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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Your tiny snow men are no match for Jeff, the mega snowman. Bow down before his greatness!! I am 6,4" (On the right) to give you an indication of how big it is.
  2. Snoooooooooooow Here's me and Moogleface... the snowman was at least 8 foot and we had people telling us how great it was.
  3. Schools closed again wooooop! Today i am going sledging.
  4. Just got back from a 4 1/2 walk and my legs are starting to go all stiff and achey (I'm unfit), t'was good though.
  5. You all wait untill tomorrow, my snowman will be utterly pr0.
  6. This morning: 2 mins ago:
  7. Snowed here a fair bit, school's probably open but i don't care i'm having the day off. I'm gonna go for a walk!
  8. Wooooooooooooooo snow. Just got back from Lincoln and the journey was quite exciting, couldn't see the road a fair few times. Apparently it's going to snow all night and tomorrow too, which hopefully means no school *Crosses fingers* Other than that i have been playing WoW all day and got to level 73.
  9. Started a new toon bout an hour ago, level 7 at the mo under the name 'Stridas'... i think that's what i'm called anyway.
  10. Today I have been shopping in Mansfield and I purchased nothing I was meant to be on the look out for clothes, but there's nothing good around. Also I've just sorted out my Hard Drives in my Laptop, I have 20Gb left overall (10Gb on each drive) after deleting a fair amount of stuff I don't need. WoW has taken up 17Gb on its own, which I'm going to re-subscribe to fairly soon now the exams are done (Hurray!) Got an 18th Birthday party tonight as well and I really can't be arsed to go.
  11. We did consider putting big rocks out there, problem is it's Shirebrook, come Friday night they will be through someones front window. It would seem that chavs are easily attracted to things out of the ordinary and get the urge to throw them at glass.
  12. Ahhh okay, it'll probably be Friday i'll install it. I really can't be bothered to install it from disc, so i'll just nab it from my brothers comp when he's home from Uni.
  13. Nah i'm supposed to have lessons, they just keep getting canceled. It would be alot better if they actually told you there will be no lesson than driving there to find out there's no point. Hmm i'm in a moaning mood today.
  14. Rogue or Hunter probably (easiest to catch you up) unless you'd like me to be a specific class? Are you alli or horde?
  15. Went to sixth form and yet again no lessons, i don't even know why i bother going in. So I came home, and all the grass verges outside my house are ripped up even more than usual, it's like a ploughed field now and looks a right state. There's a school entrance a little way down the road and all the people who are lazy enough to not park in the car park, park right outside the house, ripping up the grass... the plebs. Other than that an okay sort of day, had my haircut too
  16. What server are you all on? I'm thinking of starting it up again, either this week or next.
  17. I started properly (forums, youtube, games) on the internet about 5/6 years ago i would say. Actually the peak of this would have been around the time when i started WoW. Before then it was just PS2 and the Gamecube for all my gaming needs. My mains sites i would say are here, BBC iplayer, youtube, HotUkDeals and a website called "piggymoo" which has every episode of Stargate on
  18. You're fine according to the UCAS site, the dates are between 1 September 2008 – 24 March 2009 for route B. Anything after that is considered a late application and Universities and colleges will consider them if they want to make more offers.
  19. [Mega Bump!] To all you 2009 people (like myself), UCAS forms have been sent and offers recieved. So where are you all thinking of going? Top choices? etc. I have recieved 4 offers out of the 5 i have applied for (so far). Computer Science: Nottingham - 320 (I was expecting a higher offer tbh, no complaints from me though) East Anglia (UEA) - 300 Plymouth - 240 Lincoln - 260 Cardiff - Pending - (Informal Interview) I havn't really got a top choice as of yet, although i do have favourites. Cardiff doesn't appeal to me really, or Nottingham for that matter. The Notts campus was nice, but i've seen enough of the city to know it's not a place for me. But like i said, i don't really know. : peace:
  20. Battlestar Galactica - Mini Series Based on all the BSG loving on the forum i decided to see what all the fuss was about. I watched it this morning, and I have to say it has made me want to buy the first series. Overall a pretty good story, very good CGI, and for a 3 hour film/episodes it wasn't particually boring either. 9/10
  21. I'll help you out if you need any more peeps.
  22. It is because i do not lower myself to your immature level. ----- My day involved the same as Moogle + ICT lesson, which was yawnful.
  23. My top 3 are: Crap - Used as a substitute to rubbish, so used quite abit actually, though it's not too bad a swear word. Bloody / bugger - Surly bloody isn't swearing? It's like the classical english saying. "You daft Bastard" - I think it sounds quite comical with daft infront. This is mainly used when someone does something obviously stupid.
  24. I get urges to learn a song on guitar/write a song. I usually stick at it for about 15 minutes, get bored and play to something i know... usually Iron Maiden. I also get the urge to drive into the back of someone (in my car), and give them a little playful shove, sort of TopGear style. I would never do it, but when opportunities present themselves i can't help but think about it.
  25. What if it's you from a parallel reality!? ----- My day: revised biology, wasn't very interesting, actually to me it was, to you not so much.
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