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Destiny Blade

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Everything posted by Destiny Blade

  1. i dont wanna make my move before the bundle offers kick in but i may not have much choice, i may have to look at what kind of bundles game and gamestation are doing at the moment for other consoles and just guess damn it!
  2. waiting for some bundles to start apperaring before i reserve my Wii, Zelda and possibly red steel
  3. kingdom hearts ico shadow of the coloussus jak series ratchet series final fantasy x devil may cry series rez tenchu wrath of heaven onimusha series god of war we love katamari and okami when it comes out
  4. same the music was pretty damn cool but why was shadow on a motorbike when he can run at the speed of sound?
  5. sorry but i despise the GTA series i think its a load of shit
  6. my mistake + seven nation army (whtie stripes)= guild wars
  7. poor dude im sure it wasnt all that bad mabye he was fed up with life ? oh well life goes on i guess
  8. broken by seether feat amy lee - kingdom hearts stairway to heaven by led zepplin - kingdom hearts needles by seether - legend of zelda the twilight princess run to the hills by iron maiden - gun smash my bitch up by the prodigy - smash bros meele
  9. i think the katamari series counts as unusual and possible rez but they both own
  10. futurama, south park, wolfs rain and one piece at the minute anyway
  11. [/img]
  12. oki doki give me a couple of minutes
  13. looks major sweet drools pees pants etc
  14. looks really good i wanna see it but i gotta wait till im 15 i could always try and get in but i have minimal lying skills oh well wait till it come out on dvd and is it set in the first gulf war o the second?
  15. congrats have a cookie
  16. i know what you mean at the rate of delays its had (a year and 1/2) knowing my luck it wont come out but then theres always the matter of importing it?
  17. that character looks like the guy out of tenchu wrath of heaven (rikimaru)
  18. hopefully the rev and ps3 should come out this year possibly making this one of the greatest years in gaming history (thanks owen for the compliment bout the thread)
  19. the games i cant wait for are kingdom hearts 2, shadow of the colossus, legend of zelda t.p, okami,we love katamari, guitar hero, animal crossing w.w if i can get my dongle to work and finally devil may cry 3 special edition.
  20. staff discount nice!
  21. cant wait for the horse combat or playing as the wolf (alternative is okami)
  22. oh joyas days if that were true they were all awful and couldnt write reviews to save their lives
  23. it does sound pretty cool and i am aiming to learn some kind of instrument and that would help immensly so possibly il try and get it cheaper than £50 though (also looking forward to shadow of the colossus and kh2)
  24. mmmmmn HDTV drools condemmed does look nice also its good to know that games are finally starting to look next gen no just a complete clone of the current gen
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