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About James_banned

  • Birthday 10/26/1988

Personal Information

  • Location
    A small room
  • Interests
    Nintendo blates
  • Occupation
    Student Scum bag


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
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  • Favourite Game?
    Soggy biscuit....
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    The third from left space invader on the top row
  • Gender

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  1. Judging by the post by DanielTimothy and the thread he started I'm guessing yes.
  2. Mods can't you foolish fool.
  3. I have a question? When are you going to ban me? because this suspense of not knowing when is killing me. Also I don't share the optimism that the admins will decide not to ban me. So can also just say to Jordan that I have never been informed about any warnings despite your claim I've had more warnings than the rest of the forum.
  4. I love you. Lets make horrible deformed babies togetherand feed them the souls of the silly Japanese who refuse to buy this game and GTA lovers.
  5. I tend to download (for free) themn buy the CD/Vinyl. It's the best way IMO as not only do I get the music as soon as I want but the artsist/label tends to get their money eventually.
  6. Hello Scarf Face you sound like a good new member and it also sounds like your having a good time. Wish my life was going so well.
  7. Working fine for me. Although my stats aren't updating.
  8. Sorry was it already known the Titanic was going to be in space?
  9. Yay I will finally be able to get my hands on this.
  10. I can't stand curry. Not the look or the smell or taste.
  11. I like them. Flux is a brilliant track although I'd rather not see them focus entirely oon creating music of that style.
  12. the following people need killing, for stating this game: a) looks crap b)is a rip off of GTA The people are: Davey_T Warandchaos.
  13. "Arse Biscuits" This is looking like a great episode.
  14. Galaxy no contest.
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