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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Or, for the sake of a humour photo, the Kirby has 999% and literally dies from a single tap
  2. I do think Wonderful Red in Smash is likely. If not as a character, then as an Assist Trophy. I just don't think it'll be revealed in this Direct
  3. 3pm No idea on length though
  4. GAME are now offering Download Codes for Virtual Console games http://www.game.co.uk/en/games/nintendo-eshop/retro-classics/?attributeName1=Shop%20By&sortColumn=popular&sortTypeStr=DESC&inStockOnly=false&listerOnly=true&provenance=Download&attributeValue1=107&cm_mmc=Facebook-_-Digital-_-eShopPhase2-_-Link They match the prices on the eShop at this time however
  5. Todays picture
  6. Kamiya did say he wanted to do one. Perhaps he made a prototype and showed Nintendo
  7. Or, my more outlandish but very possible theory, Nintendo have actually let Kamiya have Starfox for a game
  8. Nope, they're not new Pokémon
  9. If it was in the Direct, I'd say "Wonder Red confirmed for Smash" However, as it's after...360/PS3 port :p
  10. Yes, it's confirmed. No, not all Pokémon will The only Pokémon whose ability matches their HA is Blaziken
  11. So which Pokémon character will we get? Mewtwo or Lucario Both have had mega evolutions revealed for them today, with Mewtwos being the one we have known about for a while
  12. Both options would irreparably damage the company. Neither is going to happen
  13. I love the choice. I just guess that people have issues with it because the choice makes them think it's too complicated I always pick the GamePad above all else at the moment, however. Except for Pikmin 3, of course.
  14. The thing is, there's definitely an inventory screen. Perhaps you don't borrow the items, but can only get one at a time. Once you pick one, you're locked into the dungeon you have to go to before you get the next
  15. Dropping the gamepad is a horrible idea. Why can you not see it? If anything, that'd make things worse
  16. The astronomical summer (Northern Hemisphere) 2013 began on Friday, June 21 and ends on Saturday, September 21 It ALWAYS starts on the Summer Solstice, as Winter starts on the Winter Solstice. This is a fact
  17. No no no no no. That's not how the world works :p
  18. Yeah, but it won't be as large as people are wanting. It won't be a $150 price drop. it'll be $50, $75 at most
  19. Unfortunately, I have seen many people, including a couple of friends, dismiss this game as "kiddy" -_-
  20. Apparently The Guardian accidentally broke the embargo and posted their review. It was glowing
  21. Most of June is actually Spring. As I said before, Summer: June 21st - September 20th
  22. Todays Picture
  23. The Secret Memo stuff has been posted to Miiverse. Won't post due to spoilers but it's different for every player
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