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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. http://www.twitch.tv/nintendouk/v/14237264
  2. A load of costumes. Spoilering them, there's some hilarious ones
  3. Well Nintendo doesn't really push for that level of content lockout with amiibo, so it must have been worse.
  4. What's odd is that apparently Miyamoto rejected their initial pitch for what the amiibo did. Makes me wonder what the hell did they suggest??
  5. From the tumblr page
  6. To be fair, since Iwata's passing, Nintendo has been overly quiet on everything.
  7. Japanese site has opened Not too many further details on it yet. 1GB download size. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/bxlj/index.html Shows all the items you can get. There's a lot of product placement it seems. They list a lot of the products and link you to their official site: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/bxlj/confections/index.html Also details its special abilities: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/bxlj/play/index.html Here's the Instagram account: https://instagram.com/chibirobo_jp
  8. True, but conversely the amount of arguments has dropped significantly since his ban. There have been a couple, granted, and I stupidly took one too far, but there has been less hostility here since he got banned. He brought negativity as much as he brought activity. I'll try and post more news, and not spin stuff.
  9. I've been trying to pick up the slack, but unfortunately there hasn't been much news of late.
  10. I love this game
  11. The Mini Splatling is set to enter the fray tomorrow morning in #Splatoon! #WiiU
  12. Online beta is live now in Japan until September 13th
  13. The models are less advanced so of course it runs better than XY :p
  14. Could be worse. We could have been in North America.
  15. I hate the review. Because you've played the game Seriously though, great read
  16. 2000 Stars
  17. Just under 21 month status report! KM Ran: 7,120.3km Weight lost: Still pretty level Have put on a little bit of weight recently but meal portions are all over the place still since my brother moved out and my parents seem intent on fattening me up, but alas. 7k is not bad. Based on this, 8 years until I've done the equator!
  18. Thanks to @Mike and all the other lucky gits who have the game, I am getting way too hyped for it NEXT WEEK! Woop
  19. It feels less responsive on mobile, too.
  20. It's far more exploitative on mobile. Prices are higher for everything, including in-game stuff (3500 coins for a Great Ball compared to 2500 in the 3DS etc.). It's horrible
  21. September 30th http://www.serebii.net/shuffle/passcode.shtml
  22. We're also getting: StarTropics Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics II Both US Versions
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