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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I brought it up. That's how things get discussed, because someone brought something up. If it would be a lot easier to take you seriously if you didn't join in the Switch or Wii U threads so rarely for the sole purpose of poking fun or stirring.
  2. I'm just surprised you can be enthralled by HDR and faux-4K resolution but not find anything of interest with the Switch, but fair enough, your call.
  3. You loved the PS4 Pro... thing, but aren't interested in watching an innovative new Nintendo console being launched and brand new games and features being announced? A shame for sure.
  4. Perfect, I never got round to playing Rayman Legends, the Switch version will be great to play at home and on the go. That's it though, I'll be avoiding any more leaks, LKD has said enough IMO.
  5. It feels crazy that a brand new Zelda game could be out in two months and we've barely seen anything of it. Sure we've had hours of gameplay in terms of the Plateau (1-2% of the game) and a few Shrines, but that's basically it. Not a glimpse at any dungeons, bosses, items, barely anything on towns or cutscenes, NPCs etc. I'm sure that'll all change next week, but a part of me would love to go dark on this until release.
  6. Funnily enough I was introduced to the Mass Effect series on the Wii U. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did and picked it up for £5. Adored the game and am now gutted I didn't play through 1 and 2 first. Still waiting for EA to release a remastered collection on PS4. Still waiting...
  7. Am I crazy for wanting a sequel to Donkey Kong's Crash Course from NintendoLand? I adored that game.
  8. I hope the Donkey Kong game isn't another "Country" game, would be good to see something different.
  9. I guess past release schedules would suggest that's the case, but I kind of like the idea of Mario at Christmas, though either works for me.
  10. Emily Rogers now saying she may have been wrong about Zelda, and that it's actually releasing in March (in North America), not 3-6 months later.
  11. The (supposed) box art says 24 extra tracks, which likely translates to the 16 DLC tracks and 8 new ones. If it were 24 brand new tracks they might as well just call it Mario Kart 9. Still, eight new tracks, new battle mode, new characters and the dual-item thing the teaser showed off + who knows what else still sounds brilliant.
  12. TWENTY FOUR new tracks!?!? Wow. Not getting my hopes up as that sounds very unlikely, but if true, incredible. More likely though it's the 16 DLC tracks + 8 new ones.
  13. I'll definitely be watching live. Will go to bed early and wake up in time for it. Hope the translation is decent @Hero\-of\-Time like you suggest.
  14. My only worry is the presentation itself, having it in Japanese could be seriously awkward. Will it be live dubbed? I'd genuinely rather have a pre-recorded video if it meant an English version was available.
  15. I consider myself a decent 2D Mario player, I've managed the final secret level in every 3D game but I'm sorry, getting all the black coins in the third secret level in this is just impossible. I've been close to giving up and/or throwing my phone out the window. Way, way, way too difficult.
  16. I commute from London quite a bit so the idea of flipping out the kickstand and playing console quality games on the train is very exciting. The detachable controllers make the idea even better if I can't be arsed lugging around the Pro controller. I just really hope the UI is good.
  17. DEFINITELY option 2, give me more battery life any day over more pixels. Even at 720p the Switch will have a higher pixels-per-inch than PS Vita, which itself looks pretty great anyway.
  18. Bodes well... http://venturebeat.com/2016/12/21/nes-classic-switch-and-mario-grew-nintendos-search-volume-to-3-times-the-size-of-playstations/
  19. Says the man who only comes onto the Nintendo boards to stir and pick fights...
  20. I didn't think any codename could sound cooler than NX, but Wolf definitely is. A far cry from Project Cafe.
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