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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I had a banana in celebration. Happy birthday!
  2. Awwwh poor cat I agree, people think once they've passed their test that they are invincible. If people actually stuck to the rules they did to pass their test, then there would be a lot less accidents. Or used a little thing called....wait for it.... caution on teh roads?
  3. <3 halifax. Howard is full of awesome. ^___________^ For some reason they were the only ones willing to give me a debit card... I was 20, and had no bad credit (odd!)
  4. It really is horrendous job seeking, took me a year before I got a job =( *massive n-e hugs for flink!*
  5. Letty's hair is out of this world. I love <3
  6. Took a jump back to retro land and bought an N64 ^____^
  7. Have a good yen!
  8. Implant is in your arm. I think you mean the coil? You can't get that 'til you've had children =)
  9. Your liver will thank you for it! I had liver damage due to meds, which gave me a huge wake up call, so I rarely drink now =) No hangovers = win!
  10. Kudos to you sir, its often a hard decision to make. : peace:
  11. Listen to the women of the forum, they talk sense
  12. It looks hideous without transparency! Right click desktop > personalize > window colour and appearance > enable transparency (untick) or just change it to a darker colour on the scheme then it doesn't look as transparent without being ugly.
  13. Poor King_V... Isn't it bad having one girls sexual expectations on your shoulders, without an entire forum community?!
  14. Regularily - panic attacks and palpitations. She only drank something like 2 (small) bottles of bpm a day. Sounds like a lot but I've heard of far worse... Its fun getting a little pissed (i'm talking a couple or three pub measures of whatever) and having a giggle with mates, without needing to be throwing up the contents of your stomach =)
  15. Palpitations! Thats the word I was looking for! My friend was getting these, and she was only drinking energy drinks. Had to get ECGs and stuff, she's only 20. Just goes to show what damage it can do. @ that guy : I dont want to punish myself in the morning, drinking lots is very bad for you, and i have no intention of doing anything foolish Also drinking small amounts gives me a nice happy warm feeling inside
  16. Depressants and stimulants taken simultaneously can cause erratic heart rate/panic attacks. :/
  17. I've got a 1.7tb server, another 320gb on laptop and a 250gb on computer *buys more hdd space to own Sanchez* LOL I'm comparing disk size with people on the internet... I need to get out more XD
  18. I had some good news earlier. My uncle is a lot better, and is now in a comfortable state. ^____________^ They are still a little worried as he had heart problems before and theres scarring and stuff. But out of the woods for now, and should be able to continue his cancer therapy!
  19. I'm sure the other girls will agree - It's nice when a man is keen to make an effort generally (not just sex) so it makes sense! @Fresh: I'll admit that can be true, but sometimes men can be hard to please Depends on the person as well!
  20. I agree, who told him women don't like receiving oral sex?? They must have gotten BAD oral sex.
  21. Most single drinks costs more than £3 in this country..
  22. Damn right Sir! ^____^ I just spoiled myself with a chippy. I've now decided I'm going to get healthy and exercise and shit! Scary
  23. That was clever o_o I never understood the pleasure in drinking too much. For 1) it costs a fortune, and 2) it can risk ruining your night. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a raving tetotal either. I enjoy alcohol safely. Pear cider or malibu for me ^____^
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