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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. A worthwhile, $hit-stirring comment, long after the argument has finished. Classic Sheikah.
  2. A worthwhile, $hit-stirring comment, long after the argument has finished. Classic Sheikah.
  3. The difference between people on gaming forums and the more casual crowd.
  4. The difference between people on gaming forums and the more casual crowd.
  5. Not sure where I've suggested the NX hype isn't building?
  6. Not sure where I've suggested the NX hype isn't building?
  7. You said that "no one outside gaming forums cares about the NX", I tried to show what a useless argument that was by suggesting that no one outside of gaming forums cares about ANY unannounced gaming console. In the gaming industry, plenty of people are interested in NX and it's developing hype all on its own, with barely any publicity from Nintendo themselves, IMO. Bodes well for when they do eventually reveal it... The ridiculously over-defensive on here may not see it but I'm not attacking other consoles, I'm constrasting hype and buzz between the three console manufacturers. That's all.
  8. You said that "no one outside gaming forums cares about the NX", I tried to show what a useless argument that was by suggesting that no one outside of gaming forums cares about ANY unannounced gaming console. In the gaming industry, plenty of people are interested in NX and it's developing hype all on its own, with barely any publicity from Nintendo themselves, IMO. Bodes well for when they do eventually reveal it... The ridiculously over-defensive on here may not see it but I'm not attacking other consoles, I'm constrasting hype and buzz between the three console manufacturers. That's all.
  9. I'm referencing how the industry works. It's really not that hard to understand. And I was saying how I disagreed, that there was plenty of hype and interest around. A quick look on Google, Gaf or Youtube would prove that.
  10. I'm referencing how the industry works. It's really not that hard to understand. And I was saying how I disagreed, that there was plenty of hype and interest around. A quick look on Google, Gaf or Youtube would prove that.
  11. Funny that, considering it hasn't even been announced yet. There's no hype for Playstation Neo and I doubt anyone outside of gaming forums cares about Scorpio either and that's actually been announced. In name only. And I think a 3,300 post / 125,000 viewed thread points to a fair amount of hype. Type in Nintendo NX on Google or YouTube and you'll see thousands of reports and videos on the console. For something that only has a codename, that's not bad going. Unwillingness to offer them any praise whatsoever is probably more accurate. It almost felt like people were put out that Zelda was getting such acclaim.
  12. Funny that, considering it hasn't even been announced yet. There's no hype for Playstation Neo and I doubt anyone outside of gaming forums cares about Scorpio either and that's actually been announced. In name only. And I think a 3,300 post / 125,000 viewed thread points to a fair amount of hype. Type in Nintendo NX on Google or YouTube and you'll see thousands of reports and videos on the console. For something that only has a codename, that's not bad going. Unwillingness to offer them any praise whatsoever is probably more accurate. It almost felt like people were put out that Zelda was getting such acclaim.
  13. As Zelda at E3 showed, it doesn't take that much for them to be the talk of industry. If their console knocks it out of the park it should get a few people back onside.
  14. As Zelda at E3 showed, it doesn't take that much for them to be the talk of industry. If their console knocks it out of the park it should get a few people back onside.
  15. A week can't go by without a new NX rumour, the console is building hype by itself and everyone is talking about it.
  16. A week can't go by without a new NX rumour, the console is building hype by itself and everyone is talking about it.
  17. Not quite sure how this 'looks like an indie game', but ok. Also why does it matter and why should that suggest a lower cost?
  18. Not quite sure how this 'looks like an indie game', but ok. Also why does it matter and why should that suggest a lower cost?
  19. That sounds terrible, I don't want all they've been working on for the last few years to be spoiled in a quick sizzle reel. Patience. They'll have a massive blow out, hardware AND software, and it'll (hopefully) be worth the wait.
  20. Thanks but that doesn't really clear it up lol. From what I understand, the letter symbols are associate activities (which help your reputation to various people, for whatever purpose that is), which are different to the main storyline missions and also different to conquest missions (which include things like bounty hunting, child liberation, templar hunts etc). Then there are train missions. ... but that could all be completely wrong.
  21. I've just finished sequence 4 and I still can't wrap my head around the mission structure. I thought you had to take over a borough before doing an assassination mission? Or is it not as linear as that? I like games that have a clear progression and structure but this one seems all over the place. Fun though.
  22. 6-9 months between reveal and release sounds ideal to me. Not a fan of this insane scheduling the industry has gotten itself into lately of years between reveal and release.
  23. A few more hours in and I've 100% cleared Whitechapel and started on the next one. I'm finding this game quite overwhelming to be honest, not so much in difficulty but more in terms of the progression system and structure of the game. It seems all over the place and is very confusing. Watch Dogs was much simpler, there were campaign checkpoints and then all the side missions clearly laid out. Here I'm not sure what's a campaign mission and what's a side mission and there's a dozen extra systems to worry about on top of that.
  24. I realise they can't go straight onto another game, and have to finish the promised content first. I just wish they hadn't had any of these stretch goals to begin with. We'd have a brand new sequel from them by now, which surely would have been better? Instead it'll be what, another 3 years or so until Shovel Knight 2? Maybe they've only assigned a few team members to the DLC and the bulk of their team is already at work on a sequel. I hope so anyway.
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