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Everything posted by Noodleman

  1. Well I haven't updated this in a while, so as im waiting for the next episode of 30 rock to load I might as well post an update. So yeah after my thinly veiled I had sex post a lot has happened: Left Toronto in a blaze of glory (well rain actually) and boarded the train to Ottawa, if you've never been to Ottawa before don't its really really really boring, the hostel was crap there was nothing to do, and it rained the whole time I was there, I couldn't wait to leave. After 2 days I got the train to Montreal. Montreal is amazing I just wish the bastards would put some things in English, it's utterly bizzare everything and I mean everything is in French.....just French even McDonalds or whatever the menu is in French. Yet everybody or at least I did not encounter anybody who couldn't, speaks fluent English. Although lots of them have the hot French accent when doing so. Spent 12 days in Montreal loved it, the amount of attractive women was crazy I've never being anywhere with so many stunning women per square foot before. Did all the touristy things in Montreal blah blah even went to the Formula one track the day Bernie got rid of the Canadian Grand Prix, that was a cool experience because when not in use it just open to the public and you can bike or rollerblade or walk round it. Top 3 things about Montreal : 1, The Women 2, $5 Pitchers of Beer 3, The Grand Prix track From Montreal I took a flight to New York because American immigration is so awesome I had to be at the airport 3 hours early for my 1 hour flight .... I dont know if its the same everywhere but when traveling to the US from Canada you go through immigration at the Canadian airport rather then when you land. So anyway I go up to the homeland security guy and he goes through the usual questions notes down everything I say on the computer then says i'm going to refer you to the interview room and let them decide if you can come in. At this point I was thinking oh god full body cavity search here we come, I went into the interview room the guy scanned my passport in and literally said so when are you leaving the US, I answered 9th November he didnt even ask to see a flight ticket just stamped my passport and said ok then, how random and pointless. Anyway that only took 15 minutes so I now had 2 hours and 45 minutes to kill in Montreal airport, let me tell you there is nothing there I watched the same news report about 8 times in French Anyway at some point I arrived in New York got on the subway and rode it all the way to the hostel..... in Harlem yes Harlem I dont think I realised that when I booked it. Anyway, it was cool and I had no bother other then people trying to sell me their rap C.D's I have no idea why. So yeah New York I didnt really like New York that much or Manhatten at least after a week I was glad to leave, glad I had gone but I had , had enough of it. Did all the touristy things statue of liberty, empire states building. rockafeller centre, yankee stadium blah blah. The one thing I loved about New York though was the deli shops. They ruin subway I can tell you that much and every street has at least 2 or 3 deli shops so awesome. So then I got the Greyhound bus to Philadelphia from New York. The Greyhound bus is pretty awesome and a hell of a lot cheaper then the trains in America. Philly is awesome genuinely loved it, not a great deal to see other then the rocky steps naturally but I had a fantastic time in Philly. The hostel I stayed in was great as well. Always had something organised every night even if it was just a DVD and free crate of beer. Philly was also where I learned that American girls love the English accent. Or perhaps it's just philly girls who knows. Anyway I had girls hit on me, this never happens I usually have to win them over with my charm and wit. So yeah I had a lot of luck in Philly and I went up the rocky stairs. So then I was supposed to be going to Boston when I left Philly however I couldn't find anywhere to stay in Boston so I ended up in Washington D.C, which is where I currently am. Washingtons alright bit boring also never seems to be anybody in the city at least everything that is worth doing is free thanks to the Smithsonian I also found a decent Indian restuarant in Washington something I thought impossible in North America. I stay here until Friday when I go back to New York for the weekend (Brooklyn this time though) then flying to Chicago on Monday I cant be bothered to physically add photos i'll just link to the facebook albums that way if anybody really wants to look at them they can. They aren't amazing and I have a habit of forgetting my camera but anyway: Toronto Montreal New York Philly Washington D.C That should work but I havent checked it.
  2. When it was originally broadcast only 2 people complained and that was because woss swore rather than the subject matter itself.....
  3. Just joined to finish Juandes job tbh, he'll be back at Pompey by next season having relegated Spurs (like Southampton)
  4. Going to be in New York, will be drunk, will hopefully have American girls throwing themselves at me because I have an English accent. (tends to be the case so far)
  5. You have to put it through the x-ray scanner thing, but unless you're flying Ryanair or any other budget airline you can take a laptop in addition to a carry on bag and as long as you can turn the WI-Fi off you can use it on the plane.
  6. I take it 4OD doesn't work in America
  7. You aren't allowed to use mobile phones or anything that has Wi-Fi that cant be turned off. Otherwise anything else is fine.
  8. Liverpool wont win the title and I have proof:
  9. Nah Bolton wont get 5 even against Spurs defence
  10. That worked out pretty well for Rangers with Paul Le Guen iirc. Feel pretty sorry for Ramos actually, I mean he lost both his main strikers in the summer. The Keane money was spent on other positions rightfully, but Levy playing hardball with United other Berbatov meant there wasn't enough time to get a replacement, Obviously Ramos made some mistakes but I still think hes a very good manager and will do well at whichever club in Spain he will no doubt end up at.
  11. My God, we beat Carlisle 5-0 how the hell did that happen.
  12. It really does, I had to spend 3 hours there to get my one hour flight to New York, breezed through American immigration and then spent the next 2:45 with literally nothing to do. And the Wi-FI- is ridiculously expensive $5 for 15 minutes I think
  13. The French accent is lovely on girls, They also gave us Montreal which is full of amazingly attractive French Canadian women, who also have the great accent but not hairy armpits thus being pretty much the best place in the world.
  14. 21 grams is amazing, much better than Babel which was shit, Amores Perros still the best film Inarritu has directed
  15. there has only been one team (cant remember who) since 1992 to have less than 4 points at this stage of the season and not be relegated......
  16. Dubya (W.) : Oliver Stones best film in quite some time, how much of it is true I don't know or particularly care. It left me feeling quite sorry for Bush though. If he truly is the puppet the film makes him out to be, then wow. Josh Brolin was excellent, It jumps around quite a it which is distracting. Worth a watch if you get the chance. 6.5/10
  17. Yes, now bring back Montreal please.
  18. I watched the race last night, one advantage of being in Canada I thought was no James Allen commentating. Imagine my surprise as TSN (the Canadian sports channel) proceeded to just show the ITV broadcast. Great race, Alonso was fantastic, surely these last 2 races will convince him to stay at Renault for next season. It's still Hamiltons to lose however and I fully expect to all but sew it up next weekend. Would love there to be 1 or 2 points in it after next weekend, however.
  19. So we've made Paul Lambert our new manager, he didnt exactly do a great job at Wycombe. Really no idea what to make of it.
  20. Nick & Norah's Infinite Play list: I enjoyed it, film has a similar style to Juno but you know not shit. Michael Cerra is the man in general and he was pretty excellent in this. 8/10
  21. What the fuck, Montreal is one of the best tracks. I actually went there yesterday, standing on the start finish line was amazing. It's such a pretty place as well round one of the islands in the river. It's pretty cool you can just turn up and walk or bike round the track when its not in use. The new track will blatantly be shit, I hope Montreal comes back eventually but I'm not convinced it will.
  22. Amir Zaki is a king. If he doesn't go to somewhere better than Wigan next season I will be shocked. I also have just witnessed my first north American soccerball commentators, so so so bad.
  23. Haha so I completely forgot to actually add the pictures and er I don't have my camera with me at the moment On the plus side I've spent the last few days improving Anglo-German relations :awesome: Wooed her by busting out the the high school German. Seriously, I cant even remember what I said because I was a bit drunk but she was putty in my hands from that moment. Sadly she returns to the motherland on Monday but it's been fun. I will add pictures next time I promise.
  24. Watched Choke earlier was pretty meh really. Kelly MacDonald is hot though so it almost makes up for it. 5/10
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