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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. That's how epic you are
  2. It's allright, we've known for ages.. He had the lump in his testicles removed. He's getting chemo to get rid of the rest of it. Just hope it doesn't spread =) He doesn't seem to be suffering or anything, he's able to do normal stuff, just with a bit of tiredness. (as I know all too well having taken the medication he has!)
  3. I just found out that my uncle (who has cancer) is on the same treatment that I was given for my arthritis...only in a bigger dose. Jeez
  4. Yeah, I find them a bastard to heal, can be quite painful >_> OH!OH!OH!OH! National Piercing day on the 16th May! resurrection of piercing thread......
  5. Hmmm yeah see that scares me with cartilage (go wiki!) piercings... I don't wanna do myself some damage :/ Luckily I haven't had too much bother with mine, maybe one day I'll get a spiral for my double nose piercing... I'm not sure if it would look a bit odd?
  6. Hahaha bigger than my head? So basically like everything? That's a pain in the ass! o_o I noticed that on the DB torrent site. I started watching it on YT/Veoh, but the subs can be a bit iffy to read.. And the spoilers drove me mental! >_> Also NEVER READ WIKI if you dont want spoilers... I read one about a certain character, and I'm pissed off at myself >_> The bountu arc was a bit filler-ish just in the fact it went off the main storyline... Nevertheless I did enjoy watching it as there were some interesting characters
  7. Wow that would be pretty awesome! Do you not find the gristle (?) piercings very sore to get done and heal? I dunno if I could put myself through three at once >_>
  8. That's hateful.. The main reason why I started downloading Bleach! But really there are quite a few really good episodes! Its just the odd ones between arcs, and random fillers. Yar I love bleach! ^___^ Anybody started watching Vampire knight? Its a bit like Ouran High school host club, only slightly less slutteh
  9. Nightwolf you hottie The piercings look awesome ^____^
  10. I did look at those first when I read this thread... Because he only wanted to buy a processor.. suggests to me that 1) budget is limited - AMD bundles are cheaper 2) maybe he doesn't necessarily want a huge beast of a processor. Not everyone is a hardcore gamer pc enthusiast. Maybe I'm assuming here but whatever. It's not difficult to click the link to the Intel bundles. Oh by the way just as an added note... If you buy a new motherboard you most certainly will have to format windows again (different architecture) so backup all the stuff you need
  11. Correct me if i'm wrong but i believe a 3700+ is a socket 939. I imagine you will have more annoyance getting a 939 socket processor than its worth. EDIT: Well... here are some from ebuyer. In all honesty you wont get much change from a 3700+ to a 4000+. If you can afford towards 150/200ish I suggest a motherboard bundle The above link is just an example and I imagine if you shop around you can get cheaper =)
  12. You don't have a signature? Fail/10. I originally made this sig with a white background, but for some reason it was looking rather...yellow?? :/ I'm assuming the background colour for the post is like a slightly off white grey....Designers?
  13. LEts get this thing moving! Vote: Nobody!
  14. Ooohhh yes new mafias ^_____________________^ I've got the bug baby!
  15. Interesting...... *does some internet stalkage* Darksnowman is the only person on this forum that knows where I live, so I reckon I'd be pretty safe... I hope so anyway!
  16. I see. I could tell the moment I saw the intro. So many new faces, and none of the old ones I love grimmjow, bring him back <3 Also!
  17. Trying to get mine. Ballymena fails - but I already knew that. (In a way I'm kind of glad...internet stalking shall not be done at my house)
  18. "We are sorry but we don't have imagery at this zoom level for this region." >_>
  19. Are the piercings better for you now? I'd like a tragus done, but I'm constantly getting ear infections and my tragus pokes out so I don't wanna risk it.
  20. Thankyou mr jamba sir ^___^ Very subtle highlights would suit you if your scared of anything dramatic, and the roots aren't very noticeable when they grow out (thus cheaper) Also! The best part... they bring out the natural awesomeness of your hair. /obsession with hair (this is why I want to become a hairdresser)
  21. Like maybe a few copper and blonde highlights.
  22. With your hair being black you would probably have to bleach it for nearly any colour. You just need bleach and the colour dye. If you got short hair you would only need one bottle, a fiver for the bleach and similar price for the colour. http://www.haircrazy.com - thats where i get my colour from. its evil trying to do it yourself! help is very handy ^_____^ I think seen as you have black hair you would look awesome with streaks through it! take advantage of that awesome black hair! I want black hair too Favourite colour has definitely got to be the pink, it was awesome. Although a lot of people have said i suit the white, I generally stick with that (and its less hassle!)
  23. you dirty perv. Maybe I meant "needle" as a comparative thing. Or not?
  24. Yeah I was wondering where fandango was, and I still have a slight distrust with him.
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