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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. As it's a historic franchise, I'm thinking Battletoads
  2. Please note, I would be doing this if Nintendo were messing up so royally
  3. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Xbox-One-Used-Game-Fee-Is-the-Retail-Price-of-the-Title-355137.shtml Wow...just...
  4. Fact is, in interviews, Harrison and Major Nelson both stated about fees for second hand games. It's unacceptable. It's fact.
  5. 3DS LL 24,123 3DS 13,001 PS3 10,948 Vita 10,931 PSP 6,524 Wii U 6,037 Wii 1,143 Xbox 360 349 Everything drops
  6. Were first reveals/demos of Kinect not as equally impressive?
  7. It is not, no
  8. I've been seeing articles so much of late suggesting that one of the big three will go after this generation. I used to think it was Sony because they are in the financial place where they can't accept another failure, but after this I'm thinking it may be Microsoft
  9. Yeah, they said that it'll work without extra fees on the same console
  10. People on my FB friend list are saying this is amazing and Microsoft have "nothing to fix" with regards to it Oish
  11. Strangely, the mainstream media are reacting very positively to this
  12. Well, that's somewhat acceptable. However, considering they're using a SATA hard drive and not flash memory like Wii U, it doesn't seem acceptable
  13. What the hell... This is ridiculous Microsoft PR in a "We don't know how specs actually work" scenario http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/05/microsoft-talks-about-xbox-ones-internals-while-disclosing-nothing/
  14. http://www.polygon.com/2013/5/21/4351844/ea-developing-wii-u-games WHAT IS GOING ON WITH GAMING TODAY?
  15. Oh, and indies can't self publish on the Xbox One like they can on the Wii U and PS4. Wow Microsoft, it's like you had a list of things not to do for a console, but thought it was the list of what do Would be nice, but much of Rare's talent left since MS got it
  16. It really seems like Microsoft expected the conference to be so good that nobody would notice the bad shit that followed It's a shame, I have 44 games for my 360. I got good use out of it and was hoping Xbox One would continue that awesomeness
  17. He had to pay a delivery charge for a deposit?
  18. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-05-21-xbox-one-second-hand-games-will-charge-a-fee-to-play
  19. http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2013/05/xbox-one-analysis/ This is worrying. If there was nothing, they'd say "Of course we're not putting fees in"... From Eurogamer http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-05-21-xbox-one-second-hand-games-will-charge-a-fee-to-play From MCV
  20. They will
  21. Yes we have. The Xbox One, Controller and Kinect are sitting on it :p
  22. Microsoft shot themselves in the foot and gave the upcoming generation to Nintendo and Sony No backwards compatibility No always online, but online required to activate games Cannot play used games without a fee Games required to be installed No gameplay shown
  23. Jesus, look at the size of it
  24. I don't like how it's saying they're tied to an account, not a console or account & console. So based on that logic, your significant others won't be able to play the games on their account. Really just hope that's a glib interpretation...but if so...damn...
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