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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. oh would you all go to sleep already
  2. Ah fair enough...
  3. could moogle have been misdirected?
  4. You have cycle rage as well as road rage?
  5. OHmyword. thos people are awful. My sister and I were in the town once, and there was like a nails stall up. One of these companies selling a nail file/cream set thing. This girl basically grabbed my sister "you want your nails done yes!!" (she was foreign) and started attacking her with a nail file, without waiting for a yes!! Granted she polished up the nail and it was all shiny... but later on Kate (my sister) said her finger actually HURT. Half of the nail was filed off! That's nearly freakin assault!
  6. Midnight snacks are probably the best way to put weight on because your metabolism is at its lowest... and lets face it, midnight snacks are generally of the junk food kind!! :P I never really get the urge for late night foods - got enough bother restricting my food intake during the day without that!
  7. I agree that cyclists should pay insurance - although insurance for a bike won't be a significant amount Road tax maybe, but bike lanes benefit drivers more than cyclists... it leaves the road free for cars to get past and reduces congestion.. I'm sure its very little difference to a cyclist whether there is a lane or not. definitely agree with the public transport bit... over here you HAVE to get a car the minute you turn of age. Yeah, where I live (about 2 miles out of town) has a bus service that is ok, but if you go out to where /nando/ lives (a good 5 miles maybe more?), the bus services are non existant. Useless!
  8. I'm not really bothered by cyclists, just a disgusting lack of lanes for them to use. It's never good being stuck doing 15mph behind a cyclist you cant get past. It often causes driver rage and accidents can happen. People who freakin' park on double yellow lines or near junctions or covering the entire path or parking on a turn in the road so you cannot see them people who run across busy roads when theres a crossing A FEW FUCKING METERS AWAY. people who can't fucking park properly. I'd like to be able to park in a space properly and be able to get out of my car. Lazy bastards who have to park at the doorstep of the shop. fuck me they'd drive around the shop if they could! People who don't indicate - yes..... i can read your mind. People who treat those flat roundabouts like a junction instead of a roundabout, ie YOU FUCKING GIVE WAY TO PEOPLE ON THE RIGHT. Since driving I have become a very angry person.
  9. bikes are a pain in the ass on the road or the path. RUN THE BASTARDS OVER. :P
  10. yes its horrible being on the till end of a queue sigher. I used to work in a shop, and this bloke queued up got so mad, that when it was his turn he slammed the stuff down and left the shop. It actually really upset me at the time because.. 1, he was very rude.. and 2, i was new in my first ever job.. being an innocent naive young person it really got to me
  11. You do realise i'm not alone in my concerns... you say it like i'm the only one not that confident in this lynch.. and people just going with the mob -oh ive not actually read the last few pages but i'll go with what everyone else is doing- attitude.. thats what I don't get. i'm not really defending martin, i'm just really a bit confused as to what the craic is
  12. every single time i go into game someone comes over to ask me if i need help. Shuffle on fellas... whereas the opposite - JJB and sportsdirect.com - the place where you need staff (to get you the damn shoes) are no-bloody-where to be seen. i bought a phone from phones4u and they were desperate to palm me off with a rubbish contract too.
  13. yeah I'm really not sure why everyone is so trigger happy... wtf
  14. You've livened up my tweeting experience to no end :P
  15. the restricted 45 mph speed limit for the first year of driving (N.ireland) really does my nut in. And having a big fat R plate on your car makes people think they can stomp on you
  16. crunchy beef taco. Teh yums. Hope it comes to n.ireland....no wait i've just started weightwatchers so it can stay away! haha!
  17. hah sucks to be you =P I was getting all my boxes/bags of clothes and putting them in my new fancy ikea wardrobe! wooo Had to go out and bloody buy coathangers too! Might have to do what shorty did and clear all the stuff i'm not gonna use/wear... 75% of the stuff doesn't even fit anymore, or just needs binned. And I managed to banjax my keyboard so some of the keys now have no facias. I also have today and tomorrow off (woo)! Today was spent doing not all that much apart from going to gym and purchasing a HR monitor, and tomorrow i'm sitting in waiting for my new 750gb hdd for my laptop, yeay!
  18. no more bollox than the rest of us :P
  19. I flashed someone in front of me yesterday They were doing 25...on a 40. >_< And this road has signs along it that clearly say 40. If they aren't a learner they've no excuse for that. Even someone that's freshly passed knows not to drive like that.
  20. I agree with this - although it is a little frustrating that they go slowly, i'll always give a learner plenty of room.. It wasn't all that long ago I was a mere learner :P My gym is actually in an industrial estate where like nearly ALL of the learners go for at least 50% of their lessons so I do come across them quite a lot. Just takes a bloody bit of patience. I don't know why everyone is in such a rush to get everywhere. I love car time, its time for me to think and mull over the days events without someone bitching in my ear :P And those freakin baby on board signs....just....why? I don't get it?
  21. aw you kind person! And you live in belfast! waaaahey! Northern Ireland crew ftw - high five man! Noisy neighbours are crap.... We had this guy that was in a band... up til early hours. Then a lot of foreign folk crammed into a small house, working nights and having parties. Luckily my bedroom is not attached to next door so i missed out on most of the noise!
  22. Is there anything that just makes you crazy with annoyance? I created this thread with the inspiration of my feet. The tops of my feet get CRAZY ITCHY.. i'm so close to taking something sharp to my skin for some flamin' relief. I just seem to have the itchiest skin on the planet, its so frustrating. My skin is to blame for a lot of my anger, sadly. Once I knocked my arm off a shelf (it was a relatively sharp corner) and i bled everywhere. I rolled up my sleeve and most of my skin had been torn away. >_< It would have been a very minor accident to anyone without psoriasis! ITCHY.
  23. oh yeah because teachers are the majority of employment in the uk/europe/world
  24. going....back.....to work? I never got time off this summer =P (or last year!) tomorrow and Wednesday is the first leave I've had since April!
  25. err... sheikah? seeing as it was his idea...
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