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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. It's the 2nd semi-final tonight. I'm looking forward to Jedward.
  2. Would be good and, quite honestly, I can't think why they wouldn't. It'd be great to have the videos on our 3DS like the "nature" video we got for updating it.
  3. I couldn't watch it live, but I watched the repeat last night and my favourite was Serbia. Didn't stay up for the results, but I see they got through.
  4. My interpretation was that only Rory and the Captain's son were fatally injured. Thus, they needed to be saved or remain attached to the respirators. The other pirates only had cuts - it's just that the Siren was trained to look after them at the first sign of injury. The spaceship was in another dimension, and not necessarily one where the Earth was in place. I assumed it was just flying through space. As for the pirates being able to fly it - artistic licence. It reminded me of what Mickey said in Season 2's Cybermen episode when he was asked how he knew how to fly the helicopter: "PlayStation"!
  5. Don't forget the first semi-final tonight, at 8pm. It's on BBC3, but I don't know which other channels it's on. I wonder if Jedward will be on tonight?
  6. It would be good if there was a figurine gallery with all the enemies and characters in the game - Gorons, Iron Knuckles, Stalfos, everything. You could perhaps buy figures with your 3DS coins and swap your duplicates via StreetPass. I'd also love the Ura Zelda content, of course.
  7. Yeah, and if you're lucky enough to get the Alchemiracle, it doesn't even fill out the entry for the "normal" version!
  8. Sunshine was great, it's my favourite 3D Mario. I loved how FLUDD helped you hover, spray water etc. I loved the theme of sun, sea and sand. In fact, the only thing I didn't like were the retro levels. Maybe I don't like Mario all that much!
  9. Put it this way, I'll be pleased when I've beaten the final Legacy Boss... ...On the other hand, I can't wait to complete Erdrick's outfit this May (Armour + Gauntlets) and I'm 100% up-to-date with my Quests, which I enjoy very much. Every time I do one, I think to myself how much I like the game. It's so smooth, so perfect. The game engine, the villages, almost everything. I've played other DS games since, but nothing has a place in my heart like DQIX.
  10. Show off. I got one today as well, but you registered it faster than me. I don't know what size mine is (haven't opened it), but I asked for Large, and it is a V-neck. If it's slim fit, it'll make me look like I'm going nightclubbing! Do you think Nintendo will punish us for selling them on Ebay? This is why I haven't said my number. It's higher than yours, but below 1500.
  11. Just to clarify, I don't get it either, nor am I in the slightest bit ashamed that I like it. I'm only saying that people around me do say "It's camp", "It's rubbish" etc. Fools!
  12. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ is my favourite for news. Then, if I want to check something out in more detail, I'll also head to some of the other sites mentioned, but CVG covers most stories.
  13. At the end of the day, there's no substitute for a witty script. I'd give the thumbs-up to an episode where it was just the Doctor, Amy and Rory talking in a room if it made me laugh.
  14. Maybe, but it's meant to be entertaining, isn't it? I wasn't entertained.
  15. I love it. Yes, I know heterosexual men aren't meant to like it, but stuff it! It's a great evening's entertainment. The songs are OK, there are plenty of sexy women (who can forget last year's "Apricot Stone?") and I love the way it brings Europe together - not in a naive, hippy way, but literally. It always makes me think we should have more live TV across Europe of European events. It's so much better than showing a crappy film. Plus, when it's finished, I always have a fantasy flight around Europe in my head!
  16. The only positive things I can say about that episode are that Lily Cole was superb as the Siren and I liked the twist. Other than that, it should have been much, much funnier and used more pirate clichés.
  17. Here's a very well-informed analysis of it by Peter Hitchens, who I personally think is one of the most brilliant political commentators: http://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/
  18. That's very interesting, I didn't know if that'd work. I used to walk all round the houses with mine, but gave up. Maybe I'll try it again.
  19. It's because I rarely post pictures. Some sites still get uppity about hotlinking, so I don't want to risk a "he's stolen our bandwidth" type thing.
  20. That's a great secret, but I must admit, I don't associate Zelda's Lullaby with time. It was first used in Link to the Past, wasn't it?
  21. Been there, done that, it's not worth it. If companies can't be bothered to release games here, I can't be bothered to buy them.
  22. Greece is going to get some awesome pre-order bonuses: a key ring, a 3DS case, an ocarina, a baseball cap and... Deku Tree seeds!!! Let's hope we get some of them in the UK - if nothing else, at least the seeds, please! http://www.computerandvideogames.com/300178/news/zelda-ocarina-of-time-gets-sweet-pre-order-bonuses/
  23. I quite like that new trailer for Ocarina 3DS - it shows the gameplay and gets across the appeal of the game quite well. Of course, it's American. Over here we'll get a celebrity going "Cor, I love Zelda, he's got such a big sword!"
  24. Other M is very good. Fusion is excellent.
  25. Oh, he wrote the 2nd episode of Sherlock, apparently (but not a Doctor Who yet, apart from this one). Thanks.
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