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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Touché :p Though that also was Splatoon weekend, to be fair :p
  2. Funny because in the two weeks you weren't here, there were barely any arguments
  3. Yeah, this place is going to be intolerable over the next year :/
  4. Negativity is because they called it Metroid Prime when it's "not a Metroid game" I remember when people were up in arms that Nintendo gave a no-name studio Metroid and they turned it into a first person shooter. People are so reluctant to change.
  5. Or, and here's something, they aren't allowed to give themselves bad PR... Almost as if all companies restrict their employees like that.
  6. They showed the actual game
  7. New stage tomorrow: Bluefin Depot
  8. They have specifically said it's not a hybrid and have explained their plan for it.
  9. Treehouse is really selling this game to me, far more than the trailer. It doesn't even look all that bad in the levels they're showing.
  10. We shall see. I am hopeful, despite the Yoshi scenario
  11. SHUT YOUR MOUTH 8-bit Greninja and Mewtwo will happen
  12. It's going to be soul destroying, seeing the thing with gaps. Why'd they have to number them? I'll wait for the cards that have the same functionality haha
  13. Ok so there are 51 Smash Bros. amiibo 55 counting DLC 56. Chibi Robo 57. Toad 58-60. Inklings 61-68 Animal Crossing So that's scary. Though some are unlocked in game apparently. This could mean that every amiibo has some use in it.
  14. I maintain the belief that the conflict resolution with Square Enix resulted in them having to trim down the Digital Event which resulted in the Smash stuff being on the Sunday and the Nintendo Direct and various reveals from the two weeks prior. If all that was in the one Digital Event, it'd have been a solid, albeit not amazing or surprising showing.
  15. There's a reason why games like Sonic Racing, Rayman Legends etc. still sold better on the Wii U than the PS3 & 360 and PS4 and Xbox One.
  16. I doubt that A LOT.
  17. We really don't. We get a crapload of them
  18. I want a VC release of Starfox 2. It won't happen due to the SuperFX Chip crap but I want it
  19. You're right, it is an homage to the original
  20. I have faith that Platinum will crank up the visual flair by launch
  21. Actually, back last year there were lots of people complaining about the fact it used gyro, that it looked like an eShop game etc.
  22. There is also Atari. However, let's not assume that it'd be Nintendo as it is now just third party. It'd require a lot of downsizing for them to survive with it. We'd have to have annualised games for them to stay afloat. We wouldn't see smaller series often, if at all.
  23. What the frak are you on about? You knew full well I meant going third party from making hardware. Good god, you're just trying to pick a fight here.
  24. Yeah going third party has worked well for the other companies that have done it :p Going third party means that you won't be getting the games you want ever again.
  25. Instead of good games, they got games that almost everyone who has played them have said is good. Whoa, the bastards. Yes, the games aren't what we wanted, but they're by no means bad games and saying that, just because you didn't want them, just makes you look like an entitled gamer.
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