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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I think this season has been rather consistently great, if you ignore the wacko science in Kill The Moon. Smith is still my favourite Doctor, but this has been a fantastic season
  2. Man, I hate playing as Zant Master Quest is forcing me to play as other characters. I don't like it :p
  3. Because it makes it seem like I'm popular :p
  4. I too get fed up with the constant barrage of crap about their kids. We get it, you have a family like most people on the planet. Then there's the whole passive aggressive statuses some people right, or posts that are cryptic saying something is wrong, and if someone asks what's up they then say they don't want to talk about it. A recent trend though is people sharing these ridiculously wrong articles and believing it true. Ebola a hoax, Ebola victim rising from the dead etc. I caught my sister doing that yesterday and just...urgh...disowning her.
  5. Several Wii U modes listed
  6. Pic of the day. Zael from The Last Story grabs some Superspicy Curry from Master Hand. "No…! You mustn't let that curry lure you in…!!" In the Wii U version, you can take photos of dream collaborations and funny situations with your trophies in the Photo Studio.
  7. Nuts, I hit a wall in Adventure Mode DLC. Need to level up Lana and Agatha Didn't they recommend to turn off the hard drive sleep features?
  8. Epona really is tricky to get to grips with. So fast making it harder to properly attack. Having a blast though
  9. http://www.smashbros.com/us/howto/entry8.html Amiibo details Edit: Oh it's old. Never mind.
  10. It's every 6 months
  11. The Master Cycle is part of the first DLC pack for #MK8 and has plenty of horse power…
  12. Another new template if you're still playing, @Glen\-i
  13. There was the suggestion that there was a silhouette of Hoopa. Turns out it's just Reshiram's tail :p
  14. Do I need to keep hiding secret characters in Spoiler Tags?
  15. Steel/Ground still
  16. So, Halloween is in two weeks and it's time to start thinking about costumes. What's everyone going as? Last year, I went as an Assassin and it went down very well And the year before I went as the Count from Sesame Street This year, I'm going as something weird and seemingly created just for Halloween costumes, the Dark Mad Hatter What about you guys? Any ideas?
  17. Footage released http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/10/13/cancelled-star-wars-rogue-squadron-wii-game-footage-found
  18. This one has Speed Mario Bros. in it :p
  19. Just the cap :p
  20. Exclusive to Nintendo UK http://store.nintendo.co.uk/games-3ds/ultimate-nes-remix-retro-cap/11024354.html
  21. They have implied that
  22. I'm loving it still, but I got into a grind cycle to level up the other characters, which is killing the fun a bit.
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