What I will say is that Fi's Goodbye at the very end is lovely, really really nice. Up there as my favourite Zelda tunes. The rest though just seems like bland filler for the most part, though I do hear what you're saying LoT.
That would have been great. Like they altered the Observatory theme in Galaxy 1 over time as you went through the game. Lazy may have been the wrong word to use for the sky theme. I just found it a generic adventure theme that you could apply to lots of game, and it didn't sound it fit in with the Zelda world at all. The way they didn't even bother with changing it for the thunderhead though is what was lazy. Even silence with stormy weather would have been better. Dungeon themes were forgettable, I can't remember any (maybe that's just me though). Faron Woods was nice, but it all just seemed quite weak, when compared to the loud tunes of OOT/MM (love the Deku Palace theme) and WW.