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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. oh yeah i've no doubt it does have influence, its on prime time TV. But like if it wasn't there, there would still be some other rubbish covers ripping the complete arse out of the original song. But people actually like the x-factor songs. We all pride ourselves in this country, by the fact that we have freedom to chose. ^^ I don't mean to bitch, but I don't think its fair to bitch at people for liking what's popular - its not harming anyone. (flinky that wasn't necessarily aimed at you, just how I feel myself )
  2. But its us that make it that way. Jeez, calm down people, its really not that big of a deal. you can blame corporate this and reality tv that, but at the end of the day the BRITISH PUBLIC buy the cd's that get in the number 1 slot.
  3. Holy mother of god. Dare I ask.... Do you know how much it is?
  4. Sorry I'll just get back in my box again.
  5. Hmm this is very true. TBH I didn't like the Hallelujah covers either JLS or Alexandra did. I did however love the christmas songs they did - I mean surely that would suit a Christmas number 1 a lot better, no?
  6. Its a conspiracy I say!! o_O For me, rocky friendships perhaps, bit lacking in the "relationship" department.
  7. Why? He said it was our choice, ne
  8. OK LET ME CHECK MY POKE-DICTIONARY ¬_¬ bulbasaur. Now shush. You bad person
  9. Easy you say? Sign me up, baulbasaur! ^___^
  10. She made the awesome of Alexandra pale in comparison, and she didn't look at all strained while singing. ^^; Just goes to show you, a reality TV program is the only place some of these people get seen.
  11. Yeah if you stay with "safe" people forever, you may never experience something that could be pretty awesome. Just tell her you don't want to rush into it, and everything should be ok ^^
  12. I've had seabrooks on occasion, and they are absolutely out of this world. Mccoys are very inconsistent. You can get them when there are crisps that have half of a bag of flavour on one crisp or majorly burnt and minging. Burnt crisps are rotten.
  13. I'm gonna have to agree I'm afraid. Vote: coolness bears
  14. Really? just pop a sim card in or something? Jeez that almost sounds scary! Next thing we'll have sim cards inserted in our head, and headsets soldered onto our ear!
  15. OHMYGOD how dare yooouuu?! *points accusingly*
  16. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay she won ^_____^
  17. It used to be known as a data card, that you could plug into a laptop. Now they are mostly usb based. Mobile web I think its generally called now. This is my data card Use it anytime anywhere. Speeds aren't fantastic in this country (talking a tad faster than dial up) but are really good over in the mainland cities and the like ^^; Oh yeah awesome goldfish skin for my dongle:awesome: ninja edit: my dongle is a bit bigger than most ones available now. They are flash drive sized these days. Carphonewarehouse is doing seemingly good deals - get a free (albeit not awesome) laptop when you take out a contract for one of the internet dongles with 3. My contract is £15 a month for 3GB download limit ^^;
  18. Have a good un, whats left of it
  19. Hahaha, absolutely! One of my favourite episodes for a long time, if maybe even ever The only one that comes close..
  20. 1 of the voters wouldn't be much of a friend if she didn't know that you were a couple (aka me!)
  21. afaik - I think I got role-blocked, I didn't get any feedback, so I'm assuming so anyway. Didn't j7 mention something about that? (the running thing) Maybe its a different night, and to be perfectly honest, I'm a bit lost, and my skills really aren't of much use. So disregard anything that doesn't make any sense ^^;
  22. THIS! People stop wasting your time decided when we'll all die and enjoy your life Probably won't happen in our lifetime anyway! ^^ I realise I just defeated the whole thinking about it thing by writing this post, but shush.
  23. Yeah it was just a bit of a filler for the final, seeing as there are only 3 acts left. Same with the Z-list celebs in the home towns of the acts.
  24. Simon just said Eoghan could make the final... Uhm, like, isn't he in the final now? No? Also beyonce was aweeesome. =)
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