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Everything posted by faz99

  1. I cant think of it remind me.... I only remember the part... Oh is it when Ryo's father is murdered. I thought the voice acting on that was dodgey.
  2. Ahh cool. Maybe i'll try it.
  3. Tales Of Symphonia. Brilliant. I love the way you look at it, everytime you start the game. And you don't really understand much, but the more deeper you get into the game, the more you understand of the video, and then, when you finish the game, the intro almost turns into an ending, as everything makes sense. Sad in a way :aww: I also absolutley love the intro to Chrono Trigger, don't know why. It just a showcase of the game really, bloodly good showcase at that. I know i'll think of more..
  4. Tell me now. Because my save is half way through it and i couldnt be bothered finishing it unless i can easily get past it. I might just start from scratch on the GC anyway.
  5. Chemical Brothers - Hoops Chemical Brothers - It Began In Africa Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Chemical Brothers - Galaxy Bounce And just for you trance lovers out there, i'll get me 6th in. Night Addix 3 (http://www.djkristoff.com/ - Free)
  6. Dark Water Japanese. Maybe Audition, also Japanese, but i never seen it, looks scary. I have the trailor for it on the Ring Japanese DVD. The Shining by yourserlf. Oh yes. Just like Athriller, i found The Exorcist amusing, but i wasn't watching it by myself, i don't get full effect unless alone. I know everyone is good tut when i say this... But... Have you seen The Blair Witch Project? If you have then thats that spoilt, as you probably watched it with all your friends and had a good laugh. And with other people in broad daylight, it is quite funny. But by yourself at 4am with no lights (Erm me). OMFG. Scared the fucking shit into me. Just a question: Has anyone actually liked the blair witch? Or found it scary? I loved it. Everyone hates it.
  7. I have a Creative Zen Sleek 20GB. It's brilliant, it has the same kind of software as far as im aware of the Zen Touch except its a bit smaller, has FM radio you can record from with a mic. Also you can tap the touch pad to click, but on the Zen Touch you have to push the OK button.
  8. Nice emulator work there
  9. I love this game. Everyone argues that OoT is better, but i dunno. I loved this more. Every area was exciting. I remember the little girl that you could chase in the east, argh so annoying. Or maybe you didnt chase her, it was something about a door anyway. Strangely enough, i never finished it. I got to the last dungeon, and as well all know, its a head fuck. You'll see what i mean Stocka :yes: Pretty challenging.
  10. GamesTM and sometimes Edge, but mainly only in the shop, because i wouldnt waste my money on it. Ever again.
  11. Is it in english?
  12. Im not a big fan of the controller. The only cool thing is the motion sensor thing, thats it. Otherwise it's just like a little plastic box. In fact a bit too small. Anyone else feel the same way. Because everyone seems to be just going on like OMFG wICKED
  13. I'm 9. (....min char rule)
  14. Fight Club Online.
  15. Oh exciting. Funny how soag is on it, and he made the post. *coughcorruptioncough*
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