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About vinnieg24

  • Birthday 06/01/1983


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. thanks so much
  2. prob getting guitar hero later..just for fun
  3. i like that one the best
  4. write what you know, and be descriptive. don't try to come up with some cheesy poetry...just write it from your heart:heart: ...but don't try to be creative..it wont work..it will just come
  5. A.F.I. - GOD CALLED IN SICK TODAY Let's admire the pattern forming. Murderous filigree. I'm caught in the twisting of the vine. Go ascend with ivy,climbing. Ignore and leave for me the headstone crumbling behind. I can't help my laughter as she cries. My soul brings tears to angelic eyes. Let's amend the classic story, close it so beautifully, I'll let animosity unwind. Steal away the darkened pages, hidden so shamefully. I'll still feel the violence of the lines. I can't stand my laughter as they cry. My soul brings tears to angelic eyes. And miles away my mother cries. Omnipotence, nurturing malevolence.
  6. i just joined the forum...this thread confused me haha
  7. when is the us release date for this?
  8. definatly mario bros. i played it a couple mins ago
  9. does anyone know where i can view the episode?
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