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Everything posted by Start/Select

  1. Big fan fo the Pikmin games but the original just has so much more charm than the sequel which I finally managed to find in my local gamestation for £18 which I had to buy, loved it just not as much as the original.
  2. 1: Smash Bros. Melee 2: Resident evil (original) 3: Killer 7 4: Pikmin 5: Luigis Mansion 6: Timesplitters 2 7: Resident evil 4 8: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes 9: Zelda: Wind Waker 10: XIII
  3. I plan on picking this up later this year, right now i already have plenty to be savign and playing thats more inportant then arcade ports. I still wish they could have included House of the Dead 1 as well, it just would have made more sense. House of the dead 4 looks incedible though...
  4. Well im in the UK, I'd say it isn't too difficult to find these games but at times it has proved difficult. When Zack and Wiki launched, I wasn't able to find it in GAME or Gamestation but I found two copies in Game Stop. Also when No More Heroes came out, I had a pre-order set aside but I had a glance at the Wii section and there weren't any copies on the shelves nor were there any copies of Fire Emblem which came out on the same day.
  5. I'll most likely be playing using my Gamecube controller, but seeing as the wheel comes with the game, I want to give the wheel a good shot and see how it plays especially since it seems that Nintendo might have tweaked the game aroudn the wheel. Is anyone going to this GAME mario kart challenge next weekend? I'll be at the Manchester Trafford Centre store.
  6. Shinobu is a pain the first time rond, as for Destroyman, were you playing on Bitter? I had a problem reaching him on Bitter but not on Mild. He's definetly one of the best characters in the game.
  7. I'm currently on my second play though and loving it all so much more. I don't think it looks like an N64 game at all really, maybe in Santa Destroy but not in ranked missions and combat.
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