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Everything posted by Start/Select

  1. It annoys me i can't pick my copy up till saturday, it annoys me more i won't be able to play online for some time. My uni server doesn't allow consoles to access a connection, it's rather annoying.
  2. Doubt it. It's probably a 3rd party boxing game we already know about, then again Nintendo Media Summit tomorrow so you never know.
  3. I believe it will be September at the latest, I think Nintendo are holding it off to be released to compete with Little Big Planet released the same month...sigh, GAME.co.uk still has the game scheduled for May 1st, I plan on popping to GAME to pick up my pre-order promised by blonde woman, then make a huge deal out of being disapointed, hopefully i'll get something out of it =D...just not brawl =[
  4. Anyone else think we might see Disaster: Day of Crisis at this event? It just got a new release date for Japan (July 3rd I think) maybe Nintendo is going ot come out and say suprise, it's done thinking we all forogt about it.
  5. I got into Nintendo since the N64 days (drawn in by Banjo Kazooie), I was originall a Sega fan boy but since getting over fanboyish with the gamecube, I fell out of love with games during 2004/2005 playing games very little and in 2006, things picked up again and here I am, not a nintendo fan, but a fan of games =]
  6. If anyone noticed, Nintendo Europe have taken Brawl off their upcoming games, it appeared last week but now it has gone again. Reckon the head honcho saw it and said "Whats Brawl!? I don't think anybody is interested in that" and pulled it.
  7. I pre-ordered this only last Friday instore at GAME but they told me I'd have a copy ready on Friday (I'm picking up on the Saturday tho...) As for anyone playing the game with the GC controller, I understand why you might want to do that, but don't give up on the Wheel, from what I played it's a really fun method of playing. I too will eventually use my GC controllers but I wanna use the wheel for at least the first play thru.
  8. If anyone's interested, I've written an impressions blog about Mario Kart Wii and the Grand Wii event from yesturday, I know its limited to like playing a few matches on one cicuit but it does include some Wii Wheel impressions, You can find it here
  9. I do actually see your point, it in some respects is just another Mario Kart Game, but I think theres much more to it. For one the wheel makes playing Mario Kart very different. While everything else is pretty much the same, there's also online play which is a first for a home console Mario Kart. I understand your point I just think your overlooking some of the things Mario Kart Wii does over its predacessors.
  10. Agreed, also for the record, 4 player split screen runs at 30 FPS but I saw no slow down whatsoever the dozen times I played it.
  11. Just got back from the Grand Wii Mario Kart event at GAME. It was less busy than I expected, in the end after many tries i managed to get onto the 3rd spot of the leaderboard with a time of 1:40:91 for 3 laps around the Luigi course. The only controls there were Wii Wheels which is a little uncomfortable, i got used to it but for one drifting is impossible to do, I literalyl didn't do a single one, some new power ups are fun (there's only about two tho) and all in all, a good day. I got a certificate with my time on it and i got a wii wheel keychain too.
  12. exactly... Also, speaking of those black and gold wii wheels, reckon they might get sold on the stars catalogue? I know the answer is no but it would be nice right?
  13. I know alot of people will say that's stupid, but I think using the balance board would actually be kick ass.
  14. I'm on ranked match 2 on Bitter mode, thankfully Phoenix Wright is taking all my time up right now =] Also for anyone interested, I wrote a review of No More Heroes for my blog at Symbiote Studios, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. check it http://www.symbiotestudios.com/blog/?p=137
  15. Well I popped into GAME in Preston (where my trains switch to go home). A nice lady at the counter took my pre-order. She scared me a litte, she said "ooooh are you as excited as I am for mario kart wii!!!?" to which I replied "Erm..a little?" Then she asked me if I wanted to pre-order Wii Fit, but when she said Wii Fit she did the hula spinning motion which scared the crap out of me. I also out of curiosity asked her what date they had for Brawl and she was boasting about how she'd played it already... May 1st was the date she had, I know it isnt May 1st but I put down a pre-order anyway. She may be crazy but she was a nice lady =]
  16. Indeed, while Gamestation are offering Mario Kart toys also availible for £1 at the counter..., GAME are offering a Mario Kart Wii Hat (well it is more of a cap), seeing as GAME is holding the event, it looks like they're getting the better promotional deals.
  17. I'm pre-ordering mine at GAME instore today. Is that a death wish?
  18. I've played Skate on the PS3 and I really liked it, but I don't think its worth a £40 price tag. £20 maybe, I don't think the controls will translate well with the wii remote personally but it could suprise us all =]
  19. Well I've been holding off Brawl for long enough. I'm loving the look of Mario Kart Wii right now, in fact I'll be at the Manchester Trafford Centre GAME tomorrow for the Mario Kart Event, I actually plan on spending alot of time there. Anyone else going?
  20. I hate when Nintendo Europe pull out the translation card. Honestly, for a game as big as Smash Bros, surely a worldwide release would have made perfect sense, especially for a game that should have been translated worldwide before being released in any territories.
  21. I just made a silly attempt to ask Nintendo Europe what's happening with Brawl, all i got was the game has alot of translation and the typical PAL requires many languages bull. They did say when the date was announced it would be on the nintendo.co.uk website...woo. I think we need to send mass emails about the brawl release, all we want is a definete date =[
  22. THis is madness (madness..?). I almost bought Brawl today from my local importer, i took a bunch of games to trade in for it but I just wanted to have brawl so badly, oddly enough they had freeloaders but no Brawl today so I told the guy to put me a copy aside but then Mario Kart is out so soon i duno what to do =[
  23. True, very true, but it's stuff like this, the missing boss, the desolate town ect that come across as just a bit lazy, yes I understand their part of the ploy of NMH but it all seems for the sake of a joke at times and it's the gamer whos loosing out.
  24. Skies of Arcadia two would be a nice idea no matter what console it would come out on, i reckon the 360. As for Nights, it's not happening. The last game was only released four months ago and to a pretty luke warm reception, not only is it unlikely but it is far too soon
  25. I went through a phase of trading in my big gamecube catalogue of games which i now regret. I kept the ones that were most important to me. Resident Evil Pikmin Windwaker + Master Quest Zelda Collectors edition Smash Bros. Metroid Prime 2 since then i've seen the error of my ways and picked up... Killer 7, Pikmin 2 and Second Sight.
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