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Everything posted by knightendo_phil

  1. Saw it myself, was fantastic! Awful job they did of explaining Ralf Little leaving, but apart from that it was great. The parts in the bar where they're all trying to impress with different tricks was my favourite, you could see them all cracking up inside! :D
  2. Finding Heinz BBQ Baked Beans for the first time since childhood. A new Knight Rider pilot film coming soon that looks promising. The Zack and Wiki advert that's just been on TV the very second I opened this thread. All most, most excellent.
  3. A great double whammy of movies on TV last night: Jaws Up until last year this was my favourite movie of all time, ever since I saw it when I was just a nipper at 13. Not much else can be said about this film that hasn't been said before, but it really is a classic masterpiece. The suspence and pacing are absolutely perfect, the characterisations spot-on and for what is essentially a monster movie it is incredibly rounded and three-dimensional. Quint's speech about the USS Indianapolis still gives me the shivers. 10/10 Stargate I remember the magazines all having a go at this as a Star Wars rip off when it first came out. I still fail to see how. The first time I ever saw it was when Sky were about to repeat the first year of the tv show again and I thought I'd better see what all the fuss was about, so in preparation I rented out this and the pilot movie of the tv series. I loved this! Although I have to say that it's a bit disappointing to never see the fantastic director's cut on tv. Nevertheless, great entertainment from start to finish, the actors are all great (Spade is hilarious as Daniel, and Russell compelling as O'Neil) but it was the story that truly gripped me. As a result of this film being so (surprisingly) well researched I've become fascinated with ancient egyptian culture too! 9/10
  4. I bought my first few fish for my new tank that my girl bought me for Christmas :D This is Lochsley, a honey dwarf gourami (I'll try to get a better shot later, he looks too much like a goldfish here): This is one of three really really really tiny black neons: And this is one of two (the other is hiding somewhere) scissor-tails: Love them already!! It's so cool having fish, such joy for a whole lot less effort than other pets : peace:
  5. Hope she's ok mate, you're right 31 is no age for that kind of thing to be happening. Best of luck to her and to you all.
  6. That would be cool Very "Joey and Chandler" Indeed the show highlighted a charity that takes battery hens that are about to get killed and they rehouse them as family pets.
  7. yes it does, but 95% of all chickens bred for food in britain are treated like shite and filled full of drugs to make them grow faster and kept in barns where they're cramped in, no room to move, and are walking on their own piss and shit. ever wondered why tesco's etc cut the feet off the chickens? burn marks on their soles from all the shit!! trust me, even on the taste front, go free range!! you think chicken tastes awesome now, free range is even awsome-er.
  8. i really didn't understand why the male chicks weren't let to grow up so that they could live a full life and then be slaughtered to be eaten! i've only eaten free range for the last few years and refuse to eat anything else, and he was right they only cost a coupla quid more. i'm in a crap job and money is extremely tight but i can afford them.
  9. About five years ago my sister was being forced to move home, and the only place she could get was an upstairs apartment, with no garden. She felt it was unfair to lock up her labrador dog Shea, who was about two years old at the time. So she got in touch with the USPCA (basically, the Northern Ireland arm of the RSPCA) and they came out to look at him. Shea was all over the guy, extremely friendly and was checked over and found to be 100% healthy. He was a great dog!! I say "was", because not even ONE WEEK after he had been taken away to be found a new home, Carol (that's my sister) telephoned to ask if they had found anywhere as she had always intended to visit Shea in his new home... She was told that he had been put down! The reason? They couldn't give one, the lady on the phone didn't know. So Carol and I paid a visit to their office in Carrick to ask wtf?! We were told he was unhealthy by one guy - bullshit! He denied they had tested him at Carol's house, even though we had been there(!) and basically called us liars when we argued the case! We could never get in touch with the guy who did test Shea as after a few more argumentative phone calls (because they simply would not listen and refused to put us through to the vet who had come out) we were asked to not call back or else they'd call the cops! We were all for going to the press but couldn't as my niece was only 9 at the time and if she found out Shea was dead it would've destroyed her.
  10. I just don't get football, English football I mean. It's just so... meh. And yes the way people get on when watching it is kinda laughable. Don't let it anger you Eevilmurray, just take comfort in the knowledge that you have a much fuller life than they obviously do if watching football is the most important/most dramatic thing in their lives. (This is not aimed against all footie fans obviously, just those that go WWAAYY over the top.)
  11. i'm feeling pretty bleeehhh too, stuck(-ish) in a crap job waiting for something better to pop up, and i find myself on far too many days wasting my free time and cursing myself afterwards. like all the great wii games, books, dvds etc i got at christmas, i often find myself with hours to spare on my days off and in no time at all i find that i've wasted it lounging about doing nothing with any of those things and before i know it i'm back at work and can't anymore! :S
  12. i dunno, in my day we had to survive on pocket money lol. feel old now my girlfriend is a good bit younger than me and was able to get EMA, which she used for petrol for her car which got her to and from school (her 'A'-levels by the way, so she got it till she was 18, but mabe that's just Northern Ireland) and to and from the part-time job she had too. Thing is, her parents were both on good wages, but because they were split up she still got it. They even admitted that they were surprised she got it, technically they shouldn't have but being split up adds a lot of "points" to the application, which I feel is incredibly unfair on those families that are still together! god, i remember being at primary school and getting 50p pocket money and that could buy my He-Man comic AND sweets!! NOW i feel old lol!!
  13. That's the great thing about Michael Crichton, subjects that would normally turn me away become incredibly intriguing in his hands. For heaven's sake Jurassic Park was all about cloning and went into great depth about it and chaos theory. In theory (ahem) the book should have been shit - but it was shit hot! My girlfriend got me his book "Next" for Christmas so hopefully get to start it soon. These Northern Lights books are definitely on my wish list, especially after reading on the Wii News Channel about all the hoopla from the church. They sound very interesting, and I'll be holding off on watching the movie until after I've read them. Favourite books of all time (so far) are HG Wells' The War Of The Worlds (still to be made into a movie properly imo) and Peter "Jaws" Benchley's White Shark, which was made into an alright tv movie called Creature. Jaws just happens to be my 2nd fave film of all time, but I thought the novel it was based on was quite trashy! Benchley's other works though are superb, especially since I'm interested in the ocean myself. Recent reads have included David Hasselhoff's Autobiography Making Waves (a light-hearted account of the man's life that is a very enjoyable read, written as if he's right beside you and chatting like he's your best mate), and am currently halfway through "Transformers Premiere Edition". Yes, it's a comic book compilation of two years worth of the new IDW series, but at over 500 pages it's certainly intense and bloody good! Got a good few books for Christmas, Next is... um... next, and Gordon Ramsey's second autobiography too.
  14. About old people, Lee Evans says: "Teenagers and old people are very similar! They are both on loads of drugs! They both have bum fluff hair on their chins... and you wouldn't trust either of them with your car!" And about the American spelling annoyances (I'm with ya on that one!!) Eddie Izzard had this to say, to an American audience: (Please note words are spelt phonetically) You say "Al-u-min-um", we say "Al-lu-min-i-um". You say "To-mate-o", we say "Toe-mat-oe". You say " 'erbs", we say "Herbs"... because there's a fucking 'H' in it! I used to get angry quite easily but have found in recent years that that's just lowering myself to the level of those that are trying to get to me, and I won't give them the satisfaction. eg. On the n-revolution forum there was a girl who had thousands more posts than anyone and all she ever did (on a Wii forum) was bitch about Wii and hype 360, calling everyone all the names under the sun if they disagreed with her opinions. I retaliated for a while, then just ignored her and found myself enjoying the forum again. ... however, there are still things that can still piss me off, even if it does take a long time to get me going: Pregnant women who smoke. Hoodies (no disrepect to anyone who wears them - I myself have a fetching Nintendo one - it's just the phrase used for 10-15 year old thugs in Belfast) who think they can steal, swear at you, shout abuse at elderly etc and you can't touch them for it or else THEY'll take YOU to court! These are also the usual little shits that play their mp3's on their phone full blast on public transport without earplugs. Northern Ireland's railway "service". And finally, one of my housemates who sings country and western music late at night even though she will have asked you the night before at 8pm(!!) to turn your telly down!
  15. oooook, am i the only one who picked up on that?! Come Dine With Me It should be silly reality-afternoon-filler crap, but it isn't(!), it's really rather enjoyable and when the omnibus is on and I haven't seen them I end up bloody watching the whole lot and wasting an entire afternoon!! So it must be good! 8/10 (By the way, when they string a whole load of episodes back-to-back, why is it called an "Omnibus" anyway? Never understood that!) As for Buffy, it was very amateurish at the start, but I think some of that added to its charm - like the very B-movie style music used in the first season. I really enjoyed Buffy for its first five years, and its use of fantastical elements in its story to highlight things we've all gone through was ingenious. However, after year five it went down the pooper. After she was brought back (in that awful Dracula episode - he deserves more!!) it went all far too serious, and Buffy herself became such a depressive moaner than it actually started to depress me and got too annoying to watch as a whole. I know she was meant to be dealing with a lot etc etc but for me the show had lost its charm, was taking itself far too serious and this new portrayal of Buffy just wasn't entertaining to watch. Angel was bloody awesome for its first couple of years, I preferred the standalone story approach and the small cast. This was always their intention apparently, but they ended up adding too many people and making big arcs just like Buffy and so it lost its identity and I stopped watching somewhere in season thre.
  16. I find I prefer MP1 in this respect, as it is very hard to guess what's coming next, very unpredictable and this adds a lot to the exploration side of things. MP2 was very much explore-fight-explore-fight.
  17. I always loved the backtracking in the first MP game. That game just completely took over my life. I loved the isolation, the way the story unfolded the more you scanned... it was SO original! MP3 does have backtracking but whereas with the first Prime game it was compulsory to get what you needed to complete the game, with Corruption it is much more optional. If you just want to complete the game you won't really need to backtrack much, but for people like me who like to complete and collect everything the game has to offer before completing it, there's plenty to sink your teeth into (the observatory and what it leads to for example). I find it awkward to control that kind of perspective in games now with older control pads, I guess MP3's superb controls have just spoilt me for life! Best game out! But you MUST play the original.
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