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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. You can predict how they deal with it though...it's all the same. Keep face for the public, fire a few people and then blame it on someone else
  2. Have added you, not sure when I'll never be able to connect however

  3. I just really don't see the point in all this debate over who's better. They're all as bad as eachother, none of their campaign promises will come to pass. Whoever's in charge tomorrow will inherit the national debt issues that have accumulated over the last few years and will have to do some bad stuff for us to fix it. They'll all be hit by wars and disasters, whether natural or economic, regardless of which one is in power. This is how it always happens, history continually repeats. The country gets hyped up in all the false promises from each and every candidate, but in actuality, in 2 months, it'll be the same old shit just with a potentially different bloke to blame.
  4. Yep, I have my Celebi in it right now Although my Pokéwalker fell behind my desk and I cannot find it :s Well it does finally give Gyarados a flying move, a physical one at that. Although it has shit PP, shit accuracy and shit power for a two turn move :P That said, Gyarados has been able to have this move since Platinum (Magikarp could get it at the Move Tutor there and in HGSS). This course just cuts out the middle man
  5. To compare, what did the first Mario Galaxy get in Edge?
  6. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/broadcasting/news/a218362/brown-tv-debates-clouded-election.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/election_2010/8659913.stm I think they're looking for things to blame for the probable loss already
  7. It does hit Europe Got details on the course here...It's got some great Pokémon and items http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/pokewalker-area.shtml#champpath </ShamelessPlug>
  8. Nope. One doesn't. Two if you count the specials as a mini series and have the final ep as the finale of that
  9. Actually, Terry Pratchett praised the show, it's just Digitalspy took the context away and made it seem like criticism
  10. Or she is the doom bringer. She went back and became her own mother, hence why her parents are no longer around. It created the crack. Wibbley-wobbley timey wimey I think this would be awesome, albeit a bit Futurama :P
  11. Well as for the crack not being subtle, I don't think it's meant to be. It's a crack in time, it's erasing things and it was a major plot point in two episodes so far. Having everything be like Bad Wolf in the Eccleston series would be repetititve and boring
  12. I love how the background is dependant on where you are. It's so going to be the case of stopping off everywhere and checking out the scenery
  13. Wow, bit strong lol
  14. I'm thinking she's a Time Lord :p
  15. I just don't get why people don't like it and are considering stopping watching it I could see why with Victory of the Daleks, it was just an OK episode, but the rest...
  16. I wasn't expecting them to miss it again, I was expecting a dial in last second
  17. Don't get me wrong, I loved the RTD era. Loved episodes people didn't like such as Journey's End and Last of the Timelords because I didn't think that it was meant to be ultimately serious. It's meant to be good fun and thats what they were. However, this new series is pretty good. The episodes aren't the best no but they're still damned good
  18. There's two Name Raters. One in Goldenrod, one in Lavender. They're the strange tents
  19. You just need to Surf to get there I guess they're low levelled in Kanto to match the level curve of them in the past games. Low levels round Pallet etc.
  20. I have a cheat cart but I kept my EU game clean. Just set up the Wonder Card and sent it across
  21. New Pokémon next week. Confirmed
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole crack in the universe thing was caused by the Doctor trying to rewrite history by saving Adelaide in The Waters of Mars. Unlikely perhaps since there's a seperation of eras, but I think it could happen.
  23. Wow, I can't believe you guys arent actually liking it o0
  24. Really? I felt it was good, but as I said, I've always been keen on temporal mechanics and stories that maintain messing with them. Not saying it was the best episode but certainly up there with the greats Now, when the Doctor went back to Amy in the forest, he had his Jacket on (hard to see but quite clear), however he lost the jacket to the Weeping Angels earlier and didn't have it before or after that scene, though he gets a new one later as it's in the next ep. Either there's some time travel afoot or that's one hell of a blooper
  25. Not sure Well that ep was rather good, and we were worried after the Dalek ep. I love all time messing related stuff.
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