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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Daz, I'm only responding to people who have told me I must get it, otherwise there's not much point in me being here. As for the online comment, what I meant was limited it as being Mario Kart. OK you might be able to have lots of options online, and it may be lag-free and the best online Wii game, but it is MK. If smash had better online that would be the more preferred game if you understand. As a new MK it is great, but MK is not what I want to play anymore. Anyway enough from me in this thread, you guys have fun.
  2. I'll get it later when it's in the bargain bin. Although a lot of Wii games are taking their time getting there. TP on GAME for full-price still. Cheeky.
  3. Yeah but the online is limited with it being MK. I don't think this game is worth getting after all the other versions. Of course it will be fun but I know exactly what to expect, and I also know what I'll get out of it. There are better things to buy for me and I can always play this round a mates house when they get it.
  4. Use him now! And at 24 quid, its tempting. But I still don't think this is worth getting.
  5. As Sakurai said, it's hard to make something original nowadays... Daz, I'm sorry but you need to stop jumping into every Nintendo game as if it's a revelation, it isn't going to happen in 'Sluggers' because it will sell anyhow. Unless you haven't played the GC one then maybe. I never played GC golf or baseball and I don't really want to buy this one either.
  6. I would have liked something from the Naughty Dog team but who am I kidding?
  7. I think Van Der Sar has got gradually worse, I don't think he's the goally he was. Ben Foster has been superd for the couple of United performances he has put in as well as having done brilliantly on loan to Watford. Thomas isn't bad either.
  8. I think Anderson plays up for the big clashes, the 3-0 romp of Arsenal was largely due to his heckling. Dare I say Fletcher did well in that Arsenal game too. There's so many options that Fergy could field any team pretty much.
  9. Yeah but that isnt a sure-fire thing that'll make it work. If it doesn't, would a new Freeloader do the job?
  10. How can you say anything about the sales when it hasn't even been properly unveiled yet? jk, I know what you mean. I hope Monolith has a lot of experience/good ideas at this realism genre because its not like Nintendo do.
  11. That was exactly what I was thinking.
  12. Looks like you have to carry out some first aid ala Trauma Centre.
  13. Can't really comment on the graphics at the moment, but If I could say anything they don't looks great from those scans. I want it to be good.
  14. Jees, It would be good if I could play you but.....
  15. Oops sorry!
  16. Woodgate was a good buy though. I think Aaron Lennon still can improve, his pace is phenominal, almost on par with Walcott. I see Spurs doing quite a lot better next season.
  17. Yeah, that seems a strange choice. His kart is stupid as well, I mean the Birdo kart is OK, but Onix ??? Sorry but MK has lost the plot.
  18. I'm probably not going to get it now, I just don't think it appeals to me as much anymore. Just thinking what I can spend my cash on... Not neccessarily games.
  19. Im feeling confident about the game actually, MU have really shown some class recently (other than the Boro). Will definetly be the turning point if we win or lose.
  20. Better than against Boro, but still not up to standard. Pray we stop.
  21. I always knew Hargreaves was mint yet everyone else thought 'he's ok/mr.average'. Giggs didnt have a good game bar a couple of passes, he conceded possession a fair bit and the corners were inconsistent. And that penalty decision renders that referee useless! Worse than the Babel penalty. The game could've been much different had de rossi scored.
  22. If I can't find my old DVD lens cleaner, where should I get it from. I'd have thought it would have only been a couple of quid. Any from these? http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=dvd+lens+cleaner
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