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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. 200cc Mute City They're just rubbing it in
  2. It's £4.49 Well worth it!
  3. If you say so. This seems to be another one of the times, like last time, where I've proven you wrong, you continue to go on the attacking claiming I'm wrong despite evidence to the contrary, before you give up and go home. Why don't you just do that early?
  4. Wow. Grasping at straws in an attempt to attack me now. And yes, the PDFs now have it down to 3 months because, as has been said, they have ramped up production, but it's only just begun being that way. Check the last few waves and you'll see. Also, if it covers when amiibo were first released, then surely it would not be a "made up answer". It'd be a semi-outdated one (though still valid as it is still 3-5 months), but certainly not made up. I know, I'll get you a dictionary for Christmas.
  5. 1. That article you linked to doesn't back up your statement. 2. I'm going based on official CPSIA sheets, which I have posted here before last time you tried to counter me that state the date production commences. From there, you can see how long it takes to come out by comparing that to release day. You can see them for yourself here: http://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11021 Not my fault you seem to be unable to create long term memories to remember these things
  6. Well don't forget that they are almost out of NES and SNES titles
  7. If they decide to make a figure, then it will become available 4 to 5 months later. So the stock we're getting now was put into production towards the end of November and early December. As such, the restocks promised that are coming are likely to have started around December/January, when shortages became known, and will come May/June, as they promised. It's not as easy or quick as people seem to think.
  8. I think it's because we had 4 on launch of the N64/DS VC while other regions had less
  9. I 100%'d it last week. Fantastic game, and it's bound to be ignored by the mass populace which is criminal
  10. I'm contemplating it, but I seldom have friends round to play games. Feel like I won't get the full experience if I don't get the multiplayer
  11. Certainly interesting. Going with this art style is a good choice if they're doing it on the 3DS. I love the machine to death, but it doesn't handle the realism that comes with standard Monster Hunter so well. Look at Yo-kai Watch...it goes with a similar style and looks lovely.
  12. Welcome, my friend. One of us!
  13. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/mario30th/index.html#/maker/ The Mario Maker part of the 30th anniversary site shows Yoshi...meaning we're going to get SMB and SMB3 sprites of Yoshi!
  14. Most of it is American Scalpers though. GAME UK removed ability to ship internationally earlier, cancelling ones with forwarding services. As such, it actually took over a day for any of their allotments to sell out, and there are still a few with preorders. I think supply is being worked out now, and things like this bode well
  15. I have countered most of your points with facts that have proven them wrong, aside from the opinion based ones, and you focus on one hyperbolic statement of mine and claim I lost. Ok
  16. So you ignore the points where I actually correct you and attempt to discredit my entire argument based on your poorly grasped straws? They never tantalised us in regards to Voice Chat. Do you even know what it is? I also never said that all amiibo were compatible with every game. I didn't counter you on that point. I did however bring up the ones Splatoon amiibo are compatible with since you were stating that it was only for Splatoon. Why the hell did you pay for Splatoon so early? That's not how pre-orders are meant to work. Not our fault you're such an idiot you pay pre-orders in advance. Also, you hanging a candle on your lack of paragraphing in your post does not mean I cannot make a comment about it.
  17. It'd have ended on Wednesday because I'd have put it in a circular argument from which there is no return :p
  18. I'd argue that Nintendo are the only ones who are attempting to move forward with the industry, but that's a discussion for another time. Man, I disappear for three days to cover a game and this place has become a warzone.
  19. Dude, learn to paragraph. Here are some essentially bullet points to address a few of your concerns. And yes, you can use the Smash ones on that, so your argument is flawed. It's also not Nintendo's fault you have no friends with the Wii U. People CAN find amiibo, they just struggle to find the rare ones, but that's being resolved soon. Nintendo will elaborate on the Splatoon amiibo usage by the time the game comes out. Unlike some companies, they wish to tantalise and spread out release reveals. Splatoon amiibo are also compatible with: Hyrule Warriors, Captain Toad, Mario Party 10 and Girls Mode 3 Also, they're not taking people's money 2 months before the game releases. That's not how pre-orders work You really need to rework your arguments. Most of it is flawed.
  20. It's not DLC. It doesn't require downloading. :P
  21. I don't do bets, but that is still an inaccurate article. They didn't announce the NX to distract from the Wii U. They announced the CODENAME for a device, which is probably a handheld (at first), to stop people thinking they're going totally mobile. The third point is ridiculous, as well, since we are so close to E3
  22. Yeah, it was insanity, and nowadays we balk at the £55-£60 PS4/XBO game RRPs
  23. That's the most idiotic thing I've read in a long time.
  24. Abandon thread!
  25. Bahahahahaha, you said Level 5. Good god...they only announced 5 Yokai Watch games for this year yesterday. Yeah, clearly. I concede on a couple of others, but they aren't as large as Nintendo. Nintendo would have to downsize ridiculous amounts to be able to do that, and then, as I said, we wouldn't be seeing the smaller titles from them.
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