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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. End of the press conference they invite some Ubi guy on to the stage. Shows off Red Steel 2, the games looks fucking incredible and the controls are stunning, 1:1 sword combat, whole auditorium goes wild!! The ubi guy then sticks the wii-mote up in the air, his character on the screen sticks out his middle finger "That's for doubting us, you fanboy cunts!"
  2. Huh, I dont remember EVER hearing it was going to be a WiiWare game, an I hear everything........
  3. I want to play games......I can't use a sword properly......I want a game to interpret what I do.....I don't want 6 sensors around my room......What is this obsession with 1:1 movement in a completely 3d space?
  4. Of course we will, but the timing was not coincidental
  5. Maybe Nintendo really are focusing on the core gamer! I mean, the 'casuals' are lapping up the wiimote as is, surely this improved version is for the 'proper gamers'
  6. I don't know anyone who thinks a motion sensitive controlle for MS is a good idea; its great at what it does, why does it want to be something it's not, and never will be? I would love the media to boo them when they unveil it, would be hilarious.... It's America, it could happen.....
  7. £30!??!?! It better be no more than £15!!!! Also, I truly hope, though know Nintendo won't do it. That NEW Wii-Motes come built in with this new technology so we don't have these new addons. I would love that, then I'd just replace all my old wiimotes
  8. I love how Nintendo unveil it 2 hours before Microsofts press conference, I bet they're panicking now, thinking what the fuck do we do now!! Thunder.....stolen.....
  9. I didn't mean all gams would be one to one, just that all the old games would be more responsive and fluid.
  10. I don't care I've just bought it, I want this version in the autumn, with the ability to transfer players and edit them!!! It's a must! I love this game, best football game I have probably ever played, but god does it annoy me how out of date it is already, and that I can't change it! Also, the AI is a bit shit sometimes...
  11. Of course it will improve motion sensing in ALL games, it'll just be much more precise. I'm just pleased that Nintendo isn't resting on the laurels and are constantly improving their tech..... Great news!!
  12. What the fuck? Is that real? You know, Ive been thinking lately that will NIntendo release a new wiimote to combat the inevitably better imitations from MS (and poss Sony). And if this is real, than this is it. And if so, then I am pleased about it as it needs to stay ahead of the game. What the fudge is going on?
  13. HANDS ON - http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/888/888727p1.html I cannot wait for this game!
  14. Just bought this for £5 at GAME, and I must say I'm really impressed; great game. never played a guilty gear before; great sprites and just really great gameplay. Have found that I'm finding it quite hard with the classic controller doing the half circles etc. Anyone know what the wiimote controls are like?
  15. I think I'm getting that Metroid figure, it's incredible. Whens it out? I have those Zelda PH figures too, I got the all for about £5 as I got them when I went to Japan. Also got the full set of Twilight Princess figures - I bought 4 for my friends and realised that that was the full set, no swaps, so I opened them and kept them I've got loads of random Nintendo toys, lego-esque characters, plastic figures, tiny Wiis etc.
  16. Yeah, to be honest it doesn't bother me either, speaking more generally. Oh well, this is what we have, so we have to hope it turns our brilliantly.
  17. Exactly! I think No More Heroes handles it brilliantly, use buttons for most of the fighting and the motion controls for finishers/special moves; no flailing arms and it feels really rewarding to the moves.
  18. I think it sounds shit to be honest. And I hate the stupid mentality of people dont like to use the wiimote for extended periods of time so i didnt make an adventure game, wanted a game to play in short bursts - fuck off!! Do these developers even know how Wii players feel? Especially gamers who would be interested in a Castlvania homage beat em up? I'm open to its development but this is a HUGE disappointment!
  19. But if these games DON'T sell on the Wii then that will hinder the chance of similar games appearing again!!! Isn't that the point of the conversation!?!??! Think long term!!
  20. I can just see Animal Crossing Wii being a huge disappoinment and I worry Nintendo are really thinking of it as their huge game........ I can just see the internet gaming geeks exploding now next tuesday!!!!
  21. I think I will crey if it's Devil May Cry, hate that game series!!! Dead Rising, Res Evil or Street Fighter please. You watch, the secret announcement will be Resident Evil 0 coming over to the americas
  22. For me darkjak you compeletely contarcdicted yourself with your last paragraph!! That disapproves the rest of your post. LOOK AT THE DS. That also had a simailr underwhelming 3rd party response. Now look at it. I kind of agree wiht your sentiments, Nintendo need to keep creating their core games (which for me they are at a faster rate than ever before and much better quality), and also need to fix some niggling issues - primarily hard drive but also improve their online service (which from Mario Kart they are).
  23. I'm sorry, I thought it was obvious that this 20 copies figure isn't a real figure. Actually advertising the game would obviously sell WAY more than an extra 20 copies in my opinion. I think all games should marketed and advertised sufficiently, this game LOOKS good, is part of a popular genre and something very unique on the Wii. All selling points. But no one knows about the game......
  24. But 20 more copies sold is 20 more copies sold It may not be profitable for this game, but games like this selling well on the Wii is more important than saving $50,000. It's not just about this game, it's about proving this type of game sells on the Wii, that nintendo are serious about games like this being on the Wii etc etc. And if you have BIG money you can sell ANYTHING. Just ask MS
  25. It doesn't hurt to let people know it's out there, and also show non fans that Wii games can look good too. Advertising NEVER hurts.
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