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Everything posted by gARYgREATIE*

  1. Kingsley Amis called Terminator 2 "a flawless masterpiece." I agree.
  2. Yeah! P.s. You're completely retarded.
  3. well you have a year's guarantee on them. send them back to bose but i think you should fish out your reciepts and packaging or whatever. thie soldering isn't that difficult, just a bit of a faff. I've no idea about reliable headphones, it's a constant war with these guys. checkout iCans, they're really cool the sound is projected kinda parallel to your ears instead of straight at them, its way better for you.
  4. thats happened to me twice, check out my bose graveyard the ones on the right work because I ripped the wires out and re-soldered some different cable onto it but the ear piece things have totally perished so i need to take the ones from the other broken ones to make it complete. they sound amazing but the manufacturing quality is awful. don't lose hope brother, get a soldering iron.
  5. EDIT by Jordan: Link Removed. laame, i dont mind the yellow card but i thought it was a funny link, i dunno why that is necessarily spamming. fair enough.
  6. you don't know my cat, she absolutely loved it.
  7. lame, thats the last time i weigh them myself, cd ahoy!
  8. Cat in pants ftw.... I was quite drunk
  9. I can't see what the problem would be with legalising weed, if not just to regulate the quality of it. It can be very detrimental to people's mental health but this really is no surprise due to the amount of chemicals and shit is pumped into it to increase the potency. If people want to smoke weed they should be allowed, this country is fast becoming a police state and their policies on drugs are absolutely ridiculous.
  10. man i've been out of the loop with this thread, but i don't think anyone's recieved mine. I sent them like a week ago but I might not have put on enough postage. I think I had EEVILMURRAY and Daniel. If you haven't recieved them then I'll do it properly and go into the post office tomorrow.
  11. "The train now arriving at platforms 1, 2 and 3 has just come in sideways."
  12. Pretty controversial. I think she worked really well as Rachael, I don't think it would have made sense if she was played by some absolute babe, you need a bit more depth. And by that I'm not saying beautiful people can't be deep blah blah bored of writing sensible now. Urr nurr I am teh Salant Man....
  13. Hmm fair enough, you are forgiven. I saw Volta a year or too back and they were fucking amazing, I have heard that they can be pretty up and down tho. Oh hells yeah, get it all.
  14. Why the frick didn't you go see The Mars Volta? They are so awesome live it's unreal. You lucky people just squandering all these awesome opportunities :P
  15. Yo I have currently recieved one (moogleviper) and have finished the covers etc so mine shall be sent later today.
  16. It's the kinda stuff I can listen to but wouldn't intentionally do so. That Embrace cover is unforgiveable tho. You need some TOTO in your life boy.
  17. I got that vibe from your cd, pretty loud and clear. for me, TOTO and Thin Lizzy.
  18. You can perceive it any way you like, it's just important to realise that DanDare got blazed. boom.
  19. cheers guys this is all useful stuff, I dunno how much it depends on your location, I'll be moving to north london so we'll see what most people round there go for.
  20. Hello Y'all, I'm moving into my first studenty house this september and am wondering who people have used for teh interwebz? I'm not bothered about having a house phone cos I'm on contract so I just want it for the net. Who is the Best? Cheapest? Let me steal your knowledge, please. Gayrage.
  21. who sent the richard ashcroft one? also what is the name of track 4?
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