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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Because Microsoft was said to be moneyhatting publishers at E3 in order to showcase Xbox One versions, I wouldn't put it past them
  2. Stands to reason that Microsoft may have had something to do with that
  3. The day/night cycle is kicking my arse. I don't have enough time to explore
  4. Bring back Spec Ops (or an equivalent which doesn't include Zombies) and me & my friends are in!
  5. I've taken a break for a bit if that makes you feel better :p
  6. I am enjoying it, but the day cycle could be a bit longer. It seems way too short to be able to do any proper exploring
  7. There is no evidence or logical reason to come to that conclusion at this time
  8. That's my job :p
  9. The Wii U is going to be a decent seller, turn a profit, and have a moderately sized installbase. It is not going to do PS3/360 and definitely not Wii sales, but it'll do alright
  10. The launch window closed in March, these games were just delayed to outside of it
  11. The Wii U could be selling one million units each day, offering free puppies or kittens with every purchase, and have Iwata coming and giving you £50 as a thank you and people would still say Nintendo and the Wii U were doomed
  12. Have I really become so predictable?
  13. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wiiu/acmj/index.html Official Japanese site is up
  14. Different economies now and then too. Now, there's far more competition in the gaming front in regards to smartphones/tablets which have damaged the perception of value for games. I know we dismiss it as "lol just analysts being twats", but it is actually a valid statement
  15. Dooooooooooooomed! Seriously, this won't shut people up. I daren't go on sales threads on GAF anymore
  16. I can't decide whether to play this with GamePad or Wiimote. I would go Wiimote, but my friend in Japan says it has some GamePad features that make things a bit easier
  17. Todays picture
  18. Todays picture
  19. I'm holding off because I want it retail, but damn it's tempting Doesn't matter anyway, ShopTo started processing mine
  20. People on GAF have been able to download theirs
  21. If you buy the download code from GAME, you can download it right now! http://www.game.co.uk/en/pikmin-3-173009?pageSize=20&searchTerm=pikmin
  22. Never, for either of the consoles, did they say the Virtual Console would be at launch. Also, Sony have said that various of the PS4's features that have been shown will not be available at launch, so have Microsoft with Xbox One features.
  23. In an interview, it has apparently been confirmed that various bits of new content will be offered for Pikmin 3 at a later date http://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-working-on-new-content-for-pikmin-3/
  24. And we'd end up with a situation where Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo make the best of the standard platforms and the games their studios make work perfectly on their ones.
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