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Everything posted by Start/Select

  1. Yeh I'd say it's a fake but kudos to the guy who came up with that concept, pretty much sold me on what could've turned out to be an awesome remedy for a series thats grown very old.
  2. I was pretty suprised when I reached the end after only three-ish hours, I'd heard it was short so I took my time but i didn't expect it to be that short. A great little game, a wrote a review for a website i work on if anyone wants to read it, here Was also posted on N4G.com and Gonintendo.com
  3. Well I finally managed to get my pre-order down last night, £27.49 from GAME. Last week I booked a holiday that means I'll be abroad when Brawl arrives on my doorstep =[
  4. Like a few people, I feel sorry for those who imported Brawl early, but I am glad that I didn't fork out to get the game in advance because I would have been extremely pissed off if I found out that I couldn't play Brawl or No More Heroes anymore.
  5. Oh where to start with Twilight Princess? Well there was almost any part of the game where you played wolf link which was an absolute bore in my opinion (until you got to lake hylia). The lack of a real enthusiastic story didn't help and I think I'm the only person in the world who really hated Midna. Other than that Hyrule didn't have a very Hyrule feel it was interesting but trying around it was a bit linear it was go in one direction or the other. The key places also felt really uncomfrotable, I loved travelling around the goron village and zora domains in OOT and MM but in TP it's just not a fun really. I think TPs main problem is that it was just proof that the Zelda games need to change and so much in TP pointed that out, the typical dungeon to dungeon set up, the boring intervals between. On the pro side I will say that horse back attacking was good and some areas like Lake Hylia with the giant bridge looked amazing. TP, not the worst but far form the best.
  6. Somewhere the guys at Shenmue dojo are smiling that Shenmue actually made this list, good on it, now where is Shenmue 2>?
  7. I reckon we'll hear about a players choice range later this year around christmas when buying a wii becomes more difficult. Probably costing £25. I'd really like to see a DS range of players choice games, they're so overpriced still!
  8. Edge don't really like anything, ever!
  9. I managed to score a 1000 points card last night, Should be able to buy lost winds when I get back from Uni this weekend. Nintendo Europe sure do make their own and their customers lives confusing.
  10. I admit thats a very tempting Okami cover, I don't understand why GAME aren't getting these exclusive dittys, they don't even have plans for a brawl exclusive yet... Anyway I'm gonna have to put buying Okami on hold, I've got Phoenix Wright 3 on the way from PlayAsia, I don't want anything to get in the way!
  11. Does anyone know if this is out on Friday? No where I've looked has confirmed this for the 6th, only the 13th.
  12. wrote a review of this for my blog, check it out here.
  13. How did you get that!? =[
  14. Really want this game now, my girlfriend works at a little blockbuster in the middle of nowehre and said she got 12 calls in 1 hour from people asking if they had Wii Fit. Encreable!
  15. My girlfriend just ordered this off Littlewoods.com because she wanted to get it for our anniversary and after she palced her order, shewas emailed to say she wouldn't get it till October, so in 6 months time =[ I dont even think getting a Wii was that hard!
  16. I'm a bit miffed i didn't save money for this, I mean im glad I bought Mario Kart Wii but sods law, now I wish i'd saved for this. For the record im not a 12 year old on a £5 a week allowance, I'm a student minus the loan.
  17. It's true. Honestly i'm still a little suprised its still so high in the charts but it is a cheap addition to your collection and for people who buy their consoles for wii sports it complements that well. Still i'm pretty sure everyone in american now has a wiimote...
  18. EU release update. Something I notices on nintendo.co.uk 4 games are listed in upcoming. 1: Wii Fit -25 apr 2: Ace Attourney - a date in may, i forget 3: Smash Bros. Brawl - 2008 4: Ninja Gaiden DS - 12 jun anyone think its strange of them to put the title between those two dates?
  19. ^^ I think people are pissed off because they're wondering why Nintendo isn't showing us the games we'll be apparently playing in the last half of 08. We've got Wii fit this month then eventually Brawl, after that it's a bit dry. Nintendo are leaving it to the last minute to show us games we're not sure if they're coming or not or how long we'll have to wait for them.
  20. So did they actually show off anything? At all? Nothing? How very Nintendo.
  21. I actually think the previous name sounded better, sluggers has an ugly sound to it.
  22. I understand why some people think this is a great idea, technically if pulled off right this could rock especially if online is involved but i don't see much reason to buy this especially if it is basically wii baseball +.
  23. What is this I hear about a golden wheel? Sounds interesting!
  24. GAME.CO.UK UPDATE: The release date has been pushed back to June 1st, no suprises there then.
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