Erm, sure, the patches are really relevant to the pricing and scope of these 4 DLC packs. There's no evidence this DLC was ready when the game was or anything.
You're bloody insane.
Yes, it had those costumes as pre-order DLC (unrelated to what I was discussing) and yes, it received a patch before it came out here. So what? It had been out elsewhere first, and thus minor faults were found that required patches. Get over it.
Prepaying for DLC is nothing new, it's called Season Passes. It's nothing new, and it's not Nintendo "depending on it to survive". This game is fleshed out. Mario Kart 8 was fleshed out. Smash Bros. is fleshed out. These DLC packs are all extras done after development of the main game finished.
I swear, all you do these days is troll.