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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Why not just order a Switch for 250 with voucher codes and Mario for 40, like you suggested?
  2. Influential and groundbreaking at the time aren't qualities that should be in a top 10 games of all time list though. Otherwise Pong, Super Mario Bros etc would be at the top of any list for the next fifty years. Nostalgia choices are fine but I feel that you should be able to play them nowadays and have them hold up as solid games. Things like Super Mario 3 is absolutely still a great game, but Goldeneye or Banjo Kazooie? And I still say OOT and OOT 3D are the same game for the purpose of this list, because they are the same core game with a few tweaks here and there.
  3. Off to EGX today, looking forward to playing this, even though I imagine it's the same demo as E3/Gamescom, which is probably a good thing anyway.
  4. Two entries per series maximum. Up to you re: nostalgia, I didn't, others did.
  5. And that's the thing I think a lot of votes fall into this category. But surely if they're worthy of being called one of the top 10 Nintendo games of all time you should absolutely be keen to go back and play them today?
  6. Captain Toad needs more love @Hero-of-Time will put it right... I hope...
  7. Also @Nicktendo have you played Goldeneye recently? I tried a few months back and found it and it's 15 fps unplayable !! Amazing at the time of course, but it's a good indicator of how tough it is to remove nostalgia from these sorts of lists.
  8. Oh I'd definitely count MK8/MK8Deluxe as the same game. If not then obviously my MK8 vote goes to MK8D. Even Wind Waker/Wind Waker HD should count as the same game. Because 99.99% of it is the same. Unless a remake is DRASTICALLY different like Return of Samus/Samus Returns I think they should just count the same.
  9. The game looks beautiful in trailers, so much colour and small touches
  10. Very chuffed to see Steamworld Dig 2 getting such great reviews. Cannot wait.
  11. There's three versions, two of which is full of preloaded microtransaction rubbish. This game is getting a lot of grief for having such predatory in-game currency.
  12. I'm definitely that guy. Love the 3DS but six and a half years later at 240p come on
  13. A suggestion, should this thread be stickied instead of the 3DS one? Oh and Lovers in a Dangerous Space Time announced as coming October 3rd. Ideal Switch game.
  14. Some choice quotes: "I was initially skeptical of the direction of the game, but each time I play Super Mario Odyssey, I'm more on board with the new, bizarre concepts at play. Capturing opens up so many new ideas for gameplay and world design, and the distinct areas I've explored to this point have kept me engaged even beyond the time I've had to play in them. I've left my previous demos with Odyssey wondering what secrets I missed and how else the game will surprise me when it finally comes out, and this time was no different." "For the sake of fairness though we do have a few minor concerns, and although graphically the game’s a delight there’s an ugly crosshatching effect for some shadows that we’re not sure is a design choice or a technical limitation, but we don’t like it. We’re also a little concerned that the camera is very hands-on, and needs constant adjustment to remain useful. It’s nothing a practised gamer would think twice about, but we do worry how more casual players will take to it. What we worry about most though is when we’ll get a chance to play the game again, because everything up to this point has been fantastic and so full of charm, invention, and Nintendo magic that we almost literally had to be pried off it. Regardless of how it stacks up next to other classic Mario games we can already say without question that this is destined to be one of the best games of this or any other year." "As an example, at one point I spotted a glowing patch of ground. As I walked over it, my Joy-Con began rumbling gently. Then, as I puzzled over it, wondering if I had to land Cappy on it or bring a certain enemy type here, Mario looked down and tapped his foot on the ground. A ground pound revealed an unmarked Power Moon. No text or established mechanic had led me here, just the promise of something shiny - for such a simple action, it felt amazing. Mario games have always had an eye for a secret, of course - we all remember trying to break a brick block and a coin coming out - but they’ve rarely felt as pervasive, or as much a part of the fabric of the core game. I encountered caves with walls begging to be bounced off of and discovered hidden rooms. Simple signage can turn out to be a map to a hidden Moon. Even playing with a hat-wearing dog in the Seaside Kingdom (try playing fetch with Cappy) saw him barking to alert me to buried coins. Just as Breath of the Wild constantly dragged you off course, Odyssey’s secrets are an intoxicating distraction." "There will no doubt be some who find Odyssey a tad simple. So far, purely skill-based play is sporadic, and I can’t see anything measuring up to the challenge of 3D World’s Champion’s Road, for example. Health is plentiful, and even game overs have been stripped out (instead you lose coins that you can spend on new outfits and items). That’s not really the point, though. Odyssey’s clearly putting a premium on the wonder of discovery, the joy of surprise, the satisfaction of a solution to a puzzle you just think might be there. If it gets that right, Odyssey might nab one more facet of Breath of the Wild - it’ll be a surefire contender for game of the year." "For each demo we had a Nintendo rep hovering over us, telling us when to stop and what we absolutely could not do or talk about. For example, portraits in each stage seem to work as quick portals between kingdoms, and one of them let us get a sneak peek at one that’s not yet announced. We can’t say what it is but it looks amazing, and will blow the minds of Super Mario 64 fans."
  15. One bit that kind of stuck out about a similar type of thing found in Sunshine. Not really spoilers but just in case... Oh and 1080p, 60fps confirmed, seems it's been upgraded since E3/Gamescom.
  16. The press were invited to a preview event last week and the embargo is just up on that so lots of content hitting the usual sites atm. Here's one hands-on report from IGN
  17. I think it should be as games are NOW. Nintendo's best work. Tetris, SMB, LOZ are hugely influential and important but I wouldn't call them Nintendo's "best games".
  18. 1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Visually stunning and timeless, full of charm, big adventure, great story, top notch animation, lovely soundtrack 2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Re-defined openworld games, prioritised adventure and discovery, great combat, brilliant traversal 3. Super Mario 3D World - It knew exactly what it was and delivered 3D platforming perfection, every level different from the last. A beautiful looking game too. 4. Super Mario Galaxy - Amazing soundtrack, colourful sprawling levels, epic gameplay 5. Animal Crossing New Leaf - The game consumed me, I barely missed a day in my year or so of playing it. Full of charm and moments to make you smile 6. Splatoon - Typically Nintendo, redefining a popular genre and putting their own spin on it. Very clever, very fun. Bright and colourful and a great new IP 7. Mario Kart 8 - The Deluxe version on Switch. Beautiful graphics, perfected gameplay, a good battle mode, and the new standard for the series 8. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Never has a game been more charming, and full of little touches to make you smile. Another gem on the Wii U. 9. Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon - Fantastic atmosphere, full of small details, engaging gameplay and the multiple mansion mechanic kept things fresh 10. Starfox Assault - An under-rated game IMO and my favorite Starfox title. Surprisingly engaging storyline, brilliant visuals, top notch gameplay Honourable mentions to: Pikmin 3, Paper Mario Colour Splash, Pilotwings (SNES), Wii Sports Resort, and about 100 others...
  19. I think I read GameInformer did a preview with the devs recently and it was "a few weeks away". Also apparently there's a news group that's just popped up for it on Switch so can't be much longer to wait.
  20. I personally think 2017 games are fine, up to others re: one entry per franchise or not.
  21. Amazing, sad and heartening at the same time.
  22. So is that in order? As in you think Splatoon is the best Nintendo game of all time and Wii Sports Resort the tenth best ever? Also unless I'm mistaken Tales of Symphonia isn't developed (or published) by Nintendo so doesn't really apply.
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