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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Aw, flipping heck, that's amazing. Are there meant to be posters about this instore? I went to both my GAMEs today, but didn't see this offer. I'm not doubting you one bit though.
  2. Hope Out of the Blue are good tonight. They're pretty much my favourite act in the whole competition.
  3. Yes, I was mistaken. I confused the fact that you have to use multiples of £2.50 with thinking that was the maximum. It was a nice surprise that you can use more. Considering we haven't seen the special case/tin yet, could it be that you get both game boxes - the normal and the special edition - the normal one having the cartridge in?
  4. Whoah! It's £29.99 on GAME's website now, so you can get all the preorder stuff for the same price.
  5. That's interesting, I didn't know you could use more than £2.50 at once. If you can get more off instore, I might be able to save a fortune. Thanks for that. Now, I'm probably being stupid, but does that mean the boxes don't have the cartridges in yet? I don't understand how they'd be sealed without the cartridges in.
  6. OK, I'm going to go against the grain here. I think there are some subjects we shouldn't laugh at. There is a massive difference between good-natured political incorrectness like Come Fly With Me and sneering, hateful "humour". There is nothing funny about ill children, for example. It doesn't matter how good the joke, it's just too unpleasant to laugh at. Most comedians who joke about such subjects are unfunny scumbags, but what happens when you get a talented comedian who jokes about very dark subject matters? Step forwards Ricky Gervais. I loved The Office and he still makes me laugh - the man has talent - but his stand-up is so unpleasant a part of me never liked him as much since I saw it. Now some of you were saying you laugh at rape, even though you know it's wrong in real life. I don't doubt that, but can you honestly say you still have total sympathy? Can you honestly say you are not more callous, slightly corrupt even for laughing at it? Not that I'm accusing you of being evil, or that you'd commit crimes or unpleasant acts in real life. It's not even your fault that you have become callous. Call me old-fashioned, but I am a great believer that the films and television that permeate western society have totally corrupted us to a certain level. It's like Bart says to Lisa in The Simpsons when they're watching a McBain film "If you don't watch, how will you become desensitised to onscreen violence?" So sad how accurate that is. What is wrong with us? You get stuff in things like Doctor Who, Harry Potter etc that could give kids nightmares, but then if a woman bares her boobs they have to be censored. We can't appreciate the female form without thinking of it as something rude or associating it with something ugly. We're animals, with instincts for sex and violence (to an extent), but the media bombards us with such a barrage of perversion and unpleasantness, we can't help but become desensitised. So, say what you like and laugh at what you like, but can you honestly say your soul has not been blackened and that you are really as nice as you could be? I know I'm old-fashioned, but that's what I believe.
  7. It was a really entertaining show tonight. Lots of talent. Abyss - I was very distracted by the background graphics. The Circus of Horrors - They were great tonight, I was surprised how much I liked them. The woman demonstrated great skill by using the bow with her feet. To me, that's what it's all about. Gay and Alan - Loved them! Simon was way off (and that was a cheapshot joke by Macintyre). Les Gibson - Superb. So, I want Les Gibson and Gay & Alan to go through, but there'll be a lot of talent that misses out tonight.
  8. I'm all for it - all the classics upscaled to 1080p, and I think you could improve the framerate too without it being a proper remake. Ocarina of Time on the N64 runs at 20fps. What I'd like is for the framerate to be tripled to 60fps - not necessarily any extra frames of animation, I just want it to run super-smoothly and the walls to go past without any judder. As well as Ocarina, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker are a must. You know, the usual suspects. I suppose sprite games would need to be selected more carefully for HD remakes, but I'm sure there are a lot of SNES games that would be worth it.
  9. Here we go: Abyss - Street dancers Angela & Teddy - Dog tricks The Circus of Horrors - Extreme Variety show Gay and Alan - Handbell players James Hobley - Contemporary dancer Les Gibson - Comedian Wachiraporn Tirpak - Entertainer Jay Worley - Singer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britain%27s_Got_Talent_(series_5)#Semi-finals
  10. Couldn't agree more. The N64 got it totally, utterly perfect: Mario at launch, a Zelda game that built upon it within two or three years and a same-engine Zelda swansong a couple of years after that.
  11. My verdict: Two & A Half Men - I wanted to see more tumbling, more throwing each other around. Still, they are inherently good and could yet improve their act for the final. Lorna Bliss - Felt really sorry for her. They shouldn't have asked her back and then buzzed. I did predict she'd tone it down and that'd be a problem, but I think it would be more appropriate to mention that in the feedback rather than buzz. New Bounce - I was very impressed, actually, as they were a huge improvement. At least two or three have really good voices. David & Karen - Good, but... I must admit, I'm not very fond of magic acts, as it's all illusion using special props. Basically, even though they do have skill, they can do anything if you only see it from one angle. In all honesty, the girl didn't look like she was underwater. My tips to go through are New Bounce and Two & A Half Men. PS - flameboy, I hope you don't mind that I copied your formatting.
  12. No, there must be a problem, surely. Out of interest, how many steps marks the halfway point in your day? Mine can easily do 10,000. I must admit I turn it off when I get home, as I mainly have it on for StreetPass. OK... you know how welsh_gamer revealed many games are now £19.99 at GAME? I went in today and bought Ridge Racer and Street Fighter. What isn't stated on their website is that you get 1,000 bonus points with each. I checked my receipt and the points were worth £8.15, so that's basically each game cost £16. I must say, it's renewed my love for the 3DS. I've now decided that, whatever the drawbacks, 3D is more exciting than 2D. Also, I'm not trying to argue with anyone in this thread, as I was going to say this anyway, but I really think the 3DS did have a good launch line-up. There was Pilotwings, Ridge Racer, Street Fighter, then Dead or Alive and soon Zelda. Playing SF in 3D just makes me want to finish up playing the games I have left on the DS, because the 3DS is entirely, utterly superior. A very satisfied customer here.
  13. Yeah, Omniheal and Fullheal are necessary for some turns. Have you maxed-out all their stat-boosts and got the Angel's Robe and Tropotoga? That'll sort you out. Don't forget you can also wear Red/White Tights, Fur Hoods and Ethereal Gauntlets to protect against the elements.
  14. My thoughts exactly - Simon probably wants to see it! Although I'm sure they'll ask her to tone it down for the semi-final anyway. I mean, they had to censor her nipples the first time round (which is ridiculous, in my opinion). Girls Roc had toned down their act too. No bare buttocks and no fire-spanking this time! Not that I'm into that or anything, it just gave it an edge!
  15. Enchantment - Acrobatic circus troupe Up & Over It - Table Hand Dancers Herbie Armstrong - Singer Lorna Bliss - Britney Spears Impersonator Jean Martyn - Organist New Bounce - Singers David & Karen - Illusionists Two & A Half Men - Dancers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britain%27s_Got_Talent_(series_5)#Semi-finals Lorna Bliss? WTF? I was convinced she didn't get through. I mean, I liked her, but I thought they said "no". Quite a few good acts tonight. The illusionists were impressive. So were Two & A Half Men.
  16. Quite. Metroid Prime springs to mind, how you experience a very rich story without any dialogue. For me, it's all about conformity. I disliked it when Red Dwarf changed to film and CGI, allegedly to conform with Hollywood standards. I dislike it how Hollywood would probably not make a Metroid or Zelda film without dialogue. I dislike it how video games films always have to be changed to fit the norm. Games are special, and if we demand voice acting in something that doesn't need it, we are like those people who want diverse, international products to conform to a bland, westernised norm.
  17. It's amazing the similarities between Okami and Twilight Princess: a wolf with a companion on its back "purifies" areas and fights demons in closed-off arenas. There's even a dungeon where you have to take ingredients back to a cooking pot. Thread about it here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=142132 That said, I genuinely think Twilight Princess is the better game. It has much smoother, more solid graphics and it just feels much better to play (in my opinion).
  18. Agree with you and Retro Link. This is what bugs me about Doctor Who nowadays. Are they actually trying to entertain you? I think not. The seasons are now full of mystery after mystery, so that you never know what the heck it's all about until the last episode (if then). You know what this is like? American TV. There's cliffhanger after cliffhanger. Nothing's ever resolved. Now go back to when Russell T Davies was head writer - he sure as heck wasn't scared of entertaining you. OK, he dropped in a few key words, like "Bad Wolf", "Torchwood" or "Mister Saxon", or kept mentioning that bees were disappearing and aliens were vacating their planets, but he kept it in the background where it belonged. RTD tried to entertain, and he succeeded more often than not. Where is the wit and verve of episodes like "Love and Monsters", where the Doctor hardly featured, and the whole thing was set to ELO's Mr Blue Sky? Or the immensely brilliant and succinct "Smith & Jones", where a hospital was warped up to the Moon until the Judoon had caught the blood-sucking alien. As head writer, he oversaw gems from Gareth Roberts like "The Shakespeare Code" and "The Unicorn & the Wasp". There's nothing like that now. When I sat down to watch Doctor Who I knew I'd get a great performance from Eccleston/Tennant, I'd more than likely get a few laughs from it and, if nothing else, I'd at least understand the plot, which, if it foreshadowed future episodes, would do so in a way that didn't leave you baffled. If only we could return to that sort of quality.
  19. They were great! Fair enough, it's just that I haven't seen anything like that, personally, and I was just impressed. He must have immense core strength to keep himself in perfect balance. Oh well, he's not through. This is why I love the semi-finals more than the final.
  20. Dec (to Simon): "Can you understand me?" Brilliant. Girls Roc - less raunchy, less buttock-y Bruce Sistaz - very talented, nice act. Paul Gbegbaje - clearly talented, but a lone musician is not much of an "act". Ted and Grace - I was in stitches, but thought Hasslehoff and Simon were too harsh on Grace. She's a great singer! Stuart Arnold - it's rubbish, but I was crying with laughter at how such a surreal and rubbish act was on primetime, live TV, especially when he reverted to his real accent and started listing all the impressions he did! Joe Oakley - awesome! Very difficult jumps, I just loved it. So, I want Joe Oakley to go through. I think Bruce Sistaz are the other act that deserves to go through, really, but Ronan is bound to be 1st. Assuming Joe is 2nd or 3rd, he definitely deserves the nod.
  21. Not bashing your ideas, Fused King, but I agree with Retro Link there. : peace:
  22. Interesting article about that here, actually: http://www.gamesradar.com/f/are-there-many-3ds-games-that-are-actually-worth-playing-in-3d/a-20110524153735591025 They recommend 50% for this game. I'd recommend 30% or 40% for missions, and 2D for Free Flight. The logic behind this is that 3D does help with depth judgement, but 2D feels more crisp and enjoyable for when you're just exploring. Distance... I'd say just the normal 30cm or so. I agree that you need to hold it closer when you've got the 3D on 100%, but it's generally not a way I'd want to play for long. Anyway, hope you enjoy the game! I had a lot of fun perfecting the Novice and Bronze classes, but keep in mind that doing so in the higher classes is probably too difficult to be worth it. Takes away the fun, I think.
  23. Haha, darkjak's point about English certainly was harsh, but to be fair, European languages are derived from Latin (so have many similarities) and English is the most successful one. It's not that I expect people to speak English personally, it's just that I think darkjak's point was that an English voice-acted Zelda should be understandable to most, in the same way they could understand western programmes and films. Personally, I prefer the original language with subtitles (which I think are essential). Text should always be readable to the country it's sold in. We'll see. I think you might be right. Add in most of the other mechanics too...
  24. Yeah, that was annoying. They put through many acts just for the sake of variety. If one year they only get mediocre singing groups and mediocre dance groups, they shouldn't put them through. They should put the best acts through, even if they clash. Let the public decide. I mean, a bloke who bulges his eyes... really.
  25. Thanks for making this thread, flameboy. I love Britain's Got Talent, and the semi-finals are the best part of it because a) they all improve significantly from the auditions, if only the staging etc, and b) the actual final loses too many good acts. My favourites this year: Girls Roc (good to have a sexy act - shame on you, Michael Macintyre!) Lads from Oxford University who sing Lady Gaga etc Bike stuntman
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