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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I wouldn't say 'huge' improvement, but at least it's something
  2. No need to ask a question you know the answer to then. Best get your Nintendo complaints out in the open from the start. The bargain bin prices on the competition after barely a month or two is frankly bizarre. I suppose they have their season passes and day 1 DLC to bump up the costs.
  3. I'm sure Shopto will discount TP as well. Do you really need to ask how much TP:HD is going to be? It seems pretty obvious it's going to be the same price as every other AAA Nintendo home console game, £40. But unlike Master Chief Collection et al, most likely won't ship broken or buggy.
  4. Need Kapp'n. NEED. [/grownman]
  5. Most AAA games on other consoles seem to be bargain basement prices after a couple of weeks. Uncharted Collection released for £40 though, and it's only dropped a quid on Amazon which is surprising. I expect TPHD to release at the same price.
  6. Anything more generous and no one would bother spending money and they may as well give away free development time. I think they've struck the right balance. And showing you incomplete sets is hardly devious, every Nintendo game does that.
  7. Four things they need to do IMO - Shorten the introduction tutorials. - Expand the storyline with a few extra cutscenes between dungeons. This is particularly necessary in the second half of the game where the story falls off a cliff. - Castle town looks fantastic, but actually there's very little to do there. Especially when you consider how barren Kakariko is. Add a couple of extra shops/mini games/sidequests here. - Fill the overworld with a bit more things to do.
  8. Have to admit I was skeptical about this at first but it's actually a nice fun little game. Clever idea, really well implemented.
  9. IGN have updated their Splatoon review, given the huge number of free updates since the game's launch. What a brilliant game
  10. Must be terrible making piss poor business decisions and end with the second highest selling home console of all time.
  11. The Wii > Wii U transition had the major stumbling block of HD development, something Nintendo admitted held them back. That's no longer the case.
  12. Wait for their analysis and hidden secrets video. That one's just the clip in slo-mo.
  13. It's fairly obvious that Nintendo have moved their big guns onto NX development. If they hadn't, we'd be complaining they aren't launching a new console strongly enough. People on here are arguing against remakes and re-releases, whilst (as usual) giving the competition a free pass to do exactly that, and more frequently. The same thing occurs with day 1 DLC. Nintendo simply can't win on here. I'd have thought them releasing the grand total of Wind Waker HD two years ago and TP HD in 2016 wouldn't be a cause for complaints, but seems it somehow is.
  14. All the more reason for Nintendo to release them and pad out their release schedule then! Both they and the competition release remasters and HD ports, you can't criticise one without doing the same to the other.
  15. Maybe but I don't see what difference it makes. I just don't agree with the suggestion that remasters and remakes are all well and good on the competition to pad out barren first-party Q3/4s, but when Nintendo do them, it's wrong.
  16. It's exactly the same, no need to make excuses for everyone that isn't Nintendo. A lot of people didn't play Wind Waker back in the day and played the HD one for the first time. It'll be the same thing here just as it is for the endless remakes and collections on other consoles.
  17. Remakes and remasters are in fashion this generation, for everyone, certainly not just Nintendo.
  18. I think we tend to upres past games in our minds, so when we get comparison shots like above the difference is pretty striking. Twilight Princess is probably the Zelda game that will age the worst in terms of art style and visuals, so the HD version was never going to look incredible without a total change of direction.
  19. Or, it's Nintendo being more honest with the terminology. Free to play is misleading, Free to start isn't. Iwata said earlier this year that he didn't like the term free to play.
  20. The HUD clearly used the gamepad/Pro controller layout.
  21. Save the new first party characters for Smash NX: Inkling, 8-bit Mario, Wonder Red, Yarn Yoshi and Captain Toad
  22. The change of font at least gave it a little bit of original personality. Now the rest of the game just needs to follow suit.
  23. Am I the only one who liked the look of Typoman? Not just gorgeous to look at but what a clever idea for a game. Uses the second screen perfectly.
  24. Star Fox Zero looks exactly the same as it did at E3, like an EARLY Gamecube game. The poor looking Twilight Princess is pretty disappointing too, but oh well. I'm more interested in what they've added to the gameplay.
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