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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. These legendaries are the first since Ho-Oh to actually have a mystical majestic feel to them
  2. ReshiRAM & ZekROM Computer-type Confirmed! :p
  3. Obviously I did lol
  4. Ladies Gentlemen I introduce you to Reshiram and Zekrom
  5. European Release Date; 9th July 2010
  6. Fringe is a sure bet If it's on the complete series dvd and not the series 6 dvd, I'll be pissed
  7. Incorrect. The trademarks that follow the Pokemon Card Game one are related to the official card website
  8. Got some more pics of the Golf Night Out
  9. Nor can I, because it wasn't.
  10. I'm not planning on it, no.

  11. I'm not saying I don't agree with you, as I do. What I was saying is that insulting a person by calling them a retard for that is not on.
  12. I agree that it's their own fault and they should have read privacy policies and set their privacy settings to be private, but come on, insults are never the way.
  13. So calling people retards because they have a differing viewpoint is "common sense"?
  14. That's a bit harsh
  15. Well if people search my name, they'd get craploads of stuff on the Elephant Man and a load of stuff about a country rock singer in America :p
  16. The instances of someone having a bad day at work, complaining about the bad day in the status and then getting fired are getting so numerous these days it's no longer humourous. Those are the reasons I'd quit facebook, not anything else. However, as I'm self employed at the moment, it's not an issue.
  17. I do hate the concept of people facebooking you after a job application. It's kind of annoying. What you do in your off time should have little effect on your job unless it is something extreme or you're applying to work with kids
  18. I'd say a little of both. While there are issues with their privacy policy, they have admitted they're dealing with it A "mass quit" wont do anything, especially as if they already have your data, it wont just be deleted. You may as well continue to make use of their services and wait for them to sort their life out
  19. Well they get PS3s and Wiis in Prison, why not feeds of Stargate Universe :p It's really a shame so many of you have tuned out considering how good it's getting
  20. My brother finally got time so we watched Episode 18 It was fantastic
  21. I didn't find that the pay-off was what happened to them in the afterlife, I found the payoff was for them to all get some resolution and be happy after the dramatic events on the island
  22. What bugs me is the moaning about them not answering things. When did we become a society that needs to be spoonfed everything and have entire mysteries just destroyed? I'm glad that we don't know how the island was made, the true power behind the numbers etc. If we did, it would have gutted the show. I hate what our culture has become.
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