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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Economics project called business organisation: i need to know what areas of business private limited companies cover, some facts and figures about them and some examples of sole trader, partnership, private limited and public limited companies
  2. If you had to mow on a 4 wheeled mower at 60mph and drift to make patterns then yes.
  3. Will you marry me? this pretty much sums up the game: players love it, reviewers hate it. I think best party game ever
  4. They should do the same for Metroid Prime 1 phendrana, phazon mines and the chozoey lava place that i forget the name of.
  5. good man. All of them are on this track I think. http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/music/music04.html love it hang on bolero isnt on there?
  6. Sorry dude but I only just realised that this could count Playstation Games: Crash Bash the funnest game since time, period. Not joking, the games are so fun and addictive. Must play! I was on 2 player co-op the other day and it is so intense after you finally complete a gem challenge lol!
  7. Lawn Mowing with wii controls ftw! erm... maybe not
  8. Yes, Song of Storms is good, but Saria's Song owns it. Sorry but when you enter the Lost Woods in OOT... Unbeatable.
  9. I know you effing hop when powersliding but what makes that important? In double dash there's no hop and you still drift. OK maybe there's like 1 shortcut where you can jump over a little gap in the floorboards in Boardwalk but that is it.
  10. Oh right i remember Gengar now, yeah. He looks like he should evolve into haunter and not the other way round. Muc is better though.
  11. glad you agree! who is gengar anyway
  12. steam cooked. smoke btw id only take that stuff away if i was already in my room/nearby if i was downstairs id probs leave them
  13. wii, wallet, maybe laptop. phone. it would be worth saving the easy things because i dont think a couple of seconds could change a whole lot. my fish would have to die though cant exactly lug out a 60 kilo tank
  14. shame about having to collect coconuts though.
  15. If I was ever to play as a pokemon character regularly in brawl it would have to be Muc or Ghastly/Haunter Thing is Muc would be shit. He is my fav though.
  16. Have fun with the Right Hand man. That was the scariest part cause he wouldnt effin go down! Ran away in the end, probs what most people do. Thing is, the cutscenes before it where you get first person view of him made me crap myself. Then when its coming at you and you have a meter of space... Infinite launcher ftw.
  17. Playing TP again made me realise how epic and expansive the game is. I also have a lot more respect for it 2nd time round. Massively better than what I thought it would be, which is strange. New Zelda, new game. Get rid of dungeons and Gannondorf. Make zelda a teenage prostitute. Give Link a golf club for the whole game. Perfect. Seriously though, id like the items that you aquire from the earlier dungeons to be used throughout the whole game, not just in one specific area. Maybe add a few combo moves similar to that of No More Heroes.
  18. Fun thread. For Gamecube: I think I'd have to go for Worms 3D [/b. 1 player campaign was surprisingly fun and challenging, with great multiplayer too For Wii: Geometry Wars: OK 25 quid may seem on the steep side for an arcade game, but I played it at a friends house and it is awesome. (did i break any rules?)
  19. I forgot what L-cancelling was. Is it when you save time when you hit the floor or something?
  20. well you never really had to use that in DS. I'll show you the better cause for the hop 2:25
  21. one of my new guppies died today. probably because stress levels from moving around too much can kill fish at least it wasnt the expensive one
  22. I think Power-ups will probs be attained from stunts and stuff. Also,Id love it if they do what they did in ctr when you pressed r to do a little hop, so just as you get to the top of a ramp, press hop button and it sends you higher into air than usual. Shortcuts anyone? Im thinking of that polar level where you jump over the brick wall. Mario kart games never had the best circuits. Diddy Kong seemed to get the perfect balance and the shortcuts were always awesome. also take the landing boost from ctr, kart only had it when you were placed back on the stage from after falling off another cool addition would to add the slam from mkdd wen in co-op that would make the game complete
  23. yeah i guess with melee - i still play it but mostly with same setup. hopefullybrawl will add a load of new options
  24. Nice fish!
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