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Everything posted by cheets

  1. Get there early, I walked into gamestation at 12 well i was let in, and bought acessories of the shelve.
  2. The controllers look sexy, thats about it. :p
  3. My gamestation was like, come on it mate, but first can we get rid of the pre-orders. I may sell one of my Component cables on here but how could I do it? Raffle?
  4. Wii Remotes no chance, all sold out and they didnt even get that many in. Everything else was pretty easy to get one way or another, sorry to the people but component cables are like gold dust.
  5. I went to Gamestation for about quater to 12 and about 10 people waiting for the pre-order (30 pre-orders to the store) and one tit with a video camera :S They had NO Wii Remotes or Wii Classic pads, quite a few games, and I saw 4 component cables on the shelf and wiied my pants, couldnt believe they had any I got 2 another lad got 1, these will sell for like £50+ Got a Zelda because they are suppose to in shortage and a wii nunchuck. Asda has loads of chairs in there but nobody was left I went at about half past after leaving Gamestation, they had a couple of games and 4 classic pads and that was it for acessories, got 2 for £15 each. Pretty chuffed really.
  6. ebuyer.com they aint a major palyer, think what GAME's is like
  7. :shock: :shock: http://www.zorgg.net/wii someone who works at ebuyer.com
  8. might just go down there anway for the laugh like i did last year
  9. There might be some games in stock I want Wii play
  10. how come? I am nipping down to my local asda to soruce some games and pads. loyality means nothing when it comes to cold hard cash.
  11. Anybody going down to Asda to have a laugh at the people trying to buy one, it was pretty funny the people saying to me in a rude way "you cant get one mate, no more people in the queue" "oh, damn, oh well my 2 360s on the way from GAME and Gameplay, just here for a game"
  12. Whats the odds on acessories selling out, they did like the 360.
  13. My info from gameplay. Pre-Ordered Date : 26/09/2006 Despatch Date : Today? Status : Being Picked Itams Ordered and being sent: Nintendo Wii Console - White + Wii Sports The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess
  14. cheets


    aww, my niece is 14 months old and i love her so much, she is so funny, shes walking and trying to get everything, she picks up my ipod dock and thinks its a phone and talks to it and if I give her a cd she walks over to my 360 and just puts it on top.
  15. One of mine is going on ebay then other will be played on friday, might take it down to my mates.
  16. cheets


    Nope, just busy. See all the old people are still here, still going strong eh. I dont know where to post first. Odwin how old is your kid, I am sure I can remember you posting about her being born?
  17. cheets


    lol, not sure but I have really stayed away since atleast early 2006, but now the Wii is out I have a reason to come back here, I am still on the 360 and I just hope I can settle into the general chat.
  18. cheets


    Just popping back here for the Wii release, got my pre-order in and its confirmed from GAME. I have hardly been here since the summer and not posted for ages, still the same old people here?
  19. eek, you have a lot to learn, since the 60s America has been corupt, ala JFK (vitenam pull out) Nixon ( watergate) Bush Snr (Iraq) Bush Jnr (Iraq) (worst of the worst) read Stupid White Men The Americans have EVERYTHING to lose, money, power, army, economy, PetroDollar (another great read) and debt, the US is in debt by EEK, the petrodollar which makes the WHOLE world trade OIL/Pertrol in $ thus giving the US Mint to print $ Sept 11th could of been a fake or a great mistake, we will never know until the boss has fallen.
  20. Paul McCartney one just has too much info for it to be a theroy. Mine is that Pearl Harbor was a set up by Roosevelt so the Americans could justify entering WW2, he sent all the best ships out to sea and left 8 in the harbour, the Americans knew that the Japanese where going to attack but they wanted to enter the war for the massive amount of arms money they could make. And as a result the Americans are where they are now from that sunny day in December in Hawaii Also another good read is the PetroDollar, about how the Americans made the world trade Oil/Pertrol in $ so they could say they have so many billions in oil recipts. Iraq wanted to trade in € in 2003, look what happened, Now Iran want to let all the world oil suppliers trade in € in its country, and look whats happening there.
  21. This last film I watch was John Grishams The Rainmakers, great film with a good cast (Danny DeVito, Claire Danes, Jon Voight) Matt Damon was awesome as a youny rookier lawyer, trying to sue the Insurance company that denied money to save a young lad from Leukemia. The story is perfect and the ending is good and it also has a great side story with a love interest but its just right. 8/10 I am half way through watching this now, got it on sky+, must admit the acting is awesome, its good to see a war film this isnt just glory, Americans, good vs evil. Its on imdb.com at 44 out of all time 250 films Best War WW2 films are Schindlers List, The Great Raid, Saving Private Ryan.
  22. Yup If you ever get chance, watch the Streets of San Francisco with a young Arnie in one of the episodes, its about him being a bodybuilder and he slaps a girl around when she calls him big, tis a funny and poor acting episode, also Micheal Douglas starred in the series and Karl "big nose" Malden, who featured in a Family Guy episode with cocaine, how i laughed.
  23. Got to be Schwarzenegger, Stallone took himself to serious and he still is, with Arnie it was always abit of a joke. "Don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired." What film, hotshot.
  24. I hope they know who won two world wars and one world cup also the sun never set on our empire.
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