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Everything posted by Demuwan

  1. Spellbinding boxart!
  2. Ridiculous, absolutely ludicrous. No wonder I don't ever go there any more, that site is a joke!
  3. Burn um good mate, burn um good:angry:
  4. I wish it was that exciting for us gamers Ubisoft. You Arseholes:grin:
  5. Would be a nice surprise.
  6. You speak a lot of sense, my friend. By the way many spoilers?
  7. I wasn't sure how big this problem was. Makes me more hesitant about going Wii60
  8. Who has watched the gametrailers review, because I really don't want any spoilers.
  9. Two different reviewers, looking at the numerical reading alone gives an unfair representation because of this. Matt and Bozon have started to rate in 0.5 increments so AAA games usually get 8.5 or 9.0 or 9.5, whereas other reviewers tend to give 0.1's and 0.2's.
  10. It has an equal score, yet they say its the best game on Wii. Come on, why do you care about an insignificant 0.5.
  11. Neither do I. This really pisses me off sometimes that people take more prevalence in a 'score' than a written apprasial, they've praised the game much higher than any numerical assessment could ever do justice. Would you rather they say its NOT better than Metroid Prime and it get a 9.8?
  12. Thanks for that fantastic review, expertly written and very insightful.
  13. Come on guys lets not squablle over a few 0.1's I've know this forum to act better than that. (excluding Solitantze) IGN gave it a fantastic review said its the best game on Wii, it surpasses the Metroid Prime 1 which in itself speaks volumes, best FPS controls on any console period. What more do you want? They gave sound a ten, that in itself speaks volumes. and they did mention sound. When I read that my face lit up in excitement Phendrana Drifts has one of the best musical scores ever composed and is just beautiful to look at. I just love snow in Video games:heh: PLUS :P
  14. Who gives a shit what they think !?
  15. They ate thier words really quickly :p
  16. Yeh, I agree you guys took it too far.
  17. This is ridiculous now. They have lost all credibilty from me, they can go stuff thier ports.
  18. I would love a sensor bar with a stronger signal. The signal on mine barely reaches my sofa and even then its not smooth enough.
  19. Is that a good interesting a meh interesting or a M3GATON interesting, as there is no way Im going to read those spoilers. NO WAY.
  20. New Update http://www.mmv.co.jp/special/game/wii/nomoreheroes/screenshots/index.htm Still looks really empty. Where are all the people?
  21. http://wiiz.fr/article.php?a=13189 More Vids and Screens.
  22. More screens here http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/media.cfm?artid=14060&MedTID=1
  23. Best Videos yet I say. Looking to be a BIG hit in the US American AD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMc2gvW3aGM
  24. I think its safe to say Nintendo aren't going to completely spoil one of the most anticicapted games of 2007 (08 for us Unlucky ones)
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