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Everything posted by Demuwan

  1. Its just gonna make Christmas even better:santa:
  2. Reading the Neogaf thread makes the wait almost unbearable.
  3. Happy Birthday Zell Sorry I was late:heh: Internet problems
  4. I think its damn comfy myself. Even moreso than the actual wiimote.
  5. Wise words. Wise Words.
  6. What exam board are you doing.
  7. 1) Are you getting Galaxy 2) Are you on a gap year "I truly can't be fucked doing anything anymore." 3) Know exactly what you mean!
  8. Since I have to wait for X-mas to play this *broke:( MP3 was my last purchase* Do you reckon I should get my parents to buy it soon because of shortages etc.
  9. Well router number 7 has arrived:heh:
  10. Im using the USB adapter that came with the router which is said to function at 108Mbps and Im not too far away because when it does work the signal is fairly strong. The problem is the shoddy hardware, that repeatedly breaks down.
  11. How the hell could it be sold out till next year. Nintendo UK haven't done neary enough for that to happen. I've got people still asking me whether its worth getting Still haven't seen any adverts. If nintendo want to sell units they should really push this game.
  12. Thats the main reason im not getting it. How can you have an FPS with no Split-screen!. Its ridiculous.
  13. I've had countless problems with my Netgear DG834GT Awful piece of hardware, disconnects very regularly, stops sending Wireless signals, Internet connections is never the 108 Mbps its says, more like a 10th of that. Sent it back Seven times now and am just sick of the whole thing. I thought wirelless was the way forward, but should I just get wired ports installed? and can anyone recommend a decent router:(
  14. TBH I still need to get Day of Reckoning 2. I will do one day. One day...
  15. No worries, mate. : peace: ps. You don't need to apologise, you have done nothing wrong.
  16. Cus of A levels and work and stuff haven't been able to sink my teeth in yet. But played this morning and last night. Enjoying it, but still haven't come across and WOW moments. Like entering Phrendrana for the first time or fighting Thardus. Bryyo's ok but theres something about it that feels a bit un wowish:indeed: . Could be the fact the world is a bit disjointed. BTW how many planets are there? and is there a particular time where the game really picks up. (About 16% in)
  17. Gonna have to wait till Christmas to play this. Metroid Prime 3 should make the wait a bit easier.
  18. Got it today and am throughly enjoying it. Controls are a bit sensitive though. But all in all good stuff.
  19. I see some 360 pads there
  20. Mine is "DESPATCHED" now. Should be playing tommorow *phew*.
  21. I swear if I don't get my copy tommorow heads will roll.
  22. Heard it looks awesome on a HDTV. Thats what I'll be using anyways when the bloody thing arrives. How I envy you guys!
  23. My order says "IN PROGRESS" WTF does that even mean! To think I could be enjoying 42"'s of Metroid goodness right now
  24. HAHA that was funny!
  25. OH FFS I still don't have MP3 yet. Anyone else ordered from Virgin! Im really pissed off now.
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