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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Na, it has shipped now. Fingers crossed for tomorrow, I have to strangely cover it for my site
  2. Official Splatoon trailer I ordered before they even advertised it was live. Why is mine being shipped last ;;
  3. Takes 2 days for delivery for me from Nintendo UK for some reason, so I truly hope they ship today else I'm fucked
  4. Did you get standalone or with the amiibo? Mine hasn't shipped yet
  5. They've started processing mine. Hope it ships today and comes tomorrow
  6. Do note that Wii U is not the only avenue for Nintendo and the 3DS has done really well despite the massive influx of smartphones. Even the N3DS has done well and it's 2015, sure not DS levels of success but it hasn't been bad or even mediocre, especially considering the influx of mobile gaming.. As such, it's a bit erroneous to say he has run Nintendo into the ground because of one part of it, especially as he has pulled the company back into a profit (and it was initially only at loss because they were taking loss on the hardware) before he passed. Plus, handhelds have typically been Nintendo's main focus out of the two, not the home console. So yeah, a bit of hyperbole. Not defending the Wii U's performance as that'd be ridiculous (though it's what made me love gaming again after being burned out and bored of games last gen), but to say he ran the company into the ground is definitely hyperbole considering the company is in the black and selling software, hardware (aside from Wii U) and others at a decent rate..
  7. Nintendo UK haven't begun processing yet. That's unusual, they typically ship on Tuesdays
  8. Where'd you order from? I'm waiting for mine to process
  9. Gates to Infinity got 38/40 :p
  10. Some leaks from Famitsu
  11. That is an actual thing I have noticed. People like Daft and Sheikah never post on the Nintendo forum, except when it comes time to bash and criticise. I feel drive-by posting akin to that is just as bad as, if not worse than, what I do when I get too enthusiastic in defending.
  12. I'm going to stab you in the shin now :p Haha na it's cool
  13. Is that not a point of a discussion? Not to just post your own thoughts but to question others? Try to gain insight as to why they think that way and possibly help them see the other side as they try to help you see theirs?
  14. Yeah, I'm with Ronnie on this. The discussion is a valid one, and it did actually go into that without people slamming eachother (for the most part, Sheikah did start turning to the personal insults again). The first post of the topic, however, was not good. It was offensive, inflammatory and frankly, had a lot of bizarre arguments.
  15. I argue the opposite. The Wii has helped Nintendo far more in the long term than the short term. The profits are allowing for Nintendo to rebuild after a console loss. The Wii U strategy and trying to solve that is more short term than long term projections/work and the Universal deal, amiibo etc. are a large part of fixing the long term even more, and these were all initiatives by Iwata
  16. Yeah, they never did things like this in the past, with the e-Reader, 64DD and so on... Nintendo owns the amiibo name, anyway. Look at the boxes for actual amiibo and the Shovel Knight. The Shovel Knight one is a licensed product. Nintendo aren't even manufacturing it, it's being made in the same factory as Disney Infinity figures. But still, the original point is lost on you. You used it as an example of locked content on day 1, when it has been out for over a year. If it helps you, think of the co-op mode as £13 DLC that gets you a free figure, so it fits in with other policies you like.
  17. No, I was just stating the flaw in your logic. You're putting a third party decision and policy and blaming it on Nintendo. I only utilised Microsoft and Sony in the argument because it's the only comparison in this industry. In doing so, it actually does defeat your argument. Stop trying to deflect it by saying "lol he mentioned Microsoft so he lost" Besides, with Shovel Knight, it's not already on the game as it's being added a year after launch. Most games with DLC later add it via a patch and then unlock it with a DLC unlock key, so the situation remains comparable. If you bought Shovel Knight, you have a full game. Now you're getting additional content for free, as well as additional content that requires an amiibo. The content being developed after the launch of the game, which was the crux of your initial argument. For Shovel Knight, it's no different than DLC released later for any game, except you get a badass figure as well.
  18. With that logic, Capcom's DLC practice is all on Microsoft and Sony since they gave it an ok. Same with all on-disc DLC, microtransactions etc. Also, the plural of amiibo is amiibo.
  19. Shovel Knight most certainly doesn't count. It is not a Nintendo title. Splatoon is the only one where you may have a point as it is locking out challenges which could easily be in the game, but the game isn't incomplete without them. The Mario Party stuff was designed solely for amiibo and couldn't exist without it. Please actually get facts before continuing to parrot this notion.
  20. Ok withdrawn, but I was talking about the argument that they were the majority of what Nintendo did.
  21. One of over a dozen games with amiibo support, and you continue to use that as the only example to suit your agenda despite the fundamental flaws in its premise. And yes, that was complete without amiibo That wasn't the point of contention. You're moving goalposts. You stated they were the majority of the software output. They are not.
  22. They are complete at launch, my friend.
  23. Hmmmmm........... I disagree with NES Remix being mini-games. Same with Animal Crossing Plaza and even Wii Fit U. The mini-games in there are a small part of it. Sing Party isn't a mini-game collection either. And those are actual games. Just because you don't play them or don't like them, they are still software developed and output by Nintendo.
  24. And that is what they're doing. Read what Miyamoto said. He said there's a place for both
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