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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Sure, why not.
  2. They are well within their rights to stop people profiting from their intellectual property. Nintendo are also not the only company that has been doing this.
  3. I would love a Lego Simpsons game. Problem is that EA owns the Simpsons game rights, so that means it wouldn't be on Wii U
  4. Don't worry, I'm already prepping the lawsuit
  5. Bayonetta 2 just got rated in Australia, so that'll likely be in the next three months. I can't see Hyrule Warriors being too much later than Japan's release of August, too
  6. We shall see in two weeks.
  7. Other TV ads other than the pure gameplay one that is doing the rounds on TV atm
  8. Well Youtubers really have no right to make money off of other people's copyrighted content. The outrage was ridiculous, especially as Nintendo is by far not the only one who used Content ID. Nintendo didn't have to do this, but they're doing it and it's a good thing
  9. Posted in Wii U General, but figure it deserves its own thread Nintendo announced on Twitter the following: 【YouTube映像に関するお知らせ】任天堂は以前より、不適切なものを除いて、YouTube上の任天堂の著作物を含む映像を正式に許諾しています。許諾した映像には広告がつくことがあり、その広告収益は従来のポリシー同様、Googleと任天堂で分配されます。(1/2) 【YouTube映像に関するお知らせ】その上で、より積極的な任天堂著作物の利用を希望される方に向けて、広告収益の一部を受け取れるアフィリエイトプログラムを準備しています。アフィリエイトプログラムの詳細については、後日続報いたします。ご理解の程、よろしくお願いいたします。(2/2) Basically, they said that until now, the Youtube Content ID system got money for Nintendo and Google off of videos with Nintendo content. Now, they are instituting an aggressive affiliate programme in order to split revenue with the content creator. It's not currently known what the details are, but they will come at a later date. Good move by Nintendo. Let's hope the other publishers follow suit.
  10. Nintendo have just announced a Youtube Content Affiliate programme. This will allow for video creators to earn money off of videos with Nintendo content, without the content ID system destroying them Thank you. These are my feelings exactly. It is too much on "Nintendo is doomed" "Their sales are rubbish" "They messed with the marketing". For me, it's all about the games and Nintendo's output in the last 24 months has been the best they have ever been.
  11. Then: New New Wii would fit :p
  12. Yes, but Wii is also a brand name like Playstation and Xbox.
  13. I'd have preferred for it to be Friday last week when they took the money :p
  14. There were redeeming factors to the 2008 conference. It did show some decent titles, but it was utterly dire. All conferences have turned to utter dross in the last 5 years. You can see why Nintendo have shifted.
  15. For all we know, ShopTo won't ship until Thursday...
  16. A couple of random pictures from UK Nationals. I don't have access to the ones random people took with me, though
  17. Article constantly calls it Wii U. You can read it here http://metro.co.uk/2014/05/27/mario-kart-8-mario-kart-nintendo-wii-u-koopa-toad-4738488/ It's overwhelmingly positive, too. I like this quote because it has so much truth
  18. To be fair, articles like that often just call PS4 "Playstation" and Xbox One "Xbox". It's a part of the brand. Yes, it's bad, but it's not exclusive to Nintendo's failure with marketing the Wii U
  19. Jealous Where did you order it from?
  20. Pic of the day. The rocket belt from Pilotwings lets you fly upward by jumping. This is a really useful item for characters that have weaker recoveries. By the way, is that cape fireproof?
  21. Come on, look at the games Nintendo have put out the last 24 months. For the mostpart, they ARE for the core gamer. Just because they don't go for the dudebro crowd does not mean they don't go for the core gamer.
  22. You certainly can
  23. Weight class varies depending on your Mii's height
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