I don't believe it was announced together with the release date, but there was a press statement later: see here. Edit: Seeing dolphin footage really makes you wish the Wii was just a tad bit more powerful: Though once I'm in a game, I don't notice jagies, low resolution, poor textures etc. anymore.
  19. There has to be tar and feathers somewhere around here... I watched most of the first episode and some of a later one on youtube (where they have to do a cartoon). It really is a children's show, but at least the cartoon part has some grounding in an adults reality (slave labor ). I'd probably watch all of them, if my internet connection wasn't so slow, that it would have to pre-load every two seconds. But I'm notoriously prone to do a lot of things - sensible or not - when I should be learning for my final exam. Like posting on n-europe... :p
  20. It's not like they really have to say why there are no plans to bring these games over: they don't expect it to be profitable. Although that implies to me, that they're probably not even considering to "borrow" NoE's translation - due to whatever stupid internal policy they have... It's really an interview question I would like Reggie to be asked. What's wrong with the European localization? @Fused King, @LostOverThere Let's stay realistic. NoA isn't bringing those games over, which means they're not convinced enough people will buy the games. Let's suppose all people, who now know about the games and would buy them otherwise, will from now on boycott Nintendo. NoA likely decided not to localize those games based on relatively realistic sales expectations. If these expectations are indeed so low, the people boycotting NoA would be like a drop in the ocean (maybe more like a bucket in a large pond, but still). That's not even factoring in what I keep repeating and what has been shown in the past: game boycotts don't work. Games are simply luxury, not some basic human right. When people see things they want, they will get them. Very few people are ever hurt enough by the lack of some luxury to voluntarily pass on another luxury they could have. The good news is: If Americans don't just torrent those games, NoE might find themselves selling a few copies more than expected.
  21. Wanted to say the same thing... Doesn't make a full priced game featuring an action heavy bonus mode from a game series where characters are as nimble as your average tank a better value, but still.
  22. I don't think it has been posted before, but there is some neat information from an interview with Eiji Aonuma on 1up:
  23. I'd say children well under 10 might like the show. The seemingly arbitrary switching between (bad) CGI and drawn characters/backgrounds unfortunately hurts the cartoon's quality... The channel in itself is good though. It's just too little, too late. I can only imagine what would happen, if Nintendo started streaming the Pokemon Anime. Parents would probably have an even harder time to get their children off the systems. :p
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