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Everything posted by Darren

  1. Yeah, it's a pretty great game! That being said, I didn't complete the post-game content, and I have been told its exceptional! I will definitely get around to that ASAP
  2. Hey! I always planned to come back to this and respond, but unfortunately life got busy, as it does for us all. However, I am here to reply to those who kindly sent a message back. Apologies for the length of time, and hopefully you're still around! Good to meet you @bob the good ol' days for me were the late 90s and early 2000s era of Pokémon, so the first two or three generations that I grew up with and have fond memories of. @Glen-i Good to meet you, Glen! I think you're right, there's a lot of people who deeply appreciate the games they have their first experiences of, however as i've got older, I have appreciated other generations, such as Emerald and Platinum a lot more. I also feel that HeartGold & SoulSilver are far superior games to my beloved Pokémon Crystal, however the latter still remains my favourite. The DS era was the strongest, in my opinion. In 2020 I had the chance to obtain Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It blew me away, and I can't believe how I slept on it originally. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on Scarlet & Violet in the time since your last message! Hey @martinist this post could be me. I appreciated those first two generations the most. I had Blue, and I bought Crystal soon after. Taking my first steps into Kanto while playing Crystal blew me away, as it did for so many others who played. I doubt we will see something as noteworthy in the modern era and beyond. You definitely missed something special with FireRed & LeafGreen, and HeartGold & SoulSilver TENFOLD! It saddens me how expensive these games are these days, and I truly hope you get the chance to lay your hands on them and enjoy them in some form in the future. I disagree, give Emerald and all the DS games another chance, including the spin-off titles such as Mystery Dungeon. There are some fantastic moments! I regret that I never played White 2, nor owned it until a couple of years ago, when I purchased it from a friend who was offloading her collection. I plan to play it soon, however I have been saying that for the past year or so... I have mixed feelings on the series beyond the DS era, and too many to list here today. I do however really appreciate some of the new Pokémon designs, and it was great to see a region based on my home country of the UK with Sword & Shield. A lot of my love for Pokémon does remain firmly in the past these days, but I do appreciate that it's still going all the same.
  3. Hey! Decided to jump back onto the N-Europe forum (since I stopped using social media, i've had an itch for forums again), and see if I can find some new people to chat with about one of my favourite franchises ever: Pokémon. It's something i've got a lot of love and nostalgia for, and it'd be great to speak to other fans who have been enjoying it throughout the years.
  4. Back again after a long hiatus! I wonder if there are still many people around..
  5. I think this is a game i'm going to have to pick up, whether it be launch day or further down the line. It seems to be the final Wii U exclusive game, and that alone is a good enough reason for me to pick this one up. It doesn't look terrible and I hear the writing is really good! I think it's something I could enjoy for sure!
  6. Maybe it's just me, but I love his voice XD It's so silly, and fits with the game. Still can't believe he's even made it in there..
  7. I feel that was explained well enough in the above post Enjoy the album!
  8. Hey there N-Europe It's been a while since I posted here, I just figured I would pop in again and attempt to reconnect with old friends (and new friends!) on one of my favourite communities. I guess i'm pretty excited as a fan right now, we are about to enter a brand new generation of gaming with Nintendo with the NX and the company is branching out into new areas such as mobile. It's all very new and I haven't really felt this excited about Nintendo since the transition between GameCube and Wii. While I don't have the same amount of time to play games like I did back then, I am very interested to see just what the future holds. Anyway, it would be good to chat with some people again!
  9. HARMONY OF HEROES: A SUPER SMASH BROS FAN ARRANGEMENT ALBUM LAUNCHING IN 2014 Facebook Twitter Hey there N-Europe! I am here to talk about a project I am currently working on, Harmony of Heroes. Some of you may know me already, as i've been a member of these forums for some time, but for those of you who don't, i'm Darren, the Director/Producer of this project. My team and I are creating a fan-arrangement album based on the Super Smash Bros franchise. It is a diverse album covering Super Smash Bros (N64), Super Smash Bros Melee and Super Smash Bros Brawl in a variety of genres to suit a wide number of musical tastes. It is already shaping up to be one of the most ambitious I have ever been involved in. Our history I have been involved in two previous projects that were focused on the Metroid franchise called Harmony of a Hunter and Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run. With the support of musicians and various other communities and websites on the internet, we released a fitting musical tribute to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Metroid franchise which has been download and enjoyed by thousands of people and is still being discussed today. The response was so overwhelming positive that we received a follow-up called Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run on the anniversary of Metroid Prime & Metroid Fusion's 10th anniversary that received a similar reception. Harmony of Heroes builds upon the success of our previous albums with a notable franchise, a greater number of musicians and content to work with and a much larger fan base. The Team Due to the scale of this project, I have required the assistance of a dedicated team who have been super helpful in giving feedback and support to musicians. Stephan Wells and Buoy were both involved in our previous album 101% Run, and are long time supporters from the Newgrounds community. Both of them have been a huge asset to the project so far. We also have Pyro Paper Planes who has been a long time supporter, involved both of our previous albums. We have recently had a new addition to the team, Rozen. He was previously involved with the Video Game Music Choir and has already provided an incredible arrangement of Final Destination for us, which has been performed by a 40 piece orchestra and choir. Their support and dedication to the project so far has been much appreciated. Our objective Super Smash Bros is a franchise that I have grown with and admire greatly. It was my first introduction to characters like Samus, and I have seen just how passionate and committed its fan base is, whether you play the games casually or professionally. It is a collection of everything that is great about Nintendo, and more! My aim for this album is to pay the greatest possible tribute to the music of Super Smash Bros and the series as a whole. I believe Harmony of Heroes offers that, and continue to do that with your support. This is where I am hoping you guys can help! Thanks for your time! If you would like to follow the progress of Harmony of Heroes, you can do so via our social media platforms which can be found at the top of this post. Harmony of Heroes is a non-profit album that will launch this year free of charge! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
  10. Well Josh I don't know what to say! I've had a hell of a lot of fun playing games with you over the past couple of years or so. I never imagined I would enjoy Boom Street as much as I did, you and our friend in common Foo really made that game for me. I definitely got my moneys worth and I loved every second! This really doesn't need to be the end though, we can move on and play new games together, it can be a hobby in addition to your other hobbies. I think you just need new games that you can play with friends together to help bring that spark back. But yeah, thanks for everything Boom Street, so many good memories
  11. What can I say? Things have been a little busy lately. I am still dedicated to N-Europe I just have other things on my plate right now :) You know where to find me if you need me though :)

    1. Josh64


      Happy Birthday muffin xx

  12. Get your butt to Play Expo and you can get 20+ of mine! Plus more from my other friends who are attending!
  13. I'm attending! Really looking forward to this, last year was great and this year looks to be even better! Be sure to bring your 3DS and activate streetpass, I want to see lots of pink puzzle pieces so I can complete my collection! @kav82 You'll have to text me and let me know what your arrangements are, can't wait to see you again!
  14. I am willing to start fresh, I didn't get into it the first time and i'd like a solid team. @kav82 i'm up for it whenever you are!
  15. As much as I feel ShopTo has changed, I was really impressed with them on my 3DS, my bank cancelled the transaction as they though it was suspicious. I contacted ShopTo afterwards and they were really helpful and re-ordered my console for me and I still got it earlier than launch. They seem to be quite responsive via Twitter.
  16. According to the forum it's your birthday today! Happy Birthday dude! I hope you have a fantastic day! :)

  17. Same! My 3DS came a day or two early, I was very happy with the service. Good luck with that, they'll all be allocated, so you should secure one all the same.
  18. Nintendo just offers something that little bit different and special that tempts me back. There is no way i'd travel half way across the country to play on a new Xbox or Playstation console, but I did it for Wii U, and i'd do it again. I love Nintendo, it was there for me from Pokémon growing up, and from there I played other titles. It has shaped me as a gamer and it has been a huge part of my life.
  19. Hey there dude, fellow Metroid fan I presume? :)

  20. I really need to get myself to a carboot sale, probably take @LukeLee along with me, but again, we would probably end up going for the same things Best bargains i've had are in Gamestation, DK Bongo's for 99p and a boxed Gameboy Player for £1.99 come to mind. Shortly after the launch of the GBA I managed to get one from a second hand dealer for just £15 unboxed, it was still around £90 boxed at the time. I had the biggest smile on my face that day!
  21. I'm really pleased to hear that we'll be able to transfer our purchases over from the Wii to the Wii U, I have so much content on there that i've bought that it would be a shame to keep it on the Wii as it gathers dust.
  22. Sounds like it could be fun! I may start over completely, it might be fun to build up with a new team. How about it guys? Would you be prepared to start a new save?
  23. I've never lost faith in Nintendo, but I have found alternative ways to enjoy games such as my Xbox 360, I never stopped enjoying Wii though. In fact, I rediscovered it again with Monster Hunter Tri, Twilight Princess and now i'm going back and playing the games I missed out on for Gamecube and Wii, so I think there's still plenty of life left in it yet for me personally.
  24. You can find my twitter account here feel free to give me a follow! Wasn't aware your name was Darren?
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