Does it have a leaderboard? Yes. Simple as. Is it a good one? Possibly not. It still has one. I say it is very sufficient, personally. Do we really need a placement? We can see how our score is relative to the other ghosts. We try to beat that. Do we really need an arbitrary number?
I just heard that Nintendo are offering download codes to those who purchased from the official shop and didn't receive it. Not sure the truth of this, but may be worth investigating @yesteryeargames @Pestneb
Well they're not saying anything, they're revealing awesome things and these things are not "important" enough for their E3 presentation which means we're getting hyped
New Super Mario Bros
Arguably the greatest 2D Mario game that has been created
Fantastic level design
Fantastic DLC
Massive fun
Can get tricky to find all secrets
Aesthetics are generic
Music is generic
Monster Hunter
Great online play
Good time sink
Will take a while to complete
Grindy as hell
Difficult to get into
Pic of the day. Here's a first look at the bottom-screen display for the Nintendo 3DS. Your name will appear in the area above the accumulated damage. And if you tap one of the fighter displays…!
…You can highlight that fighter on your screen. This is useful when you want to get back at a particular opponent. You can also highlight yourself if you need to keep better track of where you are. This is a great benefit to having your own individual screen.