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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. April is when stars in new games stop
  2. Gamestop employees Yeah, just like how Mario was coming to the Xbox, right? :p If a rumour comes from a gaming store employee, it's not true.
  3. Nintendo UK Store will undoubtedly do a restock on launch day so keep your eye on there
  4. I stand corrected. Was going off second hand information. My apologies.
  5. Decent few thousand online at any one time. Matchmaking is fast.
  6. Patch is live. 1295 blocks required:
  7. Get a room, you two.
  8. We don't know if it affects friends yet though :/ People are jumping to conclusions
  9. CoD, Splinter Cell etc. still have solid online presence on the Wii U despite being third party and selling like crap.
  10. It was Harry Potter, before Harry Potter was the big movie blockbuster
  11. Smash 3DS amiibo patch goes live tomorrow
  12. It's the norm for more adult rated Wii U titles in Japan.
  13. Yes. Very much so. What gives people the right to upload entire games, slap some commentary over it and then profit. Developers deserve a share of the money made. Not all of it, but some of it. It's quite simple really. If you use a clip from a TV show or a movie in a different TV show or movie, you have to pay royalties. If you use a sample of another piece of music when you're creating music, you have to pay royalties. Here you're using a video game to create a video and so logically royalties should be paid or revenue earned should be shared.
  14. Nintendo, and all developers, deserve a portion of the money being made off their intellectual property being completely uploaded to youtube. Nintendo just went the wrong way about it.
  15. Why are people acting like a vocal Link hasn't happened in official material before?
  16. That's what I thought, but it's Wall Street Journal, not some random tabloid.
  17. Seems it's USB Keyboard only for communication
  18. Wonder if it gets voice chat...
  19. Special token (also obtainable through StreetPass) that lets you get things in Collection mode (model viewer)
  20. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is to utilise the Shulk amiibo. Trying to work out how.
  21. Third party options. The third parties don't see the profit in it which is why so few third party outings, both on and off Nintendo formats, have made it over.
  22. Nintendo's comeback strategy includes expanding customer choice by adding more affordable software titles, President Satoru Iwata revealed in a recent interview with The Nikkei. http://asia.nikkei.com/Japan-Update/Nintendo-to-offer-more-low-cost-software
  23. Ahahahahahahaha. Love the research that went into that article
  24. Wii U can run those engines though.
  25. The majority don't care if it's x86 or PowerPC. It's all in the marketing. A decent marketing campaign can get a severely underpowered console to sell. Nintendo just lacked that.
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