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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. You got 78% before? That's pretty awesome. *should be doing his current essay*
  2. Cons: wet, cold, I overslept, I have more work than time. Pros: linguistics, the letter theta. Advice for other people: try and find something that'll distract you from your woes and show that they're merely a minor footnote to your life.
  3. You guys are confused - he's clearly just given birth, and that's the umbilical cord.
  4. Being absurdly politically correct is one thing, but anime is so far the other way that it ends up being limited as a medium. It'd be great to see a show about, say, middle aged men, with no supernatural or sci-fi components at all, provided of course that the story was good. All other forms of media exhibit pretty much limitless variation, but anime is constrained by having to pander to audiences of either kids or perverted otakus.
  5. You should be able to find various course rankings, try the Times and Sunday Times university guides - they might be emedded in there somewhere.
  6. I'm still doing the same damn essay, and have another two to do after that. Not so awesome.
  7. Like nationalistic, only about a city. Failed coinage, nothing to see here... But yeah, I've been there once. What I saw of it seemed quite cool.
  8. What is it about Sheffield? Half the people I know, both online and in real life seem to either live there or come from there. I just found out my head of department's from Sheffield too. And they all seem to be so erm... polistic about it. Edit: Hmm, seems the morphology of that coinage doesn't really work. I meant polis in the sense of city rather than that of selling, to contrast with nation.
  9. Ah, finally found the word I was looking for: periphrastically. Such a satisfying feeling.
  10. I'm pretty poor at this sort of thing, got about 6 I think. I suppose I might do slightly better with a real mouse.
  11. That's the differential, I asked for the integral. You need to use integration by parts like I said - it's the standard way to integrate the product of two functions. Not sure, but I'd imagine the whole chip would be bypassed.
  12. It's to stop the circuit totally bypassing the op-amp - unless the inverting input is of higher resistance than the op-amp itself, this will happen. Good old op-amps. I once staggered about 12 of them and hooked them up to LEDs and a thermistor, so I had a sort of discrete thermometer thingy. Fun stuff.
  13. The e^x multiplier changes things - you wouldn't be able to ignore it when differentiating (you'd need the product rule), so you need to take it into account when integrating, too. So you use integration by parts, but that isn't the lateral bit yet.
  14. You know what happens at the end of Clannad? 1. For the love of god, don't tell anybody who doesn't know. 2. It's still really fun to watch. And there are some great parts of the story that are unrelated to the ending. 3. You probably don't understand the ending properly unless you've played the game/read the game script/read a lot about it. Anyway yeah, it'll be win, whether you know what'll happen or not.
  15. I think it's more that I know what's coming in the last arc. And though I may find it hard to do so, it's worth waiting for.
  16. Right, saw Clannad after story 6 - thus ends Misae's arc. It bore all the hallmarks of a Key ending, but meh, still a bit thin for me. Seems we have Yukine's arc yet - they're really going through all the possibilities. Hopefully all this extra stuff will make after story all the more cogent.
  17. I doubt it, OED says: and the online etymology dictionary says:
  18. Hmm, cool. Wish I'd had more time to BISH when the competition was going on - think I was in Japan for most of it.
  19. I don't believe, I investigate. What happened to you sounds like cold reading to me. It can be very effective, but is a pretty evil thing to do to someone. Edit: That article is pretty awesome Dan.
  20. Hmm, probably some fun looking textbooks, maybe guitar hero 3, and maybe some as yet unspecified computer bits. Probably just the textbooks though.
  21. Erm, what the hell? You should have been able to fill in one of those change of circumstances forms and get the funding reapproved - it's what I did when I changed to linguistics. Anyway, that sucks...
  22. Well, it's used way too much but there are some questions that really do require you to think laterally - i.e. the solution can only be reached by non-standard means. The best examples I can think of come from maths - have a go at these two if you dare: 1. Integrate sin(x)*e^x. 2. You have a stick of length L with n unevenly spaced ants on it, each of which walks at velocity v. The distance between the end of the stick and ant 1 is x1, the distance between ant 1 and 2 is x2, and so on. The prime numbered ants are facing away from this end of the stick, while the non-prime ants are facing the other way. When two ants collide they have a perfect elastic collision - i.e. they turn round instantly and carry on at the same speed in the opposite direction. How long before all the ants fall off the stick? That second one is a bastard, and the guy who told it to me refused to give me the answer. The first requires A-level maths (integration by parts), but for the second you only need to know the relation between distance, velocity and time.
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