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Everything posted by Demuwan

  1. Never drink, hate alcohol taste like crap! *patiently awaits flameage*
  2. SO DAMM FUNNY :laughing: :laughing: cus its so true. Dont ever cross it again:nono:
  3. It did he was never happy as an adult and eventually died of a cerebral haemorrage. Not surprised. This guy is so fascinating so I have to post all this: He was pushed too hard as a child and suffered being known as a failure. What a sad story. BTW I love this thread!!!
  4. William James Sidis is regarded as the smartest guy that ever lived. With an IQ of between 250 and 300!!!! Went to Harvard as an 11 year old!
  5. If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
  6. Yo momma so fat everytime she turn around its her birthday
  7. Let the flaming commence!
  8. The last of the updates Some good Info ENJOY (My contribution of the week) :awesome:
  9. Any new info!!!
  10. Yeh, sorry about that!
  11. KEEP UP TO DATE http://www.codenamerevolution.com/ I thought I should share this with you guys. PS: Follow the Updates
  12. We were never going to get him. Hes 34!! You know Wenger's policy on the 'old'. Ah well We need someone maybe davies and we also need Buffon.
  13. So do I, at least we can agree on that!
  14. Well if like you say Violence was your last resort and you did everything else in the world that is possible, before using Violence. Then you did what you felt was right. I can't fault you for doing that and I respect that, unlike the Bard who thinks Violence is always the answer. And to answer the Bard I could give you some BS answer but to be honest I can't answer that question without being in the position first hand.
  15. Couldn't be bothered to explain such simple concepts when Wikipedia can do it for me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exonym
  16. You don't have too you got you're bike back. But was it necessary to beat them up after, because it didn't teach them anything!
  17. thanks :awesome: I guess I was so excited, I forgot to read the post!
  18. Because 'chavs' don't think that doesn't mean you shouldn't. Think about if you were arrested for beating up the chavs or if a chav bumped his head on a lampost and was in a fatal condition. What would you have proven then? Bad things happen to people like us but to respond to it in that way is wrong from whatever angle you look at it. Im not here to criticise you Caris Im just here to provoke thinking that If something like this happened again. 1) dont be so damm naive 2) Violence is Never the answer (It will only get you in trouble)
  19. I'll ask you, Do you really think it was correct to 'give them a good hiding' when you could have just taken your bike back and maybe given them something to think about by sparing them?
  20. Saying you'll do something and doing them are entirely different. If you REALLY think about the situation you'll see that it was definitely wrong to do what you did. I don't want to come across as some 'preacher' guy but that response to adversity is exactly what our society doesn't need.
  21. If anyone thinks giving the chavs a 'hiding' is going to stop them stealing again they are very naive. They will just pick on someone who is less likely to give them a hiding (old lady). So what have you proved that instead of using your intellect to beat the chavs you chose to beat them up. Im not condoning what they did but Im not going to praise you Caris like your some kind of Superhero for what you have done. Next time call the police. Or take it into your own hands but giving them a taste of their own medicine is exactly the wrong way to go about things.
  22. because its nostalgic, comedic, genious. One of them, try every single episode:heh:
  23. Tilt the Nunchuk maybe. There are many solutions and is quite an easy problem to solve. However Im sure many will get it oh so wrong!
  24. So would you recommend the Southwest sauce on Cheese steak? I really need the perfect sauce for cheese steak!
  25. Cheese steak with extra cheese is damm nice but I haven't found the perfect sauce yet. I really need to find that elusive sauce!!!
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